Tremulant (EP)

Tremulant (EP)

Infobox Album | Name = Tremulant
Type = EP
Artist = The Mars Volta

Released = April 2, 2002
Recorded = October - December, 2001
Genre = Progressive rock
Length = 19:28
Label = Gold Standard Labs
Producer = Alex Newport
Reviews =
*Allmusic Rating|4|5 [ link]
*Drowned In Sound (9/10) []
*Pitchfork (7.0/10) [ 25 Jun 02] | Last album =
This album = "Tremulant"
Next album = "De-Loused in the Comatorium"

"Tremulant" (written on the cover as "Tremulant EP") is the first EP release by the progressive rock band The Mars Volta. Songs are less guitar-based and more explicitly percussion-oriented than later Volta releases, with the first and last two minutes of the EP containing virtually no melodic elements whatsoever.

"Concertina", often regarded as the centerpiece of the EP, is a brutal condemnation of Ben Rodriguez, a former bandmate of Cedric and Omar's from At the Drive-In whom Cedric and Omar regarded as a sociopath. According to interviews conducted with the band, they held Rodriguez responsible for tormenting Julio Venegas to the point where he committed suicide. The band later re-recorded it along with "Eunuch Provocateur". (The re-recording has yet to surface on official releases, but can be obtained legally in [ the Comatorium] 's trading forum [ here] and [ here] ).

The backwards vocals at the end of "Eunuch Provocateur" are the lyrics from the song "Itsy Bitsy Spider". Other backwards vocals in the same song can be heard saying "did mommy or daddy ever have to spank you?". These samples come from an old vinyl the band used that contained children's songs. Other notable lyrics in "Eunuch Provocateur" include the lines, "Dethroned by the comatorium... de-loused in the comatorium", which foreshadow the Mars Volta's first full-length album.

Track listing

# "Cut That City" – 5:44
# "Concertina" – 4:54
# "Eunuch Provocateur" – 8:48


*Recorded in Long Beach, California from October to December 2001.
*Produced by Alex Newport and The Mars Volta.
*Album production design and layout by Sonny Kay and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez.


*Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Guitar
*Cedric Bixler-Zavala - Vocals
*Isaiah Ikey Owens - Keyboards
*Jeremy Michael Ward - Sound Manipulation
*Jon Theodore - Drums
*Eva Gardner - Bass

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