- 229 (number)
229 is the natural number between 228 and 230. It is also a
prime number .Telephone
Area code 229 is assigned to the area around the city of Albany in southwestern Georgia.In mathematics
229 is a
regular prime , a long prime, atwin prime (with 227), acousin prime , and asexy prime . 229 is also aprime triplet (with 227 and 233).In base 10, the smallest prime that added up to the reversal of its digits yields another prime is 229, since 229 + 922 = 1151 OEIS|id=A061783.
There exist 229 different
projective configuration s of type (123123), in which twelve points and twelve lines meet with three lines through each of the points and three points on each of the lines.Trivia
cricket , 229 is the lowest individual batting score not achieved by any player in test match cricket.
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