- List of Jewish Biblical figures
Jewish figures from theHebrew Bible *
Aaron , brother of Moses and Miriam, and the first High Priest
*Abigail , a prophetess who became a wife of King David
*Abraham ,Isaac andJacob , Judaism's "Three Patriarchs"
*Amram andJochebed , both Levites, parents of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam
*Avishai , one of King David's generals and relative
*Avner , cousin of King Saul and commander of his army, assassinated by Yoav
*Avshalom , rebellious son of King David
*Bathsheba , queen, wife of King David, and mother of King Solomon
*Boaz , husband of Ruth and ancestor of King David
* Ezra, Nehemiah,Zerubbabel , prophets and leaders of the Exile (along with Daniel) and Return to Zion
*Elijah andElisha , important prophets who rebuked the kings of Israel
*Elkanah and Hannah, parents of the judge and prophet Samuel
* Esther and Mordechai, Persian queen, and her uncle, saviors of the Jews on Purim
*Gedaliah , last governor of Judea appointed by Babylonians, (assassinated)
*Gershom andEliezer , Moses and Zipporah's sons
* Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (fellow exiles with and friends of Daniel) were thrown into a furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, yet survived "without the smell of smoke"
*Hosea , Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,Zephaniah ,Haggai , Zechariah, Malachi, the "Twelve Minor Prophets"
*Isaiah , Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel the "Major Prophets"
*Jeroboam ,Nadab , Baasha,Elah ,Zimri ,Omri ,Ahab , Ahaziah, Jehoram,Jehu , Jehoahaz, Jehoash,Jeroboam II , Zachariah, Shallum,Menahem ,Pekahiah ,Pekah ,Hoshea , the kings of the northernKingdom of Israel
*Jethro , a priest of Midian, Zipporah's father, and father-in-law of Moses, became a convert after Mt. Sinai
*Jonah , prophet during Kingdom of Israel
* Jonathan, son of King Saul and slain with him in battle, trusted friend of David
*Joshua ,Othniel ,Ehud ,Shamgar ,Deborah ,Barak ,Gideon , Abimelech, Tola,Jair ,Jephthah ,Ibzan ,Elon , Abdon,Samson , and Eli, Samuel, the Judges who ruled after Moses and before the kings
* Saul, David, and Solomon, the kings who ruled the united kingdom of the twelve Tribes
* Leah, wife of Jacob
*Melchizedek King of Salem at the time of Abraham
*Miriam , prophetess, sister of Moses and Aaron
*Moses , adopted byPharaoh 's daughter in Egypt, leader of the Exodus from Egypt received the Torah, Mosaic Law
* Nathan, prophet in time of King David
*Onan , the second son of Judah
*Neriah a prophet, and his sonBaruch the scribe of Jeremiah
* Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Dan, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin, the "Twelve Tribes" the "Children of Israel", sons ofJacob called Israel. (Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph's sons were also counted as part of the twelve tribes at times.)
* Rachel, wife of Jacob
* Rebecca, wife of Isaac and mother of Esau and Jacob
*Rehoboam ,Abijam , Asa,Jehoshaphat , Jehoram, Ahaziah, (Queen) Athaliah, Jehoash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham,Ahaz ,Hezekiah , Manasseh, Amon,Josiah , Jehoahaz,Jehoiakim ,Jeconiah ,Zedekiah , the kings of the southern Kingdom of Judah
* Ruth, Moabite convert and ancestor of King David
* Samuel, last of the Judges and first of the Prophets
*Sarah ,Rebekah ,Rachel , andLeah , Judaism's "Four Matriarchs"
* Tamar, daughter-in-law, and then levirate wife, of Judah
*Yoav , relative of King David, impulsive military leader
*Zilpah andBilhah , additional wives of Jacob, mothers of four of the twelve Tribes
*Zipporah , Moses' wife, daughter of Jethro, a convertJewish figures from the
Christian Bible
*Jesus ofNazareth
* Mary, mother of Jesus
* Joseph, carpenter by trade and spouse of Maryee also
List of burial places of biblical figures
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