- Fremontodendron
image_caption = "Fremontodendron" 'Ken Taylor'
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Malvales
familia =Malvaceae
genus = "Fremontodendron"
genus_authority = Coville
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = "Fremontodendron californicum"
"Fremontodendron mexicanum"
|The flannelbush or flannel bush ("Fremontodendron", syn. "Fremontia") is a
genus of two species ofshrub s from the southwesternUnited States and northwestMexico . They are treated within theSterculiaceae by the most of the authors, in the tribe Fremontodendreae together with the genus "Chiranthodendron ", but also included in the familyMalvaceae ("fide" APG).The leaves have a leathery and fuzzy texture reminiscent of
flannel (thus the name), and the yellow and orangeflower s are large and showy. The hairs of the leaves and young shoots can cause skin irritation. The genus is named afterJohn C. Frémont .There are two species: the
California Flannelbush "F. californicum", and theMexican Flannelbush "F. mexicanum", and a number of populations of uncertain status. In addition, a number of hybridcultivar s have been produced, including 'California Glory', 'Ken Taylor', and 'Pacific Sunset'.The Pine Hill Flannelbush "F. californicum" ssp. "decumbens" is a rare variety known only from the
Pine Hill Preserve inEl Dorado County, California , though populations in Nevada County and Yuba County are very similar and best treated in this subspecies. The Napa Flannelbush "F. californicum" ssp. "napense" occurs in Napa and adjacent counties, and Thickleaf California Flannelbush "F. californicum" subsp. "crassifolia" occurs in Santa Cruz County.External links
* [http://www.malvaceae.info/Genera/Fremontodendreae/Fremontodendreae.php The Fremontodendreae Pages ("Fremontodendron" and "Chiranthodendron")]
* [http://www.pinehillpreserve.org/rare_plants/species/Pine_Hill_flannelbush.htm Page on Pine Hill Flannelbush]
* [http://www.floralore.com/habitats/pinehill/pinehill.html Pine Hill endemics]
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