Nibras guest house

Nibras guest house

The Nibras guest house is one of the many al Qaida guest houses, or al Qaida safe houses, or other houses that American intelligence analysts assert are part of the justifications offered for the continued extrajudicial detention of captives held in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camps, in Cuba.[citation needed] The guest house is named after one of the men who blew himself up during the USS Cole bombing.[1]. It is also called the Hajji Habash guest house. [2]

The Nibras guest house is not the only house to be specified, by name. It is particularly notable because, unlike all the suspicious houses, that American intelligence analysts assert are tied to al Qaeda, the Nibras guest house is said to be owned, personally, by Osama bin Laden.[citation needed]

A team at the Combating Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point, analyzed the Summary of Evidence memos prepared for captives' Combatant Status Review Tribunals.[3] They classified the captives into four threat levels, "demonstrated threat", "potential threat", "associated threat" and "no threat". According to their classification schema a stay in a suspicious guest house or safe house was enough to classify a captive as an "associated threat".

Captives said to have stayed at the Nibras guest house

Captives said to have stayed at the Nibras guest house
isn name notes
26 Fahed Abdullah Ahmad Ghazi
  • The detainee spent four days at the Nabras guesthouse in Kandahar, Afghanistan where his passport and money were taken from him
  • The Nabras guesthouse was used by fighters heading to the al Farouq training camp and by UBL. Arabs bound for training would gather at the guesthouse until about 25-30 were in the group and then they were transported to al Farouq. UBL would come to al greet the fighters before they went to training. At Nabras, passports, money, tickets and other important documents were taken from each person.
162 Ali Husayn Abdullah Al Tays
  • While awaiting transportation from Kandahar to Al Farouq, the detainee stayed at Al Nabrass, an al Qaida safehouse.[5]
441 Abd Al Rahman Al Zahri

During his first annual Administrative Review Board he faced the allegation[6]:

  • The detainee stayed at the Al Nibras guesthouse in Kandahar, Afghanistan, before traveling to al Farouq. Al Nibras is known as a place for brothers coming to train for jihad.
689 Mohammed Ahmed Salam
  • The detainee stayed at the al Qaida "Nibras" guesthouse in the early summer of 2001.[7]
839 Musab Omar Ali Al Mudwani
  • The detainee stated that he stayed at the Daftar Al-Taliban guesthouse for four hours, prior to going to Kandahar, where he stayed at the Madafat Al-Nibras guesthouse where he was fed and given new clothes."[8]
841 Sa id Salih Sa id Nashir
  • The detainee stayed in a Taliban guesthouse in Quetta, Pakistan and the Nebras

guesthouse in Kandahar, Afghanistan on the way to the training camp.

Other Kandahar guest houses associated with Osama bin Laden

Joint Task Force Guantanamo counter-terrorism analysts assert that Osama bin Laden maintained the Bayt al Arab guest house in Kandahar.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Dina Temple-Raston (2007). The jihad next door: the Lackawanna six and rough justice in an age of terror. Perseus Books Group. ISBN 9781586484033. Archived from the original on 2009-08-30. "They stood before two low-slung guesthouses colled, they would learn later, the Nibras Guesthouse and the Hassan Guesthouse. The men were told that, again, both houses took their names from the men who martyred themselves in the Cole attack." 
  2. ^
  3. ^ Joseph Felter, Jarret Brachman (2007-07-25). "CTC Report: An Assessment of 516 Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) Unclassified Summaries". Combating Terrorism Center. Archived from the original on 2009-08-30. 
  4. ^ Summarized transcript (.pdf), from Fahed Abdullah Ahmad Ghazi's Administrative Review Board hearing - page 11
  5. ^ Summarized transcripts (.pdf), from Ali Husayn Abdullah Al Tays's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - pages 47-54
  6. ^ OARDEC (21 November 2005). "Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Al Zahri, Abd Al Rahman". United States Department of Defense. pp. pages 3942. Retrieved 2008-05-15. 
  7. ^ Summary of Evidence memo (.pdf) prepared for Mohammed Ahmed Salam's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - October 20, 2004 - page 73
  8. ^ documents (.pdf) from Musab Omar Ali Al Mudwani's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - - mirror pages 115-125

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