Nouveau roman

Nouveau roman

The nouveau roman (French pronunciation: [nuvo ʁɔmɑ̃], new novel) is a type of 1950s French novel that diverged from classical literary genres. Émile Henriot coined the title in an article in the popular French newspaper Le Monde on May 22, 1957[citation needed] to describe certain writers who experimented with style in each novel, creating an essentially new style each time.

Alain Robbe-Grillet, an influential theorist as well as writer of the nouveau roman, published a series of essays on the nature and future of the novel which were later collected in Pour un nouveau roman. Rejecting many of the established features of the novel to date, Robbe-Grillet regarded many earlier novelists as old-fashioned in their focus on plot, action, narrative, ideas, and character. Instead, he put forward a theory of the novel as focused on objects: the ideal nouveau roman would be an individual version and vision of things, subordinating plot and character to the details of the world rather than enlisting the world in their service.[citation needed]

Despite the assertions of nouveauté, this vision of the novel can be construed as developing from earlier writers' suggestions and practice. Joris-Karl Huysmans, ninety years before, had suggested how the novel might be depersonalised;[citation needed] more recently, Franz Kafka had shown that conventional methods of depicting character were not essential; James Joyce had done the same for plot; and absurdist writers had engaged with some of the themes which preoccupied writers of the nouveau roman.

The nouveau roman style also left its mark on screen as writers Marguerite Duras and Alain Robbe-Grillet became involved with the Left Bank film movement (often labelled as part of the French new wave). Their collaboration with director Alain Resnais resulted in critical successes such as Hiroshima, Mon Amour (1958) and Last Year in Marienbad (1961). They would later go on to direct their own films.[1]

Authors in the style of the nouveau roman

See also


  1. ^ Clouzot, Claire, Le cinéma français depuis la nouvelle vague, Fernand Nathan/Alliance Française, 1972

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  • Nouveau Roman — Le nouveau roman est un mouvement littéraire des années 1942 1970, regroupant quelques écrivains appartenant principalement aux Éditions de Minuit. Le terme fut créé, avec un sens négatif, par le critique Émile Henriot dans un article du journal… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • nouveau roman — terme désignant les recherches sur l écriture romanesque menées en France, à partir des années 50, par N. Sarraute, A. Robbe Grillet, M. Butor, Cl. Simon, R. Pinget, Cl. Ollier, etc …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Nouveau roman — Le Nouveau roman est un mouvement littéraire des années 1953 1970[réf. nécessaire], regroupant quelques écrivains appartenant principalement aux Éditions de Minuit. Le terme fut créé, avec un sens négatif, par le critique Émile Henriot dans… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Nouveau Roman — Der Begriff nouveau roman (französisch für neuer Roman) wurde zum ersten Mal von dem Literaturkritiker Émile Henriot verwendet und bezeichnet eine in Frankreich entstandene experimentelle Literaturform der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre, die sich vom… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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