Nicolai Bonner

Nicolai Bonner

Nicolai Bonner is a serial killer from Moldavia that emigrated to Israel as an adult, who murdered four immigrants from the former Soviet Union, three of them homeless, in industrial area of Haifa. The victims were all beaten, and their bodies set on fire. Due to their being homeless he was dubbed "the homeless murderer"[1] and has been called "Israel's first serial killer."[2]

Bonner was born and raised in Moldavia to non-Jewish parents, but was eligible to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return because his wife was Jewish. He immigrated to Israel in 2000, with his wife, who later died of tuberculosis. Two months after his first murder, the Israel national police began to link Bonner to the murders, after the body of Valeri Soznov was discovered. Evidence gathered linked the murders to Bonner, who was subsequently arrested and brought to trial.

On May 6, 2007 Bonner was sentenced to life imprisonment; 4 consecutive life terms and additional 17 years imprisonment for other crimes: 5 years for attempted murder, 9 years for aggravated rape, and 3 years for other charges including aggravated assault and interfering with judicial proceedings.


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