Messianic Bureau International

Messianic Bureau International

Messianic Bureau International (MBI) was founded in March 1994 by David Hargis as an information service to Messianic Judaism and is based out of Newport News, VA, USA. There are 18 chartered congregations/ministries in 11 states and 28 licensed/ordained ministers. [ [ BI Chartered Congregations ] ] David Hargis is a graduate of Central Bible College, Lael University, International Seminary and Bible College and MBI Yeshiva. Hargis died December 2006 of a heart attack, but the Board is continuing on his legacy and the ministry. [ [ MBI Yeshiva Faculty ] ] .


* 1994 March- MBI founding.
* 1995 June- [] created.
* 1996 November- Opening of MBI Online Yeshiva.
* 1999 June- MBI Radio goes online.
* 2000 March- first MBI Messianic Jewish conference held.
* 2000 September- MBI Online Yeshiva registered with the Virginia Council of Higher Education [ [ Virginia Letter of Exemption ] ] .
* 2004 February- MBI Online Yeshiva accredited with the Transworld Accrediting Commission.
* 2006 December- Rabbi David Hargis died.

Pillars of Faith

* The Preeminence of Messiah Yeshua: Yeshua of Nazareth is Israel's Messiah and G-d Himself who came in human flesh.
* The Permanence of Torah: All G-d's commandments and covenants continue throughout all time.
* The Promises to Israel: All the prophecies and promises which G-d gave to Israel in the Holy Scriptures will come to fruition.

Mission Statement and Summary of Scripture Faith

MBIs mission statement is:
# To proclaim the good news about Messiah Yeshua to all who will shema (hear/understand).
# To facilitate the Messianic Jewish Restoration until all Israel is saved; to the Jew first and also to the Gentile or non-Jew.
# To teach righteousness to all people through the eternal Torah of the Most High, in preparation for Messiah's return.
# To provide diplomatic communications for all involved in the Messianic Movement, the Jewish Revival and the Kingdom's Restoration.
# To achieve these ends with integrity through every available open door.

MBIs Summary of Scripture Faith:
* Adonai (YHVH) revealed in the Holy Scriptures is the One true G-d; He is our G-d. Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) is the Messiah of Israel, revealed as YHVH in the flesh.
* His death is the valid permanent sacrifice for sin, and His resurrection is the promise of eternal life, for all who trust Him.
* The scriptures are authored by the Ruach (Breath, Spirit) of G-d through human agency. YHVH indwells those who obey Him with His Holy Breath (Ruach HaKodesh).
* All who trust YHVH as Avraham did, obeying His Voice (His Messiah), they are the offspring of Avraham by covenant.
* Those who are the righteous redeemed show themselves to be obedient with love in all their living, bringing glory to YHVH.
* The only true Torah (Teaching) of the Most High is that which is written in the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.

Governance and leadership

MBI is governed by a board of directors:
* The Official Board (President and General Overseer)
* Dr. Linda Hargis, Interim Yeshiva President
* Don Doherty, General Secretary
* Rabbi Steve White, Vice President

MBI also has an advisory council:
* MRav. Sariella Creeger
* Rabbi Bruce Booker


MBI has several books and materials on their website available for purchase, including:
* "Yeshua: The Remembrance", D. Hargis
* "Yesha'yahu: The Messianic Isaiah", D. Hargis
* "The Talit: Garment of Glory", D. Hargis
* "The Constantine Conspiracy", D. Hargis
* "The Right to Kill the Lamb", D. Hargis
* "Messianic Passover Haggadah", D. Hargis


External links

* [ MBI Main Site]
* [ MBI Organization Site]
* [ MBI Radio]
* [ MBI Online Yeshiva]
* [ Mishkan HaMelekh] - MBI flagship congregation led by Rabbi Steve White, Newport News, VA.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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