- Mexican vihuela
Vihuela is the name of two different guitar-like string instruments: the historical vihuela (proper) of 16th century Spain, usually with 12 paired strings, and the Mexican vihuela from 19th century Mexico with five strings and typically played in mariachi groups.
Mexican vihuela
While the Mexican vihuela shares the same name as the historic Spanish plucked string instrument, the two have little to do with each other, and they are not closely related.[citation needed] The Mexican vihuela has more in common with the Timple Canario (see: timple) due to both having five strings and both having vaulted (convex) backs. The Mexican vihuela is a small, deep-bodied rhythm guitar built along the same lines as the guitarrón. The Mexican vihuela is used by mariachi groups, most notably in central Jalisco, Mexico. It is played with fingers strumming open chords on the fretted part of the neck.
Notes & Tuning
The vihuela has five nylon strings in reentrant tuning. Similar to the first five strings of a guitar, but with the third, fourth and fifth an octave above what one might expect.
Tuning: ADGBE – The A,D, and G are tuned one octave above a guitar.
- Blattman, Erica et al. (2002). "Mariachi Embraced in Our World". Retrieved April 23, 2005.
External links
- Mexican music scores. Music sheets for vihuela in the Mariachi orchestra.
Mexican musical instruments Plucked strings: Chapareque • Guitarra séptima • Vihuela • Guitarrón • Guitarra de golpe • Huapanguera • Jarana huasteca • Jarana jarocha • Arpa jarocha • Bajo sexto • SalterioBowed strings: Rabelito • Eeng • ViolinWinds: Chirimía • Radiola • Tochacatl • Clarín • Trompa de bule • Flauta de 3 hoyos • Flauta de tamborileros • Flauta doble de barro • Silbato de la muerteMembranophones: Huehuetl • Tambora • Tamborita calentana • Pandero jarocho • Tigrera • Tamborcillo de volador • Tambor cuadrado • Tambor cuadradoIdiophones: • Teponaztli • Marimba • Cántaro • Cajón de tapeo • Marimbol • Ayoyote • Güiro de pez • Tambor de agua • QuijadaCategories:- Guitar family instruments
- Mexican musical instruments
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