World Communion of Reformed Churches

World Communion of Reformed Churches

The World Communion of Reformed Churches is an ecumenical Christian body being formed by the union of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Council.

After a two-day meeting ending on 1 February 2006, Douwe Visser, president of the Reformed Ecumenical Council and Clifton Kirkpatrick, president of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, said in a joint letter to their constituencies, "We rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit which we believe has led us to recommend that the time has come to bring together the work of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Council into one body that will strengthen the unity and witness of Reformed Christians."

After first calling the potential body "World Reformed Communion", this was modified into "World Communion of Reformed Churches". The first meeting of the Uniting General Council of the WCRC is slated for June 18-28, 2010. It will meet at Grand Rapids, MI, under the auspices of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

The World Communion of Reformed Churches will be the largest association of Reformed Churches in the world. Its member denominations on the whole would be considered more liberal than the member denominations of the International Conference of Reformed Churches or the World Reformed Fellowship, which are also large ecumenical Reformed organizations.

Potential Members

This is a list of the potential members of the World Communion of Reformed Churches based upon the membership of the parent organizations as listed on their official websites as of 28 April 2007.
* Algeria
** Protestant Church of Algeria/Eglise protestante d Algerie
* American Samoa
** Congregational Christian Church in American Samoa/Ekalesia Fa'apotopotoga Kerisiano I Amerika Samoa
* Angola
** Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola/Igreja Evangélica Congregacional em Angola (IECA)
** Evangelical Reformed Church of Angola/Igreja Evangélica Reformanda de Angola (IERA)
* Argentina
** Evangelical Church of the River Plate/Iglesia Evangélica del Rio de la Plata
** Evangelical Congregational Church/Iglesia Evangélica Congregacional
** Presbyterian Church of Argentina/Iglesia presbiteriana Argentina
** Reformed Churches in Argentina/Iglesias Reformadas en la Argentina
* Australia
** Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
** Congregational Federation of Australia
** Uniting Church in Australia
* Austria
** Reformed Church in Austria/Evangelische Kirche HB (Reformiert) in Österreich
* Bangladesh
** St. Thomas' Church/Church of Bangladesh
* Belgium
** United Protestant Church of Belgium/Eglise Protestante Unie de Belgique/Verenigde Protestantse Kerk in Belgie
* Bolivia
** Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Bolivia/Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana en Bolivia
* Botswana
** Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana
* Brazil
** Arab Evangelical Church of São Paulo/Igreja Evangélica Arabe de Sao Paulo
** Christian Reformed Church of Brazil/Igreja Crista Reformada do Brasil
** Evangelical Reformed Churches in Brazil/Igrejas Evangélicas Reformadas no Brasil
** Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil/Igreja Presbiteriana Independente do Brasil
** Presbyterian Church of Brazil/Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil
** United Presbyterian Church of Brazil/Igreja Presbiteriana Unida do Brasil
* Bulgaria
** Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Bulgaria/Evangelaska Kongreschanska Zewrkwa
* Burkina Faso
** Reformed Evangelical Church of Burkina Faso/Eglise evangelique reformee du Burkina Faso
* Cameroon
** African Protestant Church/Eglise protestante africaine
** Evangelical Church of Cameroon/Eglise évangélique du Cameroun
** Presbyterian Church in Cameroon/Eglise presbyterienne camerounaise
** Presbyterian Church of Cameroon/Eglise presbytérienne camerounaise
* Canada
** The Presbyterian Church in Canada/L'Eglise presbytérienne au Canada
** United Church of Canada
* Central African Republic
** Protestant Church of Christ the King/Eglise Protestante du Christ-Roi
* Chile
** Presbyterian Church of Chile/Iglesia Presbiteriana de Chile
** Presbyterian Evangelical Church in Chile/Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana en Chile
* China, Hong Kong
** The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
* China, People's Republic of
** China Christian Council
* Colombia
** Presbyterian Church of Colombia/Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (Synodo presbiteriano)
* Congo, Democratic Republic of the
** Evangelical Community in the Congo/Communaute evangelique du Congo
** Presbyterian Community in the Congo/Communaute presbytérienne au Congo
** Presbyterian Community of Eastern Kasai/Communaute presbyterienne du Kasai oriental
** Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa/Communaute presbyterienne de Kinshasa
** Presbyterian Community of Western Kasai?/Reformed Presbyterian Community in Africa/Communauté presbytérienne au Kasai occidental/Communauté presbytérienne réformée en Afrique
** Protestant Community of Shaba/Communaute Protestante au Shaba
** Reformed Community of Presbyterians/Communauté Réformée des Presbyteriens
* Congo, Republic of the
** Evangelical Church of the Congo/Eglise évangélique du Congo
* Costa Rica
** Costa Rican Presbyterian Evangelical Church/Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana Costarricense
* Croatia
** Reformed Christian Church in Croatia/Reformirana Krscanska Crkva U Hrvatskoj
* Cuba
** Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba/Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Cuba
* Czech Republic
** Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren/Evangelische Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder/Ceskobratrská Cirkev Evangelická
* Denmark
** Reformed Synod of Denmark/Den reformerte Synode i Danmark
* Dominican Republic
** Christian Reformed Church of the Dominican Republic
** Dominican Evangelical Church/Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana
* East Timor
** Christian Church in East Timor/Gereja Kristen di Timor Timur/Igreja Protestante iha Timor Lorosa'e
* Egypt
** Evangelical Church of Egypt - Synod of the Nile/El-Kanisah El-Injiliyah
* El Salvador
** Reformed Calvinist Church of El Salvador/Iglesia Reformada Calvinista de El Salvador
* Equatorial Guinea
** Reformed Presbyterian Church of Equatorial Guinea/Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana de Guinea Ecuatorial
* Ethiopia
** Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus/Ye Etiopia Wangelawit Betakristian Makane Yesus
* France
** Evangelical Reformed Church of France/Eglises Reformes Evangeliques Independantes de France (EREI)
** Malagazy Protestant Church in France/Eglise Protestante Malgache/Fiangonana Protestanta Malagasy
** Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine/Eglise Réformée d'Alsace et de Lorraine
** Reformed Church of France/Eglise Réformée de France
* French Polynesia
** Maòhi Protestant Church/Etaretia Evaneria no Porinetia Farani/Église Protestante Maòhi
* Germany
** Church of Lippe/Lippische Landeskirche
** Evangelical Reformed Church/Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche (Synode evangelisch-reformierter Kirchen in Bayern und Nordwestdeutschland)
** Reformed Alliance/Reformierter Bund
* Ghana
** Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana/Presbyteria Nyanyui Hame le Ghana
** Presbyterian Church of Ghana
* Greece
** Greek Evangelical Church/Helliniki Evangeliki Ekklesia
* Grenada
** Presbyterian Church in Grenada
* Guatemala
** National Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Guatemala/Iglesia Evangélica Nacional Presbiteriana de Guatemala
* Guyana
** Guyana Congregational Union
** Guyana Presbyterian Church
** Presbyterian Church of Guyana
* Honduras
** Christian Reformed Church of Honduras/Iglesia Cristiana Reformada de Honduras
* Hungary
** Reformed Church in Hungary/Magyarországi Református Egyház
* India
** Church of North India
** Church of South India
** The Congregational Church of India (Maraland)
** Evangelical Church of Maraland
** Lairam Church of Jesus Christ/Isua Krista Kohhran Lairam
** Presbyterian Church of India
** Reformed Presbyterian Church, North East India
* Indonesia
** Christian Church in Central Sulawesi
** Christian Church in Luwuk Banggai
** Christian Church in Sulawesi
** Christian Church of Southern Sumatra
** Christian Church of Sumba (GKS)
** Christian Churches of Java
** Christian Evangelical Church in Bolaang Mongondow
** The Christian Evangelical Church in Halmahera
** Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa
** Christian Evangelical Church in Timor
** Church of Toraja Mamasa (GTM)
** The East Java Christian Church
** Evangelical Christian Church in West Papua
** Evangelical Church in Kalimantan
** Indonesian Christian Church
** Indonesian Christian Church/Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI)
** Indonesian Protestant Church in Buol Toli-Toli
** Indonesian Protestant Church in Donggala
** Indonesian Protestant Church in Gorontalo
** Javanese Christian Churches (GKJ)
** Karo Batak Protestant Church
** Pasundan Christian Church
** Protestant Christian Church in Bali
** Protestant Church in the Moluccas
** Protestant Church in Southeast Sulawesi
** Protestant Church in West Indonesia
** Sangihe-Talaud Evangelical Church
** Southern Sumatra Christian Church/Gereja Kristen Sumatra Bagian Selatan (GKSBS)
** Toraja Church (GT)
* Iran
** Synod of the Evangelical Church of Iran/Klesoy Injili Iran
* Israel
** St. Andrew's Scots Memorial Church
* Italy
** Waldensian Evangelical Church (Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches)/Chiesa Evangelica Valdese
* Jamaica
** The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
* Japan
** Church of Christ in Japan/Nippon Kirisuto Kyokai
** Korean Christian Church in Japan/Zainichi Daikan Kirisuto Kyokai Sokai
** The Reformed Church in Japan
* Kenya
** Presbyterian Church of East Africa
** The Reformed Church of East Africa
* Kiribati
** Kiribati Protestant Church/Ekaretia ni Boretetanti i Kiribati
* Korea, Republic of
** General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Reformed Church of Korea)/Chan Yang
** Presbyterian Church in Korea/Hap Dong Jeong Tong/Hap Dong Chung Tong
** Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea/Ki Jang
** Presbyterian Church of Korea/Dae Shin I
** Presbyterian Church of Korea/Tong Hap
* Latvia
** Reformed Church in Latvia/Evangeliska Reformatu-Braju Draudze
* Lebanon
** Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East
** National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon
** The National Evangelical Union of Lebanon/Al-Ittihad Al Injili Al-Watani Fi Lubnan
* Lesotho
** Lesotho Evangelical Church/Kereke ea Evangeli Lesotho
* Liberia
** Presbyterian Church of Liberia
* Lithuania
** Synod of the Evangelical Reformed Church - Unitas Lithuaniae/Lietuvos Evangeliku Reformatu Baznycia
* Luxembourg
** Protestant Reformed Church of Luxemburg H.B./Protestantisch-Reformierte Kirche von Luxembourg H.B./Eglise Protestante Réformée du Luxembourg
* Madagascar
** Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar/Eglise de Jésus-Christ à Madagascar/Fiangonan'i Jesoa Kristy Eto Madagasikara
* Malawi
** Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - General Synod
** Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Nkhoma Synod
* Malaysia
** Presbyterian Church Malaysia/Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia
* Marshall Islands
** Reformed Congregational Churches
** United Church of Christ - Congregational in the Marshall Islands/Jarin Parik Dron
* Mauritius
** Presbyterian Church of Mauritius/Eglise presbytérienne de Maurice
* Mexico
** Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Mexico/Iglesia Presbiteriana Asociada Reformada de México (IPAR)
** National Presbyterian Church in Mexico, A. R./Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de México, A. R.
** Presbyterian Reformed Church of Mexico/Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada de México
* Morocco
** Evangelical Church in Morocco/Eglise évangélique au Maroc
* Mozambique
** Evangelical Church of Christ in Mozambique/Igreja Evangelica de Cristo em Mocambique
** Presbyterian Church of Mozambique/Igreja Presbiteriana de Moçambique
** Reformed Church in Mozambique/Igreja Reformada em Mocambique
** United Church of Christ in Mozambique/Igreja de Christo Unida em Mocambique (Ex-Missao American Board)
* Myanmar
** Christian Reformed Church in Myanmar
** Independent Presbyterian Church of Myanmar
** Mara Evangelical Church/Evangelical Mission Myanmar/Mara Evangelical Awnanopa
** The Presbyterian Church of Myanmar/Kawlram Presb Kohhran
* The Netherlands
** The Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PCN)/De Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN)
** Remonstrant Brotherhood/Remonstrantse Broederschap
* New Caledonia
** Evangelical Church in New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands/Eglise evangélique en Nouvelle Calédonie et aux Îles Loyauté
* New Zealand
** Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
* Niger
** Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger/Eglise évangélique de la République du Niger/Ekklisiyar Bishara Ta Kasar Niger
* Nigeria
** Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria
** Church of Christ in the Sudan Among the Tiv/Nongo u Kristu u ken Sudan hen Tiv (NKST)
** Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ
** Presbyterian Church of Nigeria
** Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria
** United Church of Christ in Nigeria/Habaddiyar Ekklisiyar Kristi a Nigeria
* Niue
** Church of Niue/Ekalesia Niue
* Pakistan
** Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
** Sialkot Diocese of the Church of Pakistan
* The Philippines
** Christian Reformed Church in the Philippines
** United Church of Christ in the Philippines
** United Evangelical Church of Christ/Iglesia Evangélica Unida de Cristo
* Poland
** Polish Reformed Church/Kosciol Ewangelicko-Reformowany w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
* Portugal
** Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Portugal/Igreja Evangélica Presbiteriana de Portugal
* Reunion
** Protestant Church of Reunion/Eglise Protestante de La Réunion
* Romania
** Reformed Church in Romania (Oradea)/Kiralyhagomelleki Reformatus Egyhazkeruelet (Oradea)
** Reformed Church in Romania - Transylvanian District/Romaniai Reformatus Egyhaz - Erdelyi Egyhazkerület
* Rwanda
** Presbyterian Church in Rwanda/Eglise presbytérienne au Rwanda
* Senegal
** Protestant Church of Senegal/Eglise protestante du Sénégal
* Serbia, Republic of, and Montenegro, Republic of
** Reformed Christian Church in Serbia and Montenegro/Reformatska Hriscanska Crkva u SFRJ
* Singapore
** Presbyterian Church in Singapore
* Slovakia
** Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia/Reformovaná Krest. Cirkev na Slovensku
* Slovenia
** Reformed Church in Slovenia
* Solomon Islands
** United Church in the Solomon Islands
* South Africa
** Dutch Reformed Church (DRC)/Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK)
** Dutch Reformed Church in Africa (DRCA)/(NGKA)
** Dutch Reformed Church of Africa/Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA)
** Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa
** Peoples Church of Africa/Volkskerk van Afrika
** Presbyterian Church of Africa
** Reformed Church in Africa, South Africa
** United Congregational Church of Southern Africa
** Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
** Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa/ Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider Afrika
* Spain
** Spanish Evangelical Church/Iglesia Evangélica Espanola
* Sri Lanka
** Dutch Reformed Church in Sri Lanka
** Presbytery of Lanka
* Sudan
** Africa Inland Church Sudan
* Swaziland
** Swaziland Reformed Church (SRC)
* Sweden
** The Mission Covenant Church of Sweden or Svenska Missionskyrkan
* Switzerland
** Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches or Fédération des Eglises protestantes de la Suisse or Federazione delle Chiese evangelische della Svizzera
* Taiwan
** Presbyterian Church in Taiwan/Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tiúⁿ- Kàu-hōe
* Thailand
** Church of Christ in Thailand
* Togo
** Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Togo/Eglise évangélique presbytérienne du Togo
* Trinidad and Tobago
** Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago
* Tunisia
** Reformed Church in Tunisia/Eglise Reformee de Tunisie
* Tuvalu
** Tuvalu Christian Church/Te Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu
* Uganda
** Christian Reformed Church of East Africa
** Reformed Presbyterian Church in Uganda
* Ukraine
** Reformed Church in Sub-Carpathia/ Reformed Church in Transcarpathia/Karpataljai Reformatus Egyhaz
* United Kingdom
** Church of Scotland
** The Presbyterian Church in Ireland
** Presbyterian Church of Wales/Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru
** Union of Welsh Independents/Undeb yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg
** United Free Church of Scotland
** United Reformed Church
* United States of America
** Christian Reformed Church in North America
** Cumberland Presbyterian Church
** Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America
** Evangelical Presbyterian Church
** Hungarian Reformed Church in America
** Korean Presbyterian Church in America
** Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church/Lietuviu Evangeliku Reformatu Baznycia-JAV
** Presbyterian Church (USA)
** Reformed Church in America
** United Church of Christ
* Uruguay
** Waldensian Evangelical Church of the River Plate/Iglesia Evangelica Valdense de Rio de la Plata
* Vanuatu
** Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu/Presbiterian Jyos Blong Vanuatu
* Venezuela
** Presbyterian Church of Venezuela/Iglesia Presbiteriana de Venezuela
* Western Samoa
** Congregational Christian Church in Samoa/Ekalesia Fa' apotopotoga Kerisinao I Samoa
* Zambia
** Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Zambia Synod
** Reformed Church in Zambia
** United Church of Zambia
* Zimbabwe
** Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Harare Synod
** Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa
** Reformed Church in Zimbabwe

External links

* [ World Reformed Communion announcement]
* [ CRC to Host Inaugural Meeting of Reformed World Communion]
* [ Reformed Ecumenical Council] - Official website
* [ World Alliance of Reformed Churches] - Official website
* [ International Conference of Reformed Churches] - Official website
* [ World Reformed Fellowship] - Official website

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