Susan E. Alcock

Susan E. Alcock

Susan Alcock is a Roman archaeologist specializing in survey archaeology and the archaeology of memory in the provinces of the Roman empire. Alcock grew up in Massachusetts and was educated at Yale and the University of Cambridge.

*B.A., Archaeology and History, Yale University, 1983
*B.A., Classics, University of Cambridge, 1985
*M.A., Classics, University of Cambridge 1989
*Ph.D., Classics, University of Cambridge 1989

She is Professor of Classics and the Director for the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University (2006-present). Prior to that, she was the John H. D'Arms Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Michigan. She was co-director of the Pylos Regional Archaeological Project in southwestern Greece and is now co-director of the Vorotan Project in southern Armenia. In 2001 she was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship.


* "Graecia Capta: The Landscapes of Roman Greece" (Cambridge 1993)
* (editor with Robin Osborne) "Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece" (Oxford 1994)
* (editor) "The Early Roman Empire in the East" (Oxford 1997)
* "Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments and Memory" (Cambridge 2001)
* (edited with John Cherry and Jas Elsner) "Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece" (New York 2001)
* (editor with Terence D'Altroy, Kathleen Morrison and Carla Sinopoli) "Empires: Perspectives from History and Archaeology" (Cambridge 2001)
* (editor with Ruth Van Dyke) "The Archaeology of Memory" (Oxford 2003)
* (editor with John Cherry) "Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Analysis in the Mediterranean Region" (Oxford 2004)
* (editor with Lauren Talalay) "In the Field: The Archaeological Expeditions of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology" (Ann Arbor 2006)

External links

* Faculty page at Brown:

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