- Gomphidius
name = "Gomphidius"
regnum =Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Boletales
familia =Gomphidiaceae
genus = "Gomphidius""Gomphidius" is a genus of
mushrooms , commonly known as Spike-caps, that are members of theBoletales or pored fungi. They appear to have gill-like structures which resemble those of agarics, however the similarity is superficial only. The best-known member is the Slimy spike-cap ("Gomphidius glutinosus ").List of species
Gomphidius borealis " - (Siberia )
*"Gomphidius flavipes " - Prev. "Chroogomphus flavipes"
*"Gomphidius glutinosus " - Slimy spike-cap (Europe)
*"Gomphidius oregonensis " - (North America)
*"Gomphidius pseudoflavipes " - (North America)
*"Gomphidius roseus " - (Europe)
*"Gomphidius smithii " - (North America)
*"Gomphidius subroseus " - (North America)
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