- Geoff Parker
Professor Geoffrey Alan Parker FRS (born
24 May 1944 ) is aprofessor ofbiology at theUniversity of Liverpool . He has a particular interest inbehavioural ecology andevolutionary biology , and is most noted for introducing the concept ofsperm competition in 1970, and his work in the 1970's and subsequently, applyinggame theory (theory of games) to biology. With R. R. Baker and V. G. F. Smith in 1972, he proposed a leading theory for the evolution of anisogamy and two sexes, and in 1979 made the first theoretical analysis of sexual conflict in evolution. His work has also included the evolution of competitive mate searching, animal distributions, animal fighting, coercion, intrafamilial conflict, complex life cycles, and several other topics.Parker was educated at
Lymm Grammar School inLymm ,Cheshire , and gained his BSc fromUniversity of Bristol in 1965, from where he also gained a doctorate in 1969 underH.E. Hinton , FRS (1912 — 1977). His Ph.D. was on "The reproductive behaviour and the nature of sexual selection in "Scatophaga stercoraria" L." (yellow dung fly ), and provided a detailed quantitative test of Darwin's theory of sexual selection, and an early application of optimality theory in biology.At this time, most ethologists and ecologists interpreted adaptations in terms of "survival value to the species"". However, the
paradigm shift of thegene-centric view of evolution (popularised byRichard Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene ") shortly afterwards overturned this idea: mainstream views in behavioural ecology and sociobiology sawnatural selection restored to Darwinian principles in terms of survival value to the individual (and its kin). Parker's work played a part in this shift and in the early development of behavioural ecology.He moved to the
University of Liverpool in 1968, where he became a lecturer inzoology .In 1978 he took a research fellowship at King's College, Cambridge University, returning to Liverpool in 1979. He became a
professor in 1989 on election to the Royal Society, In 1996 he became the Derby Chair of Zoology, whereas of 2007 , he remains.ee also
Evolutionarily stable strategy
*Resource holding potential External links
* [http://sphere.bioc.liv.ac.uk:8080/bio/people/academic/parker_ga Official website]
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