Hamiltonian matrix

Hamiltonian matrix

In mathematics, a Hamiltonian matrix "A" is any real "2n×2n" matrix that satisfies the condition that "KA" is symmetric, where "K" is the skew-symmetric matrix

:K=egin{bmatrix}0 & I_n \-I_n & 0 \end{bmatrix}

and "In" is the "n×n" identity matrix. In other words, A is Hamiltonian if and only if

:KA - A^T K^T = KA + A^T K = 0.,

In the vector space of all "2n×2n" matrices, Hamiltonian matrices form a "2n2 + n" vector subspace.


* Let M be a "2n×2n" block matrix given by:M = egin{pmatrix}A & B \ C & Dend{pmatrix}where A, B, C, D are "n×n" matrices. Then M is a Hamiltonian matrix provided that matrices B, C are symmetric, and A + D^T = 0.
* The transpose of a Hamiltonian matrix is Hamiltonian.
* The trace of a Hamiltonian matrix is zero.
* Commutator of two Hamiltonian matrices is Hamiltonian.The space of all Hamiltonian matrices is a Lie algebra {mathfrak{Sp(2n). [Alex J. Dragt, [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1196/annals.1350.025 "The Symplectic Group and Classical Mechanics'] ' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2005) 1045 (1), 291-307. ]

Hamiltonian operators

Let "V" be a vector space, equipped with a symplectic form Omega. A linear map A:; V mapsto V is called a Hamiltonian operator with respect to Omega if the form x, y mapsto Omega(A(x), y) is symmetric. Equivalently, itshould satisfy

:Omega(A(x), y)=-Omega(x, A(y))

Choose a basis e_1, ... e_{2n} in "V", such that Omega is written as sum_i e_i wedge e_{n+i}. A linear operator is Hamiltonian with respect to Omega if and only if its matrix in this basis is Hamiltonian. [William C. Waterhouse, [http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0024379504004410 "The structure of alternating-Hamiltonian matrices"] , Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 396, 1 February 2005, Pages 385-390]

From this definition, the following properties are apparent.A square of a Hamiltonian matrix is skew-Hamiltonian. An exponential of a Hamiltonian matrix is symplectic, and a logarithm of a symplectic matrix is Hamiltonian.

ee also

*Symplectic matrix


* cite book | author=K.R.Meyer, G.R. Hall | title=Introduction to Hamiltonian dynamical systems and the 'N'-body problem | publisher = Springer
year = 1991
pages = pp. 34-35
id = ISBN 0-387-97637-X


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