- Hamiltonian vector field
mathematics andphysics , a Hamiltonian vector field on asymplectic manifold is avector field , defined for any energy function or Hamiltonian. Named after the physicist and mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton, a Hamiltonian vector field is a geometric manifestation ofHamilton's equations inclassical mechanics . Theintegral curve s of a Hamiltonian vector field represent solutions to the equations of motion in the Hamiltonian form. Thediffeomorphism s of a symplectic manifold arising from the flow of a Hamiltonian vector field are known ascanonical transformation s in physics and (Hamiltonian)symplectomorphism s in mathematics.Hamiltonian vector fields can be defined more generally on an arbitrary
Poisson manifold . TheLie bracket of two Hamiltonian vector fields corresponding to functions "f" and "g" on the manifold is itself a Hamiltonian vector field, with the Hamiltonian given by thePoisson bracket of "f" and "g".Definition
Suppose that ("M","ω") is a
symplectic manifold . Since thesymplectic form "ω" is nondegenerate, it sets up alinear isomorphism : omega:TM o T^*M,
between the
tangent bundle TM and thecotangent bundle T^*M, with the inverse: Omega:T^*M o TM, quad Omega=omega^{-1}.
one-form s on a symplectic manifold "M" may be identified withvector field s and everydifferentiable function H:M omathbb{R} determines a uniquevector field "X""H", called the Hamiltonian vector field with the Hamiltonian "H", by requiring that for every vector field "Y" on "M", the identity:mathrm{d}H(Y) = omega(X_H,Y),
must hold.
Note: Some authors define the Hamiltonian vector field with the opposite sign. One has to be mindful of varying conventions in physical and mathematical literature.
Suppose that "M" is a 2"n"-dimensional symplectic manifold. Then locally, one may choose
canonical coordinates q^1,ldots ,q^n,p_1,ldots,p_n) on "M", in which the symplectic form is expressed as:omega=sum_i mathrm{d}q^i wedge mathrm{d}p_i.
Then the Hamiltonian vector field with Hamiltonian "H" takes the form
:X_H = left( frac{partial H}{partial p_i}, - frac{partial H}{partial q^i} ight) = Omega,mathrm{d}H,
where "Ω" is a 2"n" by 2"n" square matrix
:Omega =egin{bmatrix}0 & I_n \-I_n & 0 \end{bmatrix}.
Suppose that "M" = R2n is the 2"n"-dimensional
symplectic vector space with (global) canonical coordinates.* If H=p_i then X_H=partial/partial q^i;
* if H=q^i then X_H=-partial/partial p^i;
* if H=1/2sum (p_i)^2 then X_H=sum p_ipartial/partial q^i;
* if H=1/2sum a_{ij} q^i q^j, a_{ij}=a_{ji} then X_H=-sum a_{ij} p_ipartial/partial q^j.Properties
* The assignment fmapsto X_f is linear, so that the sum of two Hamiltonian functions transforms into the sum of the corresponding Hamiltonian vector fields.
* Suppose that q^1,ldots ,q^n,p_1,ldots,p_n) are canonical coordinats on "M" (see above). Then a curve gamma(t)=(q(t),p(t)) is an
integral curve of the Hamiltonian vector field "X""H" if and only if it is a solution of theHamilton's equations ::dot{q}^i = frac {partial H}{partial p_i}:dot{p}_i = - frac {partial H}{partial q^i}.
* The Hamiltonian "H" is constant along the integral curves, that is, H(gamma(t)) is actually independent of "t". This property corresponds to the
conservation of energy inHamiltonian mechanics .* More generally, if two functions "F" and "H" have a zero
Poisson bracket (cf. below), then "F" is constant along the integral curves of "H", and similarly, "H" is constant along the integral curves of "F". This fact is the abstract mathematical principle behindNoether's theorem .*
Symplectic form omega is preserved by Hamiltonian flow; or equivalently,Lie derivative mathcal{L}_{X_H} omega= 0Poisson bracket
The notion of a Hamiltonian vector field leads to a
skew-symmetric , bilinear operation on the differentiable functions on a symplectic manifold "M", thePoisson bracket , defined by the formula :f,g} = omega(X_f,X_g)= df(X_g) = mathcal{L}_{X_g} fwhere mathcal{L}_X denotes the
Lie derivative along a vector field "X". Moreover, one can check that the following identity holds:: X_{{f,g= [X_f,X_g] ,
where the right hand side represents the Lie bracket of the Hamiltonian vector fields with Hamiltonians "f" and "g". As a consequence, the Poisson bracket satisfies the
Jacobi identity : f,g},h}+{{g,h},f}+{{h,f},g}=0,
which means that the vector space of differential functions on "M", endowed with the Poisson bracket, has the structure of a
Lie algebra over R, and the assignment fmapsto X_f is aLie algebra homomorphism , whose kernel consists of the locally constant functions (constant functions if "M" is connected).References
*"See section 3.2".
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