- List of Ellen White writings
Ellen White was one of the founders of theSeventh-day Adventist Church , believed by the church to have thespiritual gift ofprophecy described in the Bible. She was a prolific author, writing more than 40 books and 5000 periodical articles during her lifetime. Today there are over one hundred titles available, due to posthumous compilations made from the approximately 50,000 manuscript pages of her writings.Major titles
The following is a list of Ellen White's most popular and influential writings.
* "
Steps to Christ " - an evangelistic book explaining what it means to followJesus Christ
* "Christ's Object Lessons" - an exposition of theparables of Jesus
* "Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing" - an exposition of theSermon on the Mount Conflict of the Ages series
# "Patriarchs and Prophets" - Reflections on the first half of the
Old Testament
# "Prophets and Kings" - Reflections on the second half of the Old Testament
# "The Desire of Ages " - Reflections on the life of Christ
# "The Acts of the Apostles" - Reflections on the early New Testament church
# "The Great Controversy" - Reflections on Christian history and prophecies about the end timesBooks
Information includes title, date of first publication, publisher, edition, pages, and common abbreviation of the book title. Derived from [http://www.whiteestate.org/cdrom/bib_com.asp The bibliography of the complete published Ellen G. White writings on compact disc] .
* A Word to the "Little Flock." 1847.
Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1847. Facsimile reproduction. 30 pp. [WLF]
* A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. 1851. Saratoga Springs, NY: James White. 1851. 64 pp. [ExV]
* Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. 1854. Rochester, NY: James White, 1854. 48 pp. [ExV54]
* An Appeal to Mothers. 1864. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1864. 63 pp. [ApM]
* An Appeal to the Youth. 1864. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1864. 95 pp. [AY]
* A Solemn Appeal. 1870. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1870. 272 pp. [SA]
* Life Sketches of James and Ellen White. 1880. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1880. 416 pp. [LS80]
* Early Writings of Ellen G. White. 1882.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1945. 324 pp. [EW]
* Sketches From the Life of Paul. 1883. Battle Creek, MI: Review and Herald, 1883, 1974 facsimile. 334 pp. [LP]
* Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists. 1886. Basle: Imprimerie Polyglotte, 1886. 294 pp. [HS]
* The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. 1888. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1907. 722 pp. [GC88]
* Life Sketches of James and Ellen White. 1888. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1888. 453 pp. [LS88]
* The Sanctified Life. 1889.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1956. 110 pp. [SL]
* Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene. 1890. Battle Creek, MI:Good Health Publishing Co. , 1890. 268 pp. [CTBH]
* Patriarchs and Prophets. 1890.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1958. 805 pp. [PP]
* Gospel Workers. 1892. Battle Creek, MI:Review and Herald Publishing Co. , 1901. 480 pp. [GW92]
* Steps to Christ. 1892. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1956. 134 pp. [SC] [http://www.stepstochrist.us Steps to Christ - Read the 1892 version online] Animated with streaming audio.
* Christian Education. 1893. Battle Creek, MI: International Tract Society, 1894. 255 pp. [CE]
* Story of Jesus. 1896, 1900. Nashville,Tennessee :Southern Publishing Association , 1949. 190 pp. [SJ]
* Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing. 1896. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1955. 172 pp. [MB]
* Healthful Living. 1897. Battle Creek, MI: Medical Missionary Board, 1898. 336 pp. [HL]
* Special Testimonies on Education. c.1897. no imprint. 240 pp. [SpTEd]
*The Desire of Ages . 1898. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1940. 863 pp. [DA]
* The Southern Work. 1898, 1901.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1966. 96 pp. [SW]
* Christ's Object Lessons. 1900.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1941. 436 pp. [COL]
* Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work. 1900.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1900. 128 pp. [TSS]
* Manual for Canvassers. 1902. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1902. 78 pp. [MC]
* Education. 1903. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1952. 324 pp. [Ed]
* The Ministry of Healing. 1905. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1942. 540 pp. [MH]
* The Acts of the Apostles. 1911. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1911. 633 pp. [AA]
* The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. 1911. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1950. 719 pp. [GC]
* Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students. 1913. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1943. 575 pp. [CT]
* Gospel Workers. 1915.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1948. 534 pp. [GW]
* Life Sketches of Ellen G. White. 1915. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1943. 480 pp. [LS]
* Prophets and Kings. 1917. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1943. 752 pp. [PK]
* Colporteur Evangelist. 1920. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1920. 112 pp. [CEv]
* Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White. 1922. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1940. 268 pp. [CET]
* Counsels on Health. 1923. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1957. 687 pp. [CH]
* Fundamentals of Christian Education. 1923. Nashville,Tennessee :Southern Publishing Association , 1923. 576 pp. [FE]
* Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers. 1923. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1962. 566 pp. [TM]
* Christian Service. 1925. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1947. 283 pp. [ChS]
* Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods. 1926. Loma Linda, CA: College of Medical Evangelists, 1926. 199 pp. [TSDF]
* Messages to Young People. 1930. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1930. 498 pp. [MYP]
* Medical Ministry. 1932. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1963. 355 pp. [MM]
* A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education. 1933. Nashville,Tennessee :Southern Publishing Association , 1954. 47 pp. [CME]
* Counsels on Diet and Foods. 1938.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1976. 511 pp. [CD]
* Counsels on Sabbath School Work. 1938.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1938. 192 pp. [CSW]
* Counsels on Stewardship. 1940.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1940. 372 pp. [CS]
* Counsels to Writers and Editors. 1946. Nashville,Tennessee :Southern Publishing Association , 1946. 192 pp. [CW]
* Country Living. 1946.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1946. 32 pp. [CL]
* Evangelism. 1946.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1970. 747 pp. [Ev]
* The Story of Redemption. 1947. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1980. 445 pp. [SR]
* Temperance. 1949. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1949. 309 pp. [Te]
* The Adventist Home. 1952. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1980. 583 pp. [AH]
* My Life Today. 1952.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1952. 377 pp. [ML]
* Welfare Ministry. 1952.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1952. 349 pp. [WM]
* Colporteur Ministry. 1953. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1953. 176 pp. [CM]
* Child Guidance. 1954.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1954. 616 pp. [CG]
* Sons and Daughters of God. 1955.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1955. 383 pp. [SD]
* Counsels for the Church. 1957. Nampa, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1991. 462 pp. [CCh]
* Help in Daily Living. 1957. Nampa, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 2002. 64 pp. [HDL]
* The Faith I Live By. 1958.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1973. 426 pp. [FLB]
* Our High Calling. 1961.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1961. 380 pp. [OHC]
* That I May Know Him. 1964.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1964. 382 pp. [TMK]
* In Heavenly Places. 1967.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1967. 382 pp. [HP]
* Conflict and Courage. 1970.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1970. 381 pp. [CC]
* Confrontation. 1970.Washington, D.C .:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1970. 93 pp. [Con]
* The Health Food Ministry. 1970.Washington, D.C. : Ellen G. White Publications, 1970. 95 pp. [HFM]
* A New Life. 1972 Washington, D. C.:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1972. 64 pp. [NL]
* God's Amazing Grace. 1973.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1973. 383 pp. [AG]
* Christian Leadership. 1974.Washington, D.C. : Ellen G. White Estate, Inc., 1985. 77 pp. [ChL]
* Maranatha; The Lord Is Coming. 1976.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1976. 383 pp. [Mar]
* Mind, Character, and Personality. 2 vols. 1977. Nashville,Tennessee :Southern Publishing Association , 1977. 882 pp. [1MCP, 2MCP]
* Testimonies to Southern Africa. 1977.Cape Town ,South Africa :South African Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists , 1977. 98 pp. [TSA]
* Faith and Works. 1979. Nashville,Tennessee :Southern Publishing Association , 1979. 122 pp. [FW]
* This Day With God. 1979.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1979. 384 pp. [TDG]
* Peter's Counsel to Parents. 1981.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1981. 63 pp. [PCP]
* The Upward Look. 1982.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1982. 383 pp. [UL]
* Letters to Young Lovers. 1983. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1983. 94 pp. [LYL]
* The Publishing Ministry. 1983. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1983. 430 pp. [PM]
* Reflecting Christ. 1985. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1985. 382 pp. [RC]
* Lift Him Up. 1988. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1988. 382 pp. [LHU]
* The Voice in Speech and Song. 1988. Boise, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1988. 480 pp. [VSS]
* Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. 1989. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 1989. 270 pp. [TSB]
* The Retirement Years. 1990. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1990. 24 pp. [RY]
* Our Father Cares. 1991. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1991. 350 pp. [OFC]
* Last Day Events. 1992. Boise, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1992. 330 pp. [LDE]
* Pastoral Ministry. 1995 Silver Spring, MD: General Conference Ministerial Association, 1995. 287 pp. [PaM]
* Ye Shall Receive Power. 1995. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1995. 382 pp. [YRP]
* The Truth About Angels. 1996. Boise, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1996. 314 pp. [TA]
* Darkness Before Dawn. 1997. Nampa, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1997. 64 pp. [DD]
* Daughters of God. 1998. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1998. 275 pp. [DG]
* Christ Triumphant. 1999. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1999. 384 pp. [CTr]
* A Call to Stand Apart. 2002. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 2002. 120 pp. [CSA]
* Prayer. 2002. Nampa, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 2002. 320 pp. [Pr]
* Heaven. 2003. Nampa, ID:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 2003. 192 pp. [Hvn]
* To Be Like Jesus. 2004. Hagerstown, MD:Review and Herald Publishing Association , 2004. 383 pp. [BLJ]
* A Place Called Oakwood. 2007. Hagerstown, MD: 180 pp. Compiled by Benjamin J. Baker* Manuscript Releases. 21 vols. 1981, 1987, 1990, 1993. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 1981, 1987, 1990, 1993. [1MR, 2MR, etc.]
* Selected Messages. 3 books. 1958, 1980.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1958, 1980. [1SM, 2SM, 3SM]
* Sermons and Talks. 2 vols. 1990, 1994. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 1990, 1994. [1SAT, 2SAT]
* The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary: Ellen G. White Comments. 7 vols. plus supplement (vol. 7A). 1953–1957.Washington, D.C. :Review and Herald Publishing Association , 1970. [1BC, 2BC, etc.]
* The Spirit of Prophecy. 4 vols. 1870, 1877, 1878, 1884. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1969 facsimile. [1SP, 2SP, etc.]
* Spiritual Gifts. 4 vols. 1858, 1860, 1864. Battle Creek, MI:Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association , 1945 facsimile. [1SG, 2SG, 3SG, 4aSG, 4bSG]
* Testimonies for the Church. 9 vols. 1855–1909. Mountain View, CA:Pacific Press Publishing Association , 1948. [1T, 2T, etc.] )Periodicals
These are some of the periodicals in which White's articles are featured and the rest can be obtained from the [http://egwdatabase.whiteestate.org/ Ellen G. White database] :
* "Advocate" January 1, 1902 Instruction to Teachers
* "Bible Echo" February 1, 1893 The Privilege of Prayer.
* "Central Advance" April 8, 1903 Tested and Tried
* "Educational Messenger" March 19, 1909 Our School Work
* "Field Tidings" June 8, 1910 Work in the South
* "Good Samaritan" February 1, 1860 Pure Religion.
* "Health Reformer" August 1, 1866 Duty to Know Ourselves.
* "Indiana Reporter" September 16, 1903 Canvassing a Part of the Lord's Work.
* "Lake Union Herald" November 4, 1908 A Revival Needed.
* "Medical Missionary" May 1, 1892 Labourers Together with God.
* "New York Indicators" June 12, 1907 Be In Earnest
* "Oriental watchman" December 1, 1909 A Friend to the Friendless
* "Pacific Health Journal" July 1, 1897 Mind Disease.
* "Review and Herald" July 21, 1851 To the Remnant Scattered Abroad.
* "Southern Watchman" March 6, 1902 The Grace of Silence.
* "True Missionary" February 1, 1874 The Work for this Time.
* "West India Messenger" July 1, 1912 Be Not Troubled Over Minor Matters
* "Youth’s Instructor" August 1, 1852 Communications.Pamphlets
See also
Ellen White
*Ellen G. White Estate
*Inspiration of Ellen White
*Teachings of Ellen White External links
* [http://www.whiteestate.org/ Ellen G. White Estate] :* [http://www.whiteestate.org/cdrom/bib_com.asp A Bibliography of the Complete Published Ellen G. White Writings on CD] :* [http://www.whiteestate.org/books/booklist.asp Ellen G. White Books and Pamphlets In Current Circulation] :* [http://www.whiteestate.org/books/abrevlist.asp Abbreviation Key to Ellen G. White Books and Pamphlets] :* [http://www.whiteestate.org/search/collections.asp Archives and Database Resource] :* [http://egwdatabase.whiteestate.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates$fn=default.htm$vid=default Search the Complete Published Ellen G. White Writings]
* [http://lluweb2.llu.edu/heritage/EGWBibliographySearch.asp Bibliography of Ellen White titles] atLoma Linda University , which lists over 600 titles
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