Warrant Officer — A Warrant Officer (WO) is a member of a military organization holding one of a specific group of ranks. In most countries they are effectively senior non commissioned officers, although technically in a class of their own between NCOs and… … Wikipedia
Warrant officer — W/O redirects here. W/O may also refer to Write off. Common anglophone military ranks Navies Armies Air forces Officers Admiral of the fleet Marshal / … Wikipedia
Warrant Officer of the Navy — Warrant Officer of the Royal Australian Navy Incumbent Mark Tandy since 19 December 2008 Style Warrant Officer of the Navy (Warra … Wikipedia
Master warrant officer — is a senior military rank in the Canadian Forces, Singapore Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces.[1] Contents 1 Canadian Forces 1.1 Insignia 1.2 Forms of address … Wikipedia
chief warrant officer — noun : a senior warrant officer in the armed forces * * * ˌchief ˈwarrant officer 7 [chief warrant officer] noun an officer of middle rank in the US armed forces … Useful english dictionary
Station Warrant Officer — The Station Warrant Officer (SWO, often pronounced as a word) is the senior Warrant Officer on a British Royal Air Force station (base). The SWO is responsible for discipline and is therefore comparable to the Regimental Sergeant Major in a… … Wikipedia
Warrant Officer (United States) — In the United States military, a Warrant Officer (grade W 1 to W 5) is ranked as an officer above the senior most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and candidates, but below the officer grade of O 1 ( NATO: OF 1 ). Warrant officers are… … Wikipedia
Warrant officer (United States) — For other uses of warrant officer, see warrant officer. In the United States military, the rank of warrant officer (grade W 1 to W 5) is rated as an officer above the senior most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and candidates, but below … Wikipedia
Chief of the Air Staff's Warrant Officer — The Chief of the Air Staff s Warrant Officer (CASWO) is the senior warrant officer of the Royal Air Force. The person holding this appointment advises the Chief of the Air Staff on matters concerning airmen and airwoman of the RAF.[1] The post… … Wikipedia
Chief warrant officer — in the United States Armed Forces refers to any warrant officer W 2 and above. For the US rank, see warrant officer (United States). Chief warrant officer is a military rank used by the Canadian Forces and the Israel Defence Forces. Contents 1… … Wikipedia