Paul List

Paul List

Paul M. List (1887 – 1954) was a Ukrainian–German–British chess player.

He was born in Odessa, Ukraine (then Russia). He had a separate chess career in each of the three conutries he lived in – Russia, Germany and England.

In 1908 List won in Odessa. He drew a match (+4 –4 =1) with Grigory Levenfish in 1910, and was 3rd= at Odessa 1910. He tied for 15-16th at St Petersburg 1911 (Stepan Levitsky won), and in 1912 he finished 4th= with Ilya Rabinovich in an international tournament ("Hauptturnier") at Vilna, Lithuania (then Russia). The event was won by Karel Hromádka. [ Name Index to Jeremy Gaige's Chess Tournament Crosstables, An Electronic Edition, Anders Thulin, Malmö, 2004-09-01]

In the 1920's he went to Germany and whilst living there he was 7th= at Berlin 1926, 6th= at Berlin 1927, 3rd= at Magdeburg 1927, 5th= at Berlin 1928 (Café Koenig), 3rd= at Frankfurt 1930, 8th= at Swinemünde 1932, and 4th= at Ostend 1937.

In 1938 he went to England where he was 3rd= at Plymouth 1938, 2nd= at Birmingham 1939, 4th at Hampstead 1939, and 1st= with Harry Golombek at London in Easter 1940. []

After World War II, he took 5th at Zaandam 1946 (Max Euwe won).


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