

D&D Deity|fgcolor=#fff

name= Baalphegor
title= Arch-Duchess of Cania, Consort to Mephistopheles
home=Nine Hells
alignment=Lawful Evil
domains= Inventions, arts
alias= Belphegor, Belle Fagor
super= Mephistopheles, Asmodeus
In the "Dungeons & Dragons" roleplaying game, Baalphegor is the consort of Mephistopheles, the arch-devil currently ruling Cania, the 8th layer of the Nine Hells of Baator.


Baalphegor is a dignified she-devil with cinnamon-colored skin, red eyes and hair and bat wings as well as human feet instead of hooves. She appears young and carefree but when angered, her eyes glow with flames and her usually musical voice becomes very harsh. She is only five and a half feet in height.


One of the most artful and beautiful of she-devils, Baalphegor is the consort of Mephistopheles and a close ally of Asmodeus. A famed diplomat, she has many allies among the pit fiends as well.


Baalphegor is said to have been around since the creation of Baator itself. She's a very skilled diplomat and tactician, and an unmatched sorceress. She has created many artifacts and techniques used throughout the Nine Hells. In addition to her status, this fact granted her a deep respect from almost everyone in Baator, even from Asmodeus, who appreciates her to the point of letting her live with her ever-scheming consort.

In terms of politics, Baalphegor is said to have once been the ruler of Cania, a position she obtained very long ago, even before Asmodeus seized control of Baator. She turned the ancient arch-lords of Baator against each other in order for her to remain in charge, but she was ultimately considered far too powerful and was made consort to Gargauth, an arch-devil who ended up expelled from the Nine Hells for his foul nature to become one of the deities of the "Forgotten Realms". Baalphegor then became the consort of Mephistopheles when he took the rulership of Cania from Rimmon, another ancient arch-lord who now serves in Asmodeus's armies.

"NOTE: Much of this history has been overturned by the recent "Fiendish Codex II", which states that Baator itself was a creation of Asmodeus and that he, Dispater, and Mephistopheles were the first Archdevils to set foot on the plane. Thus, Baalphegor was never ruler of Cania (ie, it has always been Mephistopheles)."

Knowing all too well her master's position, Baalphegor keeps her goals to herself, acting with a minimal degree of loyalty to the Lord of the Eighth. Mephistopheles tolerates this due to the protection given by his consort's presence. Asmodeus never wished to have her as his consort (although the canny she-devil is clearly trying to get more of his attention), as he prefers having a powerful underling at his disposal rather than a shrewd witch at his side.

Along with Lilis, Baalphegor is the consort who retained her position the longest time without any real trouble.

More recently, Baalphegor amused herself by taking the form of a cute, blonde-haired human girl of the apparent age of 10 and living as an orphan in the small town of Caermor. Using the alias of Belle Fagor, she secretly tested the mettle of a cult of diabolists dwelling in the area.

Creative origins

Baalphegor is named for a male demon of Christian mythology named Belphegor, who is also concerned with artful inventions and often takes the form of a woman. Ultimately, Baalphegor is derived from the Moabite god Baal-Peor, mentioned in Numbers 25.

Publishing history

Baalphegor, as Belphegor, was mentioned in passing in "Dragon" #28 as one of the archdevils who sided with Baalzebul in his coup against the previous master of Hell. As Baalphegor, she appeared in the roster of diabolic nobles in the 1st edition "Monster Manual II". She was given a detailed treatment in "Dragon" #76. She appeared as the ultimate villain of "Caermor" in "Dungeon" #2, which was reprinted in the "Dungeons of Despair" anthology (1999). Baalphegor has been mentioned briefly on occasion since then in her role as Mephistopheles' consort. The "Kobold Quarterly" article offers a very different take on Baalphegor at odds with "D&D" canon.


*Connors, Tim and Eileen. "Baalphegor, the Prince of Laziness." "Kobold Quarterly" #2. Kirkland, WA: Open Design, Fall 2007.

*Cook, Monte. "Book of Vile Darkness" (Wizards of the Coast, 2002).

*Greenwood, Ed. "The Nine Hells Part II." "Dragon #76 (TSR, 1983).

*Findley, Nigel D. "Caermor." "Dungeon" #2. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1986.

*Gygax, Gary. "Monster Manual II" (TSR, 1983).

*Laws, Robin D, and Robert J Schwalb. "" (Wizards of the Coast, 2006).

*McComb, Colin. "Faces of Evil : The Fiends" (TSR, 1997).

*Pramas, Chris. "Guide to Hell" (TSR, 1999).

*Perkins, Christopher, ed. "Dungeons of Despair." Renton, WA: TSR, 1999.

*Von Thorn, Alexander. "The Politics of Hell." "Dragon" #28. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1979.

External links

* [ A PDF link to Baalphegor's unofficial stats]

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