Lilis (Dungeons & Dragons)

Lilis (Dungeons & Dragons)

D&D Deity|fgcolor=#fff

title= Arch-Duchess of Dis, Consort to Dispater
home=Nine Hells
alignment=Lawful Evil
alias= The Iron Maiden
super= Dispater, Asmodeus

In the "Dungeons & Dragons" fantasy role-playing game, Lilis is the consort of Dispater, the ruler of Dis, the second layer of Baator. She is sometimes referred to as the Iron Maiden.


Lilis is described as an orange-skinned, middle-aged, plump she-devil. She stands 5' tall and sports glowing green eyes. She looks well-preserved and has the usual Baatezu's features (bat wings, cloven hooves, forked tail etcetera).


Lilis is said to be one of the most knowledgeable beings in Baator. She runs a large network of spies and informants throughout the Nine Hells for her master, who stands as the sole recipient of her intelligence, as she will not even share such information with the King of Hell, Asmodeus. She also runs a smaller network among mortals and in evil and neutral-aligned planes.

Though Lilis is one of the weakest consorts physically, her careful and very prudent strategies, her attention to detail, and Dispater's protection have allowed her to retain her position as safely as any.

Lilis is the only consort Dispater has ever had throughout his existence, which makes her also one of the oldest consorts of the Nine Hells. Since she's aware of almost anything that happens in Baator (from gossip to hidden conspiracies and major schemes), not a single she-devil has ever tried to depose her.

Creative origins

Lilis's name is likely derived from Lilith, a demonic female figure first depicted in Mesopotamian mythology, who is said to have been Adam's first wife before Eve. Lilith is also the name of another she-devil of Baator.


*Gygax, Gary. "Monster Manual II" (TSR, 1983).
*Greenwood, Ed. "The Nine Hells Part II." "Dragon #76 (TSR, 1983).
*Laws, Robin D, and Robert J Schwalb. "" (Wizards of the Coast, 2006).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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