- List of optometry schools
This is a list of
Optometry Schools sorted alphabetically by country.Australia
There are 3
Australian educational institutions offering degrees in optometry. There are two five year bachelor level degrees, that incorporate the therapeutic management of ocular disease. The four year degree offered by QUT is followed by a year long graduate certificate in therapeutics. All three institutions award the degree with Honours to high achieving students, and also offer the Master of Optometry (MOptom) and PhD programs. The scope of Optometry practiced in Australia, is similar to that practiced in New Zealand, UK, Canada, and the USA, where Optometry is considered a primary health profession. Entry into the three optometry schools is extremely competitive, with students requiring a University Admission Index (UAI) as high as those required by Law, Medicine and Dentistry. In 2006 the UAI cut-off for the UNSW program was 99.00 and the ENTER cut-off for The University of Melbourne was 99.65.*
University of Melbourne [http://www.optometry.unimelb.edu.au] BOptom
*University of New South Wales [http://www.optom.unsw.edu.au] BOptom/BSc(Vision Science)
*Queensland University of Technology [http://www.hlth.qut.edu.au/opt/] BAppSc(Optom)In light of the development of the 'Melbourne Model' at the University of Melbourne, the year 2011 will see the introduction of a new four year Doctor of Optometry Program (OD), which will require students to complete an undergraduate degree prior to entering the OD program. It is anticipated that similar changes will be adapted by the University of New South Wales and the Queensland University of Technology in the years to come.
There are 2
Canadian educational institutions offering degrees in optometry:
*University of Waterloo School of Optometry , Ontario [http://www.optometry.uwaterloo.ca]
*Université de Montréal , Québec [http://www.opto.umontreal.ca]Ghana
Presently, there are two
Ghanaian universities running optometry degree program
*University of Cape Coast [http://physical_sciences.ucc.edu.gh/optometry]
*Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Hong Kong
There is currently 1 university offering bachelor's degree in optometry and graduate degree in visual science:
*The Hong Kong Polytechnic University [http://www.polyu.edu.hk/~so]India
In 1958, the first two schools of optometry were established at Gandhi Eye Hospital and Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, under second five year finance plan by Director General of Health Services of Govt. of India.one of those is - School of Optometry use to conduct 2 yrs to 3 yrs Diploma in Optometry. There is currently one well established optometry schoolElite School of Optometry and 1st Four Year in Optometry School in India that follows closely with American optometry schools [http://www.indianoptometricassociation.com indianoptometricassociation] , "indianoptometricassociation@yahoo.co.in"Currently, there are more colleges and schools of optometry are offering bachelor four years (three +one) and post graduate education in optometry like as Bsc. in Optometry, Msc in optometry, M.phil and PhD in optometry by different universities and institutions their names are as follows Universities [http://www.webindia123.com/career/options/optometry/data/institutes.htm#elit] :
1. Academy of Optometry , Kolkata 2. Aditya Jyot Institute of Optometry , Mumbai 3. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi 4. All India Institute of Optometrical Sciences (AIIOS), Kolkata 5. Bausch & Lomb School of Optometry, Hyderabad 6. Bharati Vidyapeeth's Medical College, Pune 7. College of Optometry and Ophthalmic Sciences, Nasik 8. Elite School Of Optometry, Chennai [http://www.sankaranethralaya.org/op_elite.htm] 9. Jnana Prabhodini Medical Trust School of Optometry, Pune 10. Lions Arvind Institute of Community Ophthalmology, Madurai 11. Manipal College of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal 12. MEH School of Optometry, Mumbai13. Nagar School of Optometry, Ahmedabad 13. Optometry Research & Training Institute (ORTI), Uttar Pradesh 14. Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital & Institute of Ophthalmology , Hyderabad 15. Schells Eye Hospital (Unit of Christian Medical College) , Vellore 16. School of Optometry : Gandhi Eye Hospital , Aligarh 17. School of Optometry : Janakalyan Eye Hospital, Lucknow 18. School of Optometry: Regional institute of Ophthalmology, Government ophthalmic Hospital, Chennai19. School of Orthoptics & Optometry , Sitapur 20. The Lotus College of Optometry, Mumbai21. Harijyot college of optometry,gujarat,navsari
Shahid Beshti medical university [http://www.sbmu.ac.ir/Pages/Default.aspx] Tehran
*Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [http://www.mums.ac.ir] Mashhad
*Iran University of Medical Sciences [http://www.iums.ac.ir] Tehran
*Zahedan University of Medical Sciences [http://www.zdmu.ac.ir] zahedan.Ireland (Republic)
There is currently only one higher institution in the
Republic of Ireland offering an optometry degree programme:
*Dublin Institute of Technology ,Dublin ,Ireland [http://optometry.dit.ie/programme.html]Latvia
There is currently one university in Latvia offering an optometry programmes (both bachelor and master degrees):
*University of Latvia ,Riga ,Latvia [http://www.lu.lv/fakultates/fmf/index.html]Malaysia
Currently there are 4 educational institutions offering degrees in optometry:
*Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia [http://www.ukm.my]
*International Islamic University Malaysia [http://www.iiu.edu.my]
*International University College Of Technology Twintech [http://www.iuctt.edu.my]
* [http://www.openpr.com/news/35470/THONEH-NIO-Malaysia-launches-BS-Optometry-in-Collaboration-with-BITS-Pilani-India.html THONEH-NIO Malaysia launches BS Optometry in Collaboration with BITS Pilani India]Mexico
Mexico has 7 Schools of Optometry at University level:
*UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO [http://www.dgae.unam.mx/planes/optometria.html]
*UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE AGUASCALIENTES [http://www.uaa.mx/inicio.htm]
*UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE CIUDAD JUAREZ [http://www.uacj.mx/icb/carreras/opto/default.htm]Nepal
Nepal has a four year bachelor degree in optometry at B.P.Koirala Lions Centre for Ophthalmic Studies, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuwan University. It is the one and only optometry program in Nepal providing a bachelors degree.No post-graduate programs are available.Entry requirements:12 yrs of school education (10+2 with Biology, ISc with Biology, A levels with Biology)
Procedure:Written Entrance Test
Yearly intake:6(national)+1 or 2 international(varies)
B.P.Koirala Lions Centre for ophthalmic studies [http://www.iom.edu.np/bpklcos/academic.htm]New Zealand
New Zealand has a four year bachelor degree, which requires sufficient marks in one or more years of general biomedical tertiary study prior to entry. The total length of the Bachelor of Optometry programme is therefore 5 years. The therapeutic management of ocular disease is an integral part of the degree. There is 1
New Zealand educational institution that offers a degree in optometry:
*University of Auckland [http://www.opt.auckland.ac.nz]Nigeria
There are three major institutions offering optometry.All three offers O.D.(Doctor of Optometry). They are;Abia stste UniversityImo stste UniversityUniversity of Benin.They run a six year programme leading to OD. Formerly they did a Barchelor's and you could do OD later for 2yrs but now its straight 6yrs.
There is only one educational institution offering degrees in optometry. In Norway the optometric profession has been regulated as a healthcare profession since 1988. After a three year bachelor program one can practice basic optometry. At least one year in clinical practice qualify for a post-degree half-year sandwich course in contact lens fitting, which is regulated as a healthcare specialty. A separate regulation for the use of diagnostic drugs in optometric practice was introduced in 2004.
*Buskerud University College [http://www.hibu.no/english/campus_kongsberg/]Portugal
There are 2 Portuguese educational institutions offering degrees in optometry:
*University of Minho [http://www.fisica.uminho.pt]
*University of Beira Interior [http://www.ubi.pt]Russia
Optometry in Russia started in similar way it started in other countries, from opticianry, but always was and still is a government regulated profession. Due to the huge number of ophthalmologists, there are only two educational institutions in Russia (population of more than 146 mill) that teach optometry: one is Saint Petersburg Medical Technical College, the former St. Petersburg College of Medical Electronics and Optics (http://www.mtkspb.ru/), and the second one is The Helmholz Research Institute for Eye Diseases (http://www.helmholtzeyeinstitute.ru/rus/index.php). Both belong to the Ministry of Health and are directly regulated by The Ministry. Annually they produce only about 80 graduates all together. That's the reason why there is a common thought in western countries that there is no Optometry in Russia and the former Soviet Block.
These institutions are very respected and well funded for the simple reason that they are located in the most important cities in Russia. St. Petersburg College has had well established relationships with Carl Zeiss and Essilor for more than 35 years and has 8 complete exam rooms with OCT, Corneal Topography, Perimetry and etc. equipment. College collaborates with St. Petersburg Military Hospital and St. Petersburg State University's Ophthalmology and Experimental Optics Departments.
The Optometry program is a 4 year program that includes 1-2 science foundation years, 3rd clinical/proff. skills year and clinical rotations in hospitals (4th year). Graduates after college/state examinations receive a specialist diploma that is valid only for 5 years and needs to be renewed every 5 years after additional training within state accredited programs. The scope of practice is as followed: refraction, contact lens fitting, spectacles construction and lens fitting (dispensing), VT, low vision aids, foreign body removal, referrals to other specialists after clinical condition diagnoses (management of diseases in the eye).
The Educational system in Russia is in transitional period after the Bologna agreement on a new degree system (division to B.Sc. and M.Sc.) so this program probably will be changed to follow the newly set standards.
1. St. Petersburg State Medical Technical College (former St. Petersburg State College of Medical Electronics and Optics)
in Russian: САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГСКИЙ МЕДИКО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ МИНЗДРАВА РОССИИ / Санкт-Петербургский колледж медицинской электроники и оптики
2. The Helmholz Research Institute for Eye Diseases
in Russian: Московский научно-исследовательский институт глазных болезней им.Гельмгольца
audi Arabia
There is only one optometry school in Saudi Arabia at King Saud University, Riyadh, which offers BS degree in optometry (BSOpt). It is the first university that started the optometry program in the middle-East region. Program started with only five faculty members from United States and United Kingdom. The school only offers Bachelor of Sciences in Optometry degree. To achieve this degree, students have to complete 6 year program (5 years of course work and clinic practice, ending with a final project in vision sciences field + 1 internship year in three Saudi Eye Hospitals). Student then assigned as Qualified Practical Optometrist.
There is currently one school of optometry in
Singapore :
*Singapore Polytechnic [http://www.sp.edu.sg/SPweb/appmanager/home/default?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=SP_FS_Courses_CLS_FT_OPT]outh Africa
University of Johannesburg ,Gauteng , [http://www.uj.ac.za/optometry/]Taiwan
There is currently 1 university offering a bachelor's degree in optometry and 2 educational institutions offering an associate degree in optometry:
*Chung Shan Medical University [http://www.csmu.edu.tw/optometry/]
*Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management [http://www.jente.edu.tw/教學單位/視光學科網頁/English/English_index.htm]
*Shu-Zen College of Medicine and Management []Thailand
Doctor of Optometry degree is an entry education requirement for licensing optometry in Thailand. Currently, there is only one well established optometry program in Thailand with academic cooperation from many optometry colleges from the US.
*Ramkhamhaeng University [http://www.ihs.ru.ac.th]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
There are 8
United Kingdom educational institutions offering degrees in optometry. Five are located in England with one optometry school in each of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland:England
Anglia Ruskin University -Cambridge [http://www.anglia.ac.uk/ruskin/en/home/faculties/fst/departments/optometry.html/index.html]
*University of Aston -Birmingham [http://www.aston.ac.uk/prospective-students/ug/pros2006/lhs/02lhsopt.jsp]
*University of Bradford [http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/lifesci/optometry/index.php]
*City University -London [http://www.city.ac.uk/optometry]
*University of Manchester [http://www.manchester.ac.uk/degreeprogrammes/undergraduate/UMBF1-M2B510.htm]Wales
Cardiff University [http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/optom]cotland
Glasgow Caledonian University [http://hp1.gcal.ac.uk/pls/portal30/my_gcal.VA_Programme_Description?gref=BSOO]Northern Ireland
University of Ulster -Coleraine campus on the scenic north coast of Ireland [http://prospectus.ulster.ac.uk/modules/courses/F160UC.html]United States of America
There are 17 American educational institutions offering doctorate level programs in optometry. The programs generally have an undergraduate degree as a prerequisite, and then run four years addressing academic and clinical topics.
*AL:University of Alabama at Birmingham [http://www.uab.edu/optometry]
*CA:University of California, Berkeley [http://spectacle.berkeley.edu]
*CA:Southern California College of Optometry [http://www.scco.edu]
*FL:Nova Southeastern University [http://www.nova.edu]
*IL:Illinois College of Optometry [http://www.ico.edu]
*IN: Indiana University [http://www.opt.indiana.edu]
*MA:New England College of Optometry [http://www.neco.edu]
*MI:Michigan College of Optometry atFerris State University [http://www.ferris.edu/mco]
*MO:University of Missouri St. Louis [http://www.umsl.edu/divisions/optometry]
*NY: State University of New York [http://www.sunyopt.edu]
*OH:Ohio State University [http://optometry.osu.edu]
*OK:Northeastern State University [http://arapaho.nsuok.edu/~optometry]
*OR:Pacific University [http://www.opt.pacificu.edu]
*PA:Pennsylvania College of Optometry [http://www.pco.edu]
*PR:Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, School of Optometry [http://www.optonet.inter.edu]
*TN:Southern College of Optometry [http://www.sco.edu]
*TX:University of Houston [http://www.opt.uh.edu]
*TX:University of the Incarnate Word [http://www.uiw.edu/optometry/index.htm]ee also
List of medical schools
*List of dental schools in the United States
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