Maurice Michael Otunga

Maurice Michael Otunga
Styles of
Maurice Otunga
CardinalCoA PioM.svg
Reference style His Eminence
Spoken style Your Eminence
Informal style Cardinal
See Nairobi

Maurice Michael Otunga (January 19236 September 2003), Cardinal and Archbishop emeritus of Nairobi and Military Ordinary emeritus for Kenya, was born in Chebukwa, diocese of Kakamega, Kenya.


Early life and ordination

After having finished his studies at Mang'u High School, he entered the seminary of Kakamega where he began his philosophy and theology training which he finished at the Gaba national seminary of Kampala, Uganda. He transferred to Rome and was a student at the Pontifical Urban University, where he was ordained a priest in October 1950 and obtained a doctorate in theology. Upon returning in Kenya he was a theology professor for three years at the major diocesan seminary of Kisumu, while he also served as vice-chancellor of the diocesan curia.


On 17 November 1956, Pius XII nominated him Auxiliary to the Bishop of Kisumu. He was then consecrated on 25 February 1957. Four years later Pope John XXIII transferred him to the new Diocese of Kisii, where for nine years he dedicated his pastoral ministry. On 15 November 1969 Paul VI nominated him coadjutor of the Archbishop of Nairobi and then in 1971, Archbishop of Nairobi.


He became Archbishop of Nairobi on 24 October 1971. He was vice president of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), member of the permanent committee of the Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), and has participated in a various assemblies of the Synod of Bishops and has taken part in the Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod. He was military Ordinary for Kenya, 1981 until 29 August 1997.


He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Paul VI in the consistory of 5 March 1973 of the Title of St. Gregory Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane.



In 1996, he publicly burned condoms in Uhuru Park, Nairobi campaigning against the use of condoms [1].


  1. ^ The Standard, October 25, 2006: Catholics not about to allow use of the condom

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