- Alfred Boeddeker
Alfred Boeddeker, O.F.M. (
August 7 ,1903 —January 1 ,1994 ) was an American Franciscanfriar who is best known for having foundedhumanitarian programs to aid the poor and marginalised in theSan Francisco Bay Area . These programs, named by Father Boeddeker forSaint Anthony of Padua , include theSt. Anthony Dining Room (1950), the St. Anthony Free Medical Clinic (1956), and the St. Anthony Farm, 315 acres near Petaluma inSonoma County, California .Biography
Father Boeddeker, born in
San Francisco, California , joined the Franciscans in 1921 and was ordained a priest in 1927. He studiedtheology at the Santa Barbara Seminary, pastored the St. Rafael Church inGoleta, California , and from 1930 to 1933 studied inRome, Italy . After his return from Rome, he taught for fifteen years at the Franciscan School of Theology at theMission Santa Barbara .Boeddeker was once selected to start a Catholic university in
Hankow, China . In preparation for this assignment, he enrolled in a graduate program at theUniversity of California, Berkeley to study Mandarin, Japanese and Russian languages and Chinese history and politics. The Hankow plans were cancelled, however, after the Communist takeover of mainland China in 1949.Father Boeddeker was then appointed pastor of
St. Boniface Church in theTenderloin, San Francisco, California , where he remained for the rest of his long life. Not far from this church, two of Boeddeker's sayings are prominently displayed on the walls of theSt. Anthony Dining Room on Jones Street:
*“The great activity of our life is to love.”
*“I see God as one act—just loving, like the sun always shining.”At least one book has been written about Father Boeddeker: "The Man Behind the Miracle: the Story of Alfred Boeddeker, O.F.M.", by Madeline Hartmann. Fort Bragg: Lost Coast Press (2000). ISBN 1-882-89740-4.
* [http://www.americancatholic.org/Messenger/Oct2005/Feature2.asp "St. Anthony Dining Room: The Loaf Keeps on Multiplying"] in "American Catholic", October 2005.
* [http://www.catholic-sf.org/081503.html "Saint Anthony’s celebrates founder’s centenary"] in "Catholic San Francisco", August 15, 2003.
* [http://www.fst.edu/aboutFST/history.html History of the Franciscan School of Theology.]
* [http://www.saintbonifacesf.org/history.htm History of St. Boniface Church] in the Tenderloin.
* [http://www.familymedicine.medschool.ucsf.edu/education/student_progs/supplementary_clinics.aspx#STANTHONYSCLINIC St. Anthony's Clinic] as described by theUniversity of California, San Francisco Medical school .
* [http://www.stanthonysf.org/services/services-farm.html St. Anthony Farm] , St. Anthony Foundation.ee also
St. Anthony Dining Room
*Charity (virtue)
*Charitable organization External links
* [http://www.sfneighborhoodparks.org/parkhistories/boeddekerpark.html History of Boeddeker Park] , Neighborhood Parks Council.
* [http://my.sfgov.org/photogallery/photogallery.aspx?dept=116&search=indexpage&criteria=Father%20Alfred%20Boeddeker%20Park&cS=2&] at the
dedication andgroundbreaking ceremony for Boeddeker Park, named in his honour.
* [http://www.pps.org/great_public_spaces/one?public_place_id=88 Boeddeker Park] , analysis and commentary, Project for Public Spaces.
* [http://sflib1.sfpl.org:82/search/dBiography+U/dbiography+u/47,0,0,E/2exact&FF=dboeddeker+father+alfred&1,27, Historical photographs of Father Boeddeker] in the collection of theSan Francisco Public Library .
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