List of James Bond henchmen in Live and Let Die

List of James Bond henchmen in Live and Let Die

A list of henchman from the 1954 James Bond novel and 1973 film "Live and Let Die" from the List of James Bond henchmen.

Tee Hee Johnson

James Bond Character
name=Tee Hee Johnson
portrayed=Julius Harris
affiliation=Mr. Big
status=Unknown (Presumed dead)

Tee Hee Johnson is a fictional character in the James Bond novel and film "Live and Let Die". In the film he was portrayed by Julius Harris. Tee Hee's name is derived from his tendency to chuckle to himself very often for little or no reason. As Bond states when he first meets the man: "Funny how the least little thing amuses him".

In the film, Tee Hee works for Mr. Big and has a metal arm, replacing one which was bitten off by an alligator named Albert. He appears to be either a chief bodyguard or right hand man of Kananga's as he appears in almost all of his employer's scenes regardless of which identity his employer is currently assuming. In his first meeting of Bond, Tee Hee is informed that Bond is armed by Solitaire, disarms him and, in a demonstration of his formidable hook, bends Bond's gun nearly double. In their next meeting, Tee Hee strands Bond on an island surrounded by crocodiles and alligators, but Bond escapes by using the backs of the alligators as stepping stones. Bond then sets fire to the alligator farm Tee Hee was overseeing. After Bond foils Mr. Big's plot, Tee Hee returns to attempt revenge. During a fight with Tee Hee, Bond disables his artificial arm by cutting the wires which control the hook. Bond then throws Tee Hee out of the window of a moving train, leaving his metal arm still attached to the window ledge. It is presumed that he did not survive the fall.

In the novel, Tee Hee has both arms and is killed when Bond kicks him down a stairwell after he broke Bond's finger.

Baron Samedi

James Bond Character
name=Baron Samedi
portrayed=Geoffrey Holder
affiliation=Mr. Big

Baron Samedi is a fictional character from the James Bond novel and film, "Live and Let Die". In the film, he was a henchman to Mr. Big. In "Live and Let Die", Samedi was portrayed by actor Geoffrey Holder. Samedi would later make appearances in the James Bond video games as a multiplayer character.

The character is inspired from the loa, Baron Samedi, a figure representative of death in the Voodoo religion.


In the novel, Baron Samedi does not make an appearance himself, although many people in Harlem and elsewhere believe the novel's chief villain, Mr. Big, to be either the Voodoo god Baron Samedi himself or perhaps his zombie. Mr. Big encourages this belief by keeping a Baron Samedi totem near his desk.


Baron Samedi is first introduced as an entertainer who does a voodoo dance act for tourists, when Bond arrives at the island on which most of the action takes place. The announcer introduces Samedi as "the man who cannot die", though Bond doesn't seem to think much of it at the time. He is described by Felix Leiter as being nine feet tall. Holder is 6 ft 6 inches in reality.

Baron Samedi is perhaps the most enigmatic villain/henchman the cinematic Bond has ever faced. He is the only henchmen which uses occultic acts to kill his enemies. His character is an ambiguous one, and the audience cannot tell if he is the Voodoo god Baron Samedi himself or simply a human who has assumed Samedi's identity. Contributing to the mystery is the fact that Samedi seems to operate as an aide to Doctor Kananga, aka Mr. Big, but is not entirely under his control. In one scene, for instance, as Kananga interrogates Solitaire (the film's main Bond girl), Samedi engages in an odd ritual of burning Tarot cards. The ritual seems to convey a sinister message to Kananga and Solitaire, and although it irritates Kananga, he refuses to put a stop to Samedi's card-burning. Furthermore, the scene demonstrates that he has, perhaps, the same Tarot powers as Solitaire. When Bond and Solitaire are exploring Kananga's "Voodooland", he is the first of the villain's allies to observe the pair and reports this on a flute he is playing after a menacing and polite interaction with them. Solitaire appears to acknowledge him as they walk away.

Later on, Bond witnesses Baron Samedi rising from a grave, and shoots him in the forehead, however it is revealed to be nothing more than an animatronic dummy. Only minutes later, however, the real Samedi rises from the grave and engages Bond in a swordfight. Bond kills him again, this time pushing him into a coffin full of snakes. But just before the end credits roll, at the point when Bond typically has achieved total victory in previous films, Samedi is seen riding on the front of a speeding train laughing demoniacally, further suggesting that he is in fact a supernatural character, a first (and so far only) for the Bond films.

Samedi has never reappeared in any subsequent Bond film, unlike the henchman Jaws or the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, but neither has the series endeavoured to solve the mystery of Samedi's nature.

Video games

In the video game, "GoldenEye 007", Samedi appears as a boss in an unlockable mission separate from the main plot. In the game, Bond is sent to the ancient el-Saghira temple in the Valley of the Kings in response to a letter sent by someone claiming to be Baron Samedi. Additionally, Samedi claims to have possession of Francisco Scaramanga's golden gun (from "The Man with the Golden Gun"). Bond is sent to retrieve the legendary weapon and defeat a cackling Baron a total of three times before completing the mission. (Interestingly enough, though the Golden Gun defeats other enemies in one shot, it takes more than one shot to dispatch the Baron's last incarnation.) In the cutscene that follows, Bond strides down a corridor of the temple with the golden gun in hand. After he leaves, Samedi emerges from the shadows and laughs. He is also available as a multiplayer character. Baron Samedi makes an appearance in the second stage of the 1992 Sega Mega Drive/Genesis game "". He is found about halfway through the stage and takes several shots to destroy, he then reappears from the ground but does not return after being killed a second time.

Samedi is also an unlockable multiplayer character in ' (unlocked either by use of cheat codes or beating the campaign mission "The Exchange" with a high enough medal), ', (earning 50 points in Co-Op multiplayer mode) and "The World Is Not Enough" (cheat codes or successfully completing the game on the "Secret Agent" difficulty setting).

* In the game "Fur Fighters" a character very similar to Samedi, known as Odebah Bear appeared as a mini boss.

Rosie Carver

James Bond Character
name=Rosie Carver
portrayed=Gloria Hendry
affiliation= Renegade CIA Agent, Mr. Big / Kananga
role=Bond girl / Henchman

Rosie Carver, played by Gloria Hendry, is a fictional character in the James Bond film "Live and Let Die". Her character was created for the film, and does not appear in the novel.

In the film, she is a rogue CIA agent who is secretly an underling of Kananga, aka "Mr. Big", who sends her to kill 007. When arriving at a hotel in San Monique, Bond is surprised to learn that "Mrs. Bond" has already booked into the suite.

After spending the night together, Bond and Rosie head off deep-sea fishing, while they check over the rest of the island. After a picnic where they make love, Bond confronts Rosie, and learns that she is actually in the employ of Kananga and she is to lure Bond to a trap where he would be killed. When Bond threatens to kill her if she doesn't come clean, Rosie runs away in terror, only to be killed moments later by Kananga’s scarecrows. She is one of many henchmen who is killed not by James but by their employer (other examples include Henry Gupta from "Tomorrow Never Dies", Kronsteen from "From Russia with Love", Corinne Dufour from "Moonraker", Helga Brandt (Number 11) and Osato from "You Only Live Twice").

Rosie Carver is Bond's first on-screen black love interest. Her character was initially written as a white woman and the lead Bond girl, Solitaire, as black (Diana Ross being the first choice to play Solitaire) before the producers made the switch. During filming, the producers actually thought about sparing Rosie, but ultimately they went ahead with the original plan and killed her off.


James Bond Character
portrayed=Earl Jolly Brown
affiliation=Mr. Big / Kananga
status= Presumed Alive (film) Arrested (novel)

Whisper is the name of a character in the Bond novel and film, "Live and Let Die". The character has a very soft voice that sounds like he is whispering, hence earning himself the name. In the film he is played by Earl Jolly Brown.

In the novel, his quiet voice is attributed to a childhood bout of tuberculosis, from which one and a half of his lungs had to be removed, leaving him with only half a lung with which to breathe and talk.

He is seen on a number of occasions throughout the film; when Bond travels to meet Felix Leiter in New York, when he pulls alongside Bond's cab, he kills the driver by using the Poison Dart Shooting Mirror in his car, and appears at the end of the film in Kananga's lair.

It is unclear as to whether Whisper, like so many henchmen, actually dies at the close of the movie. He is last seen being knocked into an air tight metal capsule just prior to the climactic fight between Bond and Kanaga.

Whisper is arrested in the end of the novel.


James Bond Character
portrayed=Tommy Lane
affiliation=Mr. Big / Kananga

Adam is a character in the Bond film, "Live and Let Die". He is an underling of Kananga/Mr. Big but mainly receives his instructions from Tee Hee; in some ways he can be considered the latter's (non-mechanical) right hand. He first appears at the airport where Bond and Solitaire are captured and then leads Mr. Big's men in pursuing Bond at the alligator farm. He steals a speedboat from Sheriff J. W. Pepper's brother-in-law Billy Bob to chase Bond and, at the climax of the chase near an abandoned tanker, is doused in petrol by Bond. Disoriented by this attack, he maneuvers his boat inside the tanker and is killed in the subsequent explosion.


James Bond Character
portrayed=Michael Ebbin
affiliation=Mr. Big / Kananga

Dambala is a character in the Bond film, "Live and Let Die". He is portrayed by Michael Ebbin.

Dambala is a voodoo priest of sorts who appears to be a disciple of Baron Samedi. He is first seen during the pre-credits sequence, in which he kills a British agent named Baines with a venomous snake on San Monique, the third killing within days linked to Dr. Kananga. He later shows up when Bond comes to the island, and he is shot by Bond during the agent's attempts to find the entrance to Kananga's lair.

An error occurs during the scene in which Samedi rises out of the passageway; when the crowd cheers for him, Dambala can be seen among them, despite being killed moments earlier.

Oh Cult Voodoo Shop Clerk

James Bond Character
name=Oh Cult Voodoo Shop Clerk
portrayed=Kubi Chaza
affiliation= Mister Big

Oh Cult Voodoo Shop Clerk, played by Kubi Chaza, is a fictional character in the James Bond film "Live and Let Die".

This woman is one of the people Bond meets in New York City while following the trail of assassinations there. Though she seems like a demure occult shop owner, she is actually in cahoots with Dr. Kananga. After Bond finds evidence in New York City that leads him to Mister Big in Harlem, the clerk puts in a call to Big's henchmen to follow him there.

Cab Driver

James Bond Character
name= Cab Driver
portrayed=Arnold Williams
affiliation=Mr. Big / Kananga

Cab Driver is a character in the James Bond film, "Live and Let Die". He is played by Arnold Williams.

The Cab Driver is the driver who helps Bond to tail Solitaire and Kananga's men to Kananga's Fillet of Soul restaurant in New York City. He is overly cheerful and likes to mess with his passengers' minds. After Bond departs into the Fillet of Soul, the Cab Driver is revealed to be a Kananga agent, who informs the restaurant crew about Bond's arrival. Bond is later captured but soon escapes.

After Bond and Solitaire arrive in New Orleans from San Monique, they are driven around town by the same Cab Driver, who traps them in his car and drives them to Kananga's men at a nearby airfield. He then amusingly informs Bond that they intend to send him "skydiving". Bond once again escapes and the Cab Driver is not seen again.

Casual Assassin

James Bond Character
name= Unknown (Casual Assassin)
gender= Male
affiliation= Kananga/Mr. Big
status= active/unknown

The Casual Assassin is a minor character in the James Bond film "Live and Let Die". He is portrayed by Alvin Alcorn in an uncredited role.

During the film's pre-title sequence, MI6 agent Hamilton is seen observing the Fillet of Soul restaurant in New Orleans. Suddenly, a sorrowful funeral parade appears on the same street, with the Casual Assassin approaching Hamilton's side. He is a short, African-American man with glasses and gray hair, and is largely unassuming.

When Hamilton asks, "Whose funeral is it?", the casual assassin pulls out a switchblade knife and says, "Yours," before quickly stabbing Hamilton to death. The fraudulent funeral-goers lower the coffin over Hamilton's body, and when they lift it (and the body) they erupt into jubilant celebration.

After Bond and his friend CIA agent Felix Leiter arrive in New Orleans, Felix sends Agent Harold Strutter to observe the Fillet of Soul at the exact spot where Hamilton was murdered. The same funeral parade appears and the casual assassin shows up again. He grins suspiciously at Strutter, and the scene cuts to Bond and Felix arriving at the restaurant as the once again jubilant funeral march passes them. Strutter is missing. They later go into the restaurant and order drinks. Leiter leaves to take a phone call allegedly from Strutter. Felix then says, "For a moment, a thought Harry was lying down on the job." It is unknown what the assassin's status is after Kananga's demise.

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