- Leonard Orban
Infobox Politician
name=Leonard Orban
caption=Leonard Orban
birth_date = Birth date and age|mf=yes|1961|6|28|mf=y
term_start = January 1, 2007
term_end =
predecessor = new post
party= unaffiliated
office =European Commissioner for Multilingualism Leonard Orban (born June 28, 1961) is a Romanian independent technocrat who currently serves as the Commissioner for Multilingualism in the European Commission, the executive body of the
European Union (EU). He is responsible for the EU language policy and is the first Romanian Commissioner and the first member of the Commission whose portfolio is exclusivelymultilingualism . His term of office began on January 1, 2007 and will end on October 31, 2009. With a background inengineering andeconomics , Orban has taken up various posts working for theaccession of Romania to the European Union , most prominently as Deputy and later as Chief Negotiator for his country at the time of final negotiations with the European Union.Steering the multilingualism
language policy of the EU, Orban focuses on promoting foreign language learning through EU programmes such as the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013. In addition, his remit also includes the effective functioning of the EU's extensive interpretation, translation and publication services in the 23 official languages. To support the remit of his portfolio, Orban oversees a staff of 3,400 in total (approximately 15 per cent of the Brussels executive's workforce) and approximately 1 per cent of theEU budget .Though unaffiliated to any political party, Orban adheres to
liberalism . He supports Romania's closerEuropean integration and a strong European Union, as well as the relaunch of the frozenTreaty establishing a Constitution for Europe without modifications to the original text.Early years and personal life
Orban was born in
Braşov , centralRomania , to a father of Hungarian origin and a Romanian mother. His brother,Ludovic Orban , a prominent politician of Romania's National Liberal Party, is currently Romania's Transport Minister. He is married and has a daughter, and his personal interests range acrossforeign policy ,classical music , reading and cinema. [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/commissioners/cv_orban_en.pdf Curriculum Vitae of Leonard Orban for the European Parliament Hearing] , (PDF) "European Parliament website", undated. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.]Orban gained a
bachelor's degree (1981-1986) inengineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Transylvania University of Braşov , and a bachelor's degree (1987-1992) ineconomics at the Faculty of Management,Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies . Alongside Romanian, he is also fluent in English and French and has passive knowledge of Italian.Between 1986 and 1993, he worked as engineer for Tractor Manufacturing Company Miercurea Ciuc (1986-1989, Romanian: "Întreprinderea de Tractoare Miercurea Ciuc"), Enterprise for Special Industrial Constructions Bucharest (1989-1990, Romanian: "Întreprinderea de Antrepriza Construcţii Speciale Industriale şi Montaj (I.A.C.S.I.M.) Bucureşti") and Institute of Research for Machine Manufacturing Technology Bucharest (1990-1993, Romanian: "Institutul de Cercetare Tehnologia Construcţiilor de Maşini (I.C.T.C.M.) Bucureşti").
Working for European affairs
From 1993 to 2001, Orban served as a Parliamentary Counsellor on European and International Affairs within the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament, where he was responsible for the European Integration Committee, as well as relations with the European Parliament. In 1995, the Association Agreement between the EU and Romania came into force and Orban also dealt with the Secretariat of the Joint Parliamentary Committee EU-Romania. Between May 2001 and December 2004, he served as Deputy Chief Negotiator and from December 2004 to December 2006, as Chief Negotiator with the EU and as Secretary of State of the
Ministry of European Integration of Romania , directly responsible for coordinating Romania's preparation for accession to the EU, as well as drafting the Treaty of Accession. [ [http://www.monitoruloficial.ro/monitoare/2006/mon1031.htm Decizii ale Primului-Ministru nr.222/27 decembrie 2006] , "Monitorul Oficial al României no. 1031/27 decembrie 2006". Retrieved on February 4, 2007. ro_icon] On April 25, 2005, together with the Romanian presidentTraian Băsescu , the Romanian prime ministerCălin Popescu-Tăriceanu and the Romanian foreign ministerMihai Răzvan Ungureanu , Orban was one of the signatories for Romania on the country's Treaty of Accession inLuxembourg . After the signing of the Treaty, when Romania received the status of the observer in theCouncil of the European Union and in the Commission's committees, Orban was responsible for coordinating Romania's policies and positions in EU affairs. In October 30, 2006, Orban was nominated as Romania's candidate for the European Commission. [http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/06/1499&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en President Barroso presents the Commissioner designate for Romania] , "European Commission Press Release", October 30, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] From January 1, 2007, Orban became European Commissioner for Multilingualism for Romania in theBarroso commission .Council of the European Union, [http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=PRES/07/1&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en Accession of Bulgaria and Romania: EU appointments and changes to Council procedures] , January 1, 2007. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] He has written numerous newspaper articles and analyses and has given numerous speeches on European affairs.Orban has not joined a political party, but is of liberal political leaning. He participates as an independent in the
European Parliament political group Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). [ [http://english.hotnews.ro/%27%27It%27s-professionalism-that-matters-for-an-European-Commissioner-not-the-country-of-origin-articol_43967.htm 'It's professionalism that matters for an European Commissioner, not the country of origin"] , "HotNews.ro", December 12, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] [ [http://www.mediafax.ro/english/articole-free/Romania---s-European-Commissioner-Still-Undecided-To-Join-Liberal-Party-592921-9.html Romania's Commissioner still undecided to join Liberal Party] , "Mediafax", December 17, 2006. Retrieved on December 17, 2006.] [ [http://www.eldr.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=978#ln3 New liberal Commissioners Meglena Kuneva and Leonard Orban approved by the European Parliament] , "European Democrats Newsletter", December 6, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.]Portfolio as European Commissioner
European Commissioner for Multilingualism in the Barroso Commission, Orban is responsible for the language policy of the European Union, i.e. promotingmultilingualism for the citizens and the institutions of theEuropean Union . He is the first to hold this portfolio. Multilingualism was previously a responsibility of theEuropean Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism ,Ján Figeľ , the first Commissioner whose portfolio explicitly included multilingualism.Politically, the portfolio is focused on promoting foreign languages learning," [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smartapi!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=en&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2005&nu_doc=596 Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social committee and the Committee of the Regions - A New Framework Strategy for Multilingualism] " COM(2005) 596 final, November 22, 2005. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/facts/4_16_3_en.htm European Parliament Fact Sheets: 4.16.3. Language policy] , "European Parliament website". Retrieved on February 4, 2007.] specifically, an individual's mother tongue plus two other languages, [ [http://ue.eu.int/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/ec/71025.pdf Presidency Conclusions - Barcelona European Council - March 15 and 16, 2002] . (PDF) Retrieved on February 1, 2007.] as means for the worker’s mobility and business
competitiveness . Though awareness forlinguistic diversity is a policy target, thelanguage rights of speakers of regional, minority, lesser-used and migrant languages are not legally protected. In the European Union,language policy is the responsibility of member states and European Union does not have a "common language policy." Based on the "principle ofsubsidiarity ", European Union institutions play a supporting role in this field, promoting cooperation between the member states and promoting the European dimension in their language policies, particularly through the teaching and dissemination of their languages. [ [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/en/treaties/dat/12002E/htm/C_2002325EN.003301.html#anArt150 Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Community, Articles 149 to 150] , "Official Journal C 321E of 29 December 2006". Retrieved on February 1, 2007.] The content of educational systems is the responsibility of individual member states and the European Union has very limited influence in this area. However, a number of European Union funded programmes actively promotelanguage learning , most prominently under the much wider Lifelong learning Programme 2007-2013. Though regional and minority languages can benefit from European Union programmes, protection of linguistic rights is a matter for the member states. Orban is also responsible for the effective functioning of the European Union's extensiveinterpretation ,translation andpublication services in the 23 official languages of the Union. Language policy affects the overall European Union strategy of communication with its citizens and the effort to establish a European identity.Leonard Orban, [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/speeches/speech_orban_en.pdf Introductory statement - European Parliament Hearing] , (PDF) "European Parliament website", November 27, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] In many of these issues, responsibility is shared with other Commissioners, namely the European Commissioner for Education, Training and Culture, Ján Figeľ. Orban is also responsible, alongside the President of the Commission, Barroso, and Figeľ to work on "intercultural dialogue", including the 2008European Year of Intercultural Dialogue .Administratively, Orban is in charge of the Directorate-General (DG) for Translation, the DG for Interpretation and the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, as well as the Multilingualism policy unit (EAC-C-5) in the DG for Education and Culture. In total, Orban is responsbile for overseeing 3,400 staff (approximately 15 per cent of the Brussels executive's workforce) and approximately 1 per cent of the
EU budget . Orban is assisted by a cabinet of nine members; Patricia Bugnot (French) is Head of Cabinet and Jochen Richter (German) is Deputy Head. The cabinet does not include any nativelyanglophone member. [ [http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/orban/team/team_en.htm Leonard Orban - Official site - My Team] , "European Commission website", undated. Retrieved on February 9, 2007.] [ [http://english.hotnews.ro/Romanian-EU-commissioner-names-cabinet.-English-left-apart-articol_44099.htm Romanian EU commissioner names cabinet. English left apart] , "HotNews.ro", January 1, 2007. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] Orban's salary is €18,233.38 (approx. US$ 23,631, c.2007) a month plus housing allowance. [ [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=591&id=1614612006 Commissioner for languages to earn £12,000 a month] , "Scotsman.com" (Reuters), November 1, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.]Orban and the International Language
Esperanto Orban set up a weblog called "Multilingualism - Have your say..."(http://forums.ec.europa.eu/multilingualism/en/). On September 24, 2007 he put his views on "Importance of learning languages" and till 27 March 2008 received 582 comments mostly in favor of the international language
Esperanto . The main points in these comments are: Esperanto is the ideal solution for the language problems in theEU , as it is a neutral, logical, easy-to-learn and rich language. If Esperanto works as the common language in the EU, each text or speech will need to be translated only once - instead of 23 times! In response to such comments for Esperanto, in the introduction of his second post (dated February 6, 2008) called "Do you experience problems in your everyday life that are due to language difficulties?" Orban wrote: for two reasons Esperanto can not be used in the EU (1) it is not an official language in any EU-countries (2) it lacks the needed terminology. In response to these, till 27 March 2008, he received 96 comments. Most of these comments are again for Esperanto, and delivering numerous arguments to show the suitability and rich terminology of Esperanto as the common language for Europe - and the whole world.The debate is on-going, and Orban will probably set a sub-commission to study the case carefully.In the early 1920s a similar debate happened in theLeague of Nations , the first form of theUnited Nations , and Esperanto was studied in details in order to see if it is a capable language to function as the world common language, and specifically in the League of Nations. The Study report, an official document produced in the League of Nations, clearly showed the suitability of Esperanto in every respect.Appointment procedure
According to Article 45 of the protocol to the Accession Treaty of Bulgaria and Romania, the new members of the Commission representing the acceding member states are appointed by the Council of the European Union in common accord with the President of the Commission and after consultation with the
European Parliament . [ [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/oj/2005/l_157/l_15720050621en00290045.pdf Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania] , (PDF) "Official Journal L 157 of 21 June 2005". Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] Compared to former enlargements of the European Union, the Accession Treaty for Bulgaria and Romania, for the first time, contains an explicit acknowledgement of the Parliament’s role and constitutes the formal legal basis for the new Commissioners’ appointment procedure. [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/procedure_en.htm Hearings of the two Commissioners designate from Bulgaria and Romania: The appointment procedure and key dates] , "European Parliament website", undated. Retrieved on April 19, 2007.]In October 30, 2006, in agreement with the President of the Commission, Barroso, the Romanian government nominated Leonard Orban as Commissioner designate for Romania. Barroso assigned him the portfolio of multilingualism. Before Orban,
Varujan Vosganian , the current Romanian National Liberal Party Minister of Economy and Commerce, had been nominated, but withdrew his candidature due to allegations concerning his past involvement with the secret police under Ceauşescu and party financing by a tycoon. National Liberal Party foreign ministerMihai Răzvan Ungureanu refused a nomination. [ [http://www.euractiv.com/en/enlargement/romania-proposes-new-commissioner-candidate/article-159271 Romania proposes new commissioner candidate] , "EurActiv.com", October 30, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.]The assignment of the multilingualism portfolio to the Romanian Commissioner by Barroso was highly controversial. Barroso was severely criticized for creating a new Commissioner portfolio so that the accessing countries in 2007 could hold a post. The portfolio was criticized for being too "light" for such a high-rank official, that there would be an overlap of responsibilities with other Commissioners and the good functioning of the Commission would be endangered. The portfolio was considered insubstantial for a Commissioner due to the limited jurisdiction of the EU in affecting language policy and the more administrative (rather than political character) of the post. In addition, it appeared that the portfolio had been created to complete a 27-strong Commission; Romania's appointment of a technocrat rather than a politician, given the country's deficits in interior and justice policies, especially in terms of corruption, would result in the Romanian Commissioner taking a degraded portfolio. This criticism came from the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Romania's main opposition party,, [ [http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=world_news&month=november2006&file=world_news2006110224558.xml Romanian oppn wants better EU portfolio] , "The Peninsula" (Reuters), November 2, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] [
Leon Mangasarian , [http://news.monstersandcritics.com/europe/article_1217613.php/Interview%A0Romanian_leader_-_tough_EU_entry_terms_not_second_class Interview: Romanian leader - tough EU entry terms not 'second class'] , "Monsters and Critics", November 2, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] [ [http://www.nineoclock.ro/archive_index.php?page=detalii&categorie=frontpage&id=20061101-500789 Who do the politicians want to cheat?] , "Nine O'Clock", November 1, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] the Socialist Group (PES) in the European Parliament [http://www.euractiv.com/en/enlargement/socialists-criticise-new-commissioner-portfolio/article-159715 Socialists criticise new commissioner’s portfolio] , "EurActiv.com", November 15, 2007. Retrieved on February 4, 2007] and the liberalFinancial Times newspaper. [Tobias Buck , [http://us.ft.com/ftgateway/superpage.ft?news_id=fto110120060255093038 Romania's less than glittering prize] , "The Financial Times", December 1, 2006. Retrieved on February 4, 2007.] Socialist Group leader,Martin Schulz , suggested a portfolio for the protection ofethnic minorities instead. TheConference of Presidents of the European Parliament asked Barroso to clarify the mandate of the Commissioner for Multilingualism as well as the mandate of the other members of the Commission with regards to the "intercultural dialogue". [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/press/conf_presidents_en.pdf Assessment of the Conference of Presidents] , (PDF) "European Parliament website", November 28, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] Barroso turned down the PES proposal and defended the post. He stated that Ján Figeľ, the Commissioner for Education, Training and Culture, "will remain responsible for the management of actions to directly promote the inter-cultural dialogue".Lucia Kubosova , [http://euobserver.com/?aid=23046 MEPs back Romanian commissioner despite 'indecent' job task] , "euobserver.com", December 6, 2006. Retrieved on December 6, 2006.]After a public hearing in Brussels at the
Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) of the European Parliament in participation with theCommittee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) on November 27, 2006, [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/default_en.htm Hearings of the two Commissioners designate from Bulgaria and Romania] , "European Parliament website". Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] the Committee gave a positive assessment. [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/result/orban_en.pdf Assessment of the Committee on Culture and Education] , (PDF) "European Parliament website", November 28, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] On December 12, 2006, Orban received the formal approval of the European Parliament inStrasbourg with 595 votes in favour, 16 against and 29 abstentions. [The text of the decision: [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2006-0530+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN European Parliament decision approving the appointment of Mr Leonard Orban, the new Member of the Commission nominated by Romania] , "European Parliament website". Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] [The results of the vote: [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/008-1357-345-12-50-901-20061207IPR01147-11-12-2006-2006-false/default_en.htm MEPs approve the Bulgarian and Romanian Commissioners-designate] , "European Parliament Press Service", December 12, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] The Socialist Group voted for Orban, laying the blame for the portfolio's mandate on the President of the Commission rather than the Commissioner designate. On January 1, 2007, he was appointed by the Council and on January 22, 2007, in a ceremony inLuxembourg , Orban was sworn in before theEuropean Court of Justice . [ [http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=CJE/07/5&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en Solemn undertaking given before the Court of Justice by two new members of the European Commission] , "Court of Justice Press Release", No 05/07, January 22, 2007. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] Orban holds the position of European Commissioner until October 31, 2009, when the remaining term of office for the Barroso Commission ends.Views on multilingualism
In his hearing at the European Parliament, Leonard Orban focused on defending the importance of his post in presenting the EU language policy, emphasising foreign language learning and describing the concrete initiatives he intended to implement. [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/008-329-331-11-48-901-20061127IPR00312-27-11-2006-2006-false/default_en.htm Summary of hearing of Leonard Orban, Commissioner-designate for Multilingualism] , "European Parliament Press Release", November 27, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/questionnaires/specific_reply_orban_en.pdf European Parliament Hearings - Answers to questionnaire for Commissioner designate Mr Leonard Orban (Multilingualism): part B - Specific questions] , (PDF) "European Parliament website", October 23, 2006. Retrieved on February 1, 2007.]
Orban said that he intended to spearhead the Commission's work on a portfolio that has become more important with every enlargement and assured the Members of the European Parliament that his portfolio was a substantial one, covering a range of important political and managerial responsibilities. He also described how his portforlio would contribute to economic
competitiveness , the social dimension of the EU and the intercultural dialogue and stated that it would provide a forum for European political dialogue.Orban told the Committee that the multilingual dimension of the EU must be made mainstream in all relevant EU policies and programmes and should not be seen as a separate, isolated policy. He stated that, "Politically, I will steer the Commission's work on bringing an active multilingualism policy into a variety of policies which are the key to the functioning of the EU and the
internal market : culture, education and competitiveness." In addition, he claimed that multilingualism would be commercially advantageous as, "At first sight, one single language might appear easier to manage [... but] multilingualism can also give any industry a competitive advantage if it helps them to tap local markets and create new products which also cater for multilingualism." According to Orban, multilingualism promoteslabour mobility ,tolerance and a sense ofEuropean citizenship and, as an integral aspect of the legitimacy, transparency and democracy of the European integration, it contributes to a successful EU communication policy. Within the Lisbon strategy, the target for foreign language learning is “mother tongue plus two,” which means that English language skills on their own are not sufficient. To address this, Orban aims to improvelanguage teaching and to make the media and new communication technologies more language-friendly. He underlined that, "our efforts to support multilingualism are not limited to EU languages; we are also encouraging training in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish and Russian." He added that, "The promotion of language learning andlinguistic diversity is a general objective of the new programme for lifelong learning launched in 2007. For the first time, it will be open to all languages spoken in the European Union as well as to the languages of the EU's main trading partners." Orban claims that respect for linguistic diversity and the fight againstdiscrimination on the basis of language are cornerstones for a social Europe; he states that, "Europe's linguistic andcultural diversity is a source of richness which also needs to be nurtured and promoted," which presumably includes all languages, national, regional, minority and migrant. However, Orban agreed that the protection oflanguage rights was a matter for individual member states and his view is that, "When it comes to language rights, I am not in favour of adopting legislation at European level to be imposed on Member States."Orban's remit includes the development of the European Indicator of Language Competence, the creation of a Business Forum on Multilingualism and a
translation contest between schools from all over Europe as part of the events marking the 50th anniversary of theTreaty of Rome . In addition to the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 and other educational and cultural programmes, Orban will promote multilingualism within other relevant policies and programmes, including the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, theEuropean Social Fund andimmigration initiatives. He also intends to contribute to the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, where multilingualism plays a fundamental part. On planning further policy, Orban promised to, "carefully analyse the results from the Action Plan for the promotion of language learning and linguistic diversity, the recommendations from the High Level Group on Multilingualism and the activities of the Commission internal network for multilingualism. Before the end of 2007, I would organise a Ministerial conference to discuss the way forward. I would then propose a new Action Plan in 2008 to continue work in this area."His views on multilingualism fall in line with the current European Union language policy as described in the Communication from the Commission "A New Framework Strategy for Multilingualism" on November 22, 2005.
Views on EU-Romania relations and the European integration
Orban defends Romania's accession to the EU, believing that Romania can only gain from its entry [ [http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2253068,00.html Romanian to Become EU's First Commissioner for Multilingualism] , "Deutsche Welle", November 11, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.] and stressing the importance of a post-accession strategy for his country. [Leonard Orban: [http://english.hotnews.ro/Leonard-Orban-Stop-fighting-start-building-post-accession-strategies-articol_43991.htm "Stop fighting, start building post-accession strategies"] , "HotNews.ro", December 15, 2006. Retrieved on February 1, 2007.]
On the "future of Europe", Orban believes in a strong, cohesive European Union capable of being a major actor on the global scene. In addition, he stresses the need to increase the pace of the implementation of the
Lisbon Strategy , a ten-year strategy designed to make the European Union the world's most competitive economy by 2010. [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/questionnaires/general_reply_orban_en.pdf European Parliament Hearings - Answers to questionnaire for Commissioner designate Mr Leonard Orban (Multilingualism): part A - General questions] , (PDF) "European Parliament website", October 20, 2006. Retrieved on February 1, 2007.] Institutionally, he supports theTreaty establishing a Constitution for Europe , voted down in referendums in France and Netherlands in 2005, believing that it should be ratified by the member states without further negotiations or without excluding some of its provisions. [ [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/008-329-331-11-48-901-20061127IPR00312-27-11-2006-2006-false/default_en.htm Summary of hearing of Leonard Orban, Commissioner-designate for Multilingualism] , "European Parliament Press Release", November 27, 2006. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.]References
External links
* [http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/orban/index_en.htm Leonard Orban - official site]
* [http://forums.ec.europa.eu/multilingualism/en/ Multilingualism: Have your say]
* [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/default_en.htm European Parliament Hearings of the two Commissioners designate from Bulgaria and Romania - Main Page]
* [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/commissioners/cv_orban_en.pdf Curriculum Vitae of Leonard Orban for the European Parliament Hearing] (PDF)
* [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/speeches/speech_orban_en.pdf Introductory statement for the European Parliament Hearing] (PDF)
* [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/commission/2006_enlarg/questionnaires/specific_reply_orban_en.pdf Orban's answers to questionnaire on multilingualism for the European Parliament Hearing] (PDF)
* [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/eplive/vod/hearings_en.htm?&Ex=audit&Date=20061127 Video of Orban's European Parliament Hearing]Persondata
NAME=Orban, Leonard
SHORT DESCRIPTION=European Commissioner for Multilingualism
DATE OF BIRTH=June 28, 1961
PLACE OF BIRTH=Braşov ,Romania
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