Henschel Hs 127

Henschel Hs 127

The Henschel Hs 127 was a German bomber aircraft that was built as two prototypes, but cancelled without entering mass production.

In 1935, the RLM ("Reichsluftfahrtministerium" - German Ministry of Aviation) published requests for a fast tactical bomber. Junkers, Focke-Wulf, Messerschmitt and Henschel all submitted designs.

According to RLM specifications, the plane was to be able to maintain a speed of 500 km/h (313 mph) for 30 minutes, take-off to a height of 20 metres (65 ft) in not more than 750 metres (2,460 ft), and carry one defensive machine gun and 500-800 kg (1,100-1,760 lb) of bombs. The crew was to consist of a pilot, a bombardier/navigator and a gunner.

Focke-Wulf soon withdrew from participation, so three projects were presented: the future Hs 127, the Junkers Ju 88 and the Messerschmitt Bf 162. Prototypes were ordered of all three, with new Daimler-Benz DB 600 engines to be installed on all planes.

The maiden flight of the Hs 127 V1 was at the end of 1937. The plane was smaller and lighter than the Ju 88 and had a very good top speed of 565 km/h (353 mph), but the Ju 88 was chosen because of its bigger bomb load.

In May, 1938, the contract for Hs 127 development was cancelled by the RLM and the third prototype was not finished.

The Hs 127 was a low-wing monoplane with monocoque fuselage. Its two-spar wing had an all-metal covering and was equipped with flaps. Its retractable gear had shock-absorbers to facilitate operations from poor airstrips. All 3 crew members sat in the nose.


aircraft specifications
plane or copter?=plane
jet or prop?=prop
length main= 39 ft
length alt= 12 m
span main= 59 ft
span alt= 18 m
empty weight main= 11,000 lb
empty weight alt= 5,000 kg
loaded weight main=17,600 lb
loaded weight alt=8,000 kg
engine (prop)=DB 600
type of prop=12-cylinder, inverted-vee configuration
number of props=2
power main=850 hp
power alt=634 kW
max speed main= 353 mph
max speed alt= 568 km/h
armament=convert|3307|lb bombload

ee also

similar aircraft=
* List of World War II military aircraft of Germany
* List of military aircraft of Germany
* List of WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft prototype projects
see also=


* Green, William. "Warplanes of the Third Reich". London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishers Ltd., 1970 (fourth impression 1979). ISBN 0-356-02382-6.
* Smith, J.Richard and Kay, Anthony. "German Aircraft of the Second World War". London: Putnam & Company Ltd., 1972 (third impression 1978). ISBN 0-370-00024-2.
* Wood, Tony and Gunston, Bill. "Hitler's Luftwaffe: A pictorial history and technical encyclopedia of Hitler's air power in World War II". London: Salamander Books Ltd., 1977. ISBN 0-86101-005-1.

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