List of Ranma ½ locations

List of Ranma ½ locations

:"This is a list of locations from "Ranma ½", the manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi."


Cave of Lost Love

nihongo|The Cave of Lost Love|呪いの破恋洞|Noroi no Harendō is where couples go in hopes of either ending their relationships or to prove their unbreakable bond of love. The reason they break up here is because it is haunted by the souls of broken-hearted men and woman who make sure to tear the couples apart.

Ukyo Kuonji had brought Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo to the cave in hopes of breaking them up, but she wasn't allowed to go inside without a partner. Luckily for her Ryoga Hibiki, not knowing where he was as usual, showed up, and Ukyo chose him as her partner. In the cave, Ranma and Akane kept bickering while Ryoga and Ukyo tried to make sure they stayed together. But as tension began to grow between them, Akane eventually left Ranma behind and decided to continue on with Ryoga. Ukyo soon caught up with and made sure that the original plan was fulfilled. When they reached the end of the cave, the ghosts mistook Ryoga and Ukyo for a real couple since they seemed to get along far better then Ranma and Akane, so they tried break them up instead while Ranma and Akane exited safely. In the OVA, Ukyo and Shampoo thought of the idea together. The rest of the main cast joined the trip as well, but it was the same disastrous result for Ryoga and Ukyo.


nihongo|Furinkan|風林館|Furinkan is a community in Nerima, Tokyo, Japan. The name means "wind forest hall."

All of the main characters live in Furinkan, and most attend the eponymous local high school which is under the dark fist of Principal Kuno. The town has several mysterious curio and antique shops, as well as restaurants such as Ucchan's okonomiyaki shop, and Cologne's Neko Hanten (Cat Cafe), serving Chinese food. Many dojos are based in Furinkan, most notably the Tendo Dojo, home of the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts (also translated as Tendo School of Indiscriminate Grappling).

Although Furinkan is a fictional community, some scenes in the manga have been shown to have been modeled on actual places in Nerima Ward's suburb of Shakujii-koen.


Joketsuzoku ("tribe of women heroes"), otherwise simply known as the village of the Chinese Amazons, is the home of Shampoo, Mousse, Cologne, and several minor characters. While it is always referred to by its Japanese name, the name of the tribe in Mandarin would be Nǚjiézú (女傑族 "Nyūchezū").

The village is a matriarchal society centered around martial arts prowess that has little contact with the outside world. Little is know about them but the Chinese Amazons are stated to be several thousand years old by Cologne. Despite the name of the tribe, it appears both sexes are trained to fight, as Mousse is trained in hidden weapons techniques.

It is known to be situated within the mountains near Jusenkyo, although the Amazons do not appear to be commonly familiar with the curses of Jusenkyo. It is also said to be 30km from Amesores Mountain, a white rock mountain apparently considered a deity by some locals."Enter Shampoo, the Gung-Ho Girl! I Put My Life in Your Hands"; Season 1, episode 15]

The Amazons hold a tournament annually for the various female warriors, the prize of which is a large feast. The fights take place on a suspended log between two fighters who may be armed. It is during this tournament when Ranma and Genma first arrive at the village and encounter Shampoo for the first time.

There a two known laws for the Amazon, both regarding defeat by an outsider. If that outsider is female, the Amazon is to give her the "Kiss of Death" and kill her. If that outsider is male, the Amazon is to marry him. Failure in this mission is a deep disgrace that requires the offender to complete their martial arts training all over again. Despite the prominence of these laws in the plot for the Amazon characters being fixated on Ranma, they become increasingly ignored without stated reasons, although a variety of explanations are possible for this.

Examples of this include: Shampoo initially decided to brainwash Akane, instead of killing her, despite the "kiss of death," for saving her pet P-chan from becoming lunch. She similarly let Hinako be despite this beyond the latter's introduction arc, after learning that the latter didn't constitute a romantic threat and promising Ranma to let him/her handle the confrontation in her stead. She's also been willing to grant Mousse a date during the "Invincible Glasses" story, and Ranma had to defeat her again to make her acknowledge hisclaimin the "Reversal Jewel" arc. When very young, and visiting a 'herbalist village' she never gave Pink a kiss of death for 'defeating'/almost murdering her.

Due to the very nature of their tribe, the Chinese Amazons have developed a vast array of special martial arts techniques, displayed throughout the anime and manga series. The techniques are as follows:

*Hissatsu Shiatsuken (必殺指圧拳 "Bìshāzhǐyāquán", referred to as "Xi Fa Xiang Gao" in the English dubbed version): combines the manipulation of head pressure points coupled with the application of special herbal extracts to selectively erase and/or modify memories. To an observer, it looks like the attacker is giving their victim a shampoo. A skilled user can perform the whole process in 5 or 6 seconds.

*Hohoemi Sannen Goroshi (微笑み三年殺し "Three Year Smile of Death"): (Manga Only) a technique that takes three years to complete and keeps the target in a state of constant pain and fear. The technique is normally used by married Chinese Amazons as a way of retaliating against their partner. The attacker constantly and subtly causes painful "accidents," which eventually turn the victim into a nervous wreck.

*Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken (火中天津甘栗拳 "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"): enables the user to deliver rapid-fire attacks, named after the method by which it is taught.

*Bakusai Tenketsu (爆砕点穴 "Breaking Point"): enables the user to destroy inanimate material with a touch, as well as increasing their resistance to impact damage.

*Splitting Cat Hairs: (Anime Only) the user forms a spiral of multiple images spinning around the target.

*Hiryū Shōten Ha (飛竜昇天破 "Heavenly Dragon Blast"): a ki-projection based attack that requires meeting an opponent's "hot" ki with the user's own "cold" ki. Coupled with a spiralling motion, this enables the user to create whirlwinds.

*Dance of the Fire Dragon: (Anime Only) the user deploys a model dragon, which contains a built-in flamethrower and a cassette player that produces hypnotic music that forces those who hear it to dance. A similar technique is the Great Dance of the Super-Phoenix. Both techniques are deployed by Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung. Both are considered legitimate martial arts techniques by the village, just not very effective ones.


nihongo|Jusenkyo|呪泉郷|Jusenkyō is the fictional training ground of "cursed" springs. Jusenkyo is located in a secret area in the Bayankala mountain range (Bayan Har Shan), south of Mount Kensei, in Qinghai Province, China and is maintained by the Jusenkyo Guide. While it is almost always referred to by its Japanese name, the name of the "cursed springs village" in Mandarin would be Zhòuquánxiāng.

Many sad stories have happened in Jusenkyo, mainly that people and animals have drowned (in Japanese immersion was closer to the actual wording, but it was translated as strictly 'drowned') in the various pools hundreds or thousands of years ago. Legend has it that when something is immersed in one of these pools, the pool becomes cursed, and anyone falling into that pool will become whatever first fell in or drowned there, although, unless specified, they retain their mind, personality and skills. The cure (albeit temporary) is to be splashed with hot water. Then the victim would remain in his or her natural form until again encountering cold water. While the curses themselves happen instantaneously, with no "in-between" shots of cursed characters partially transformed in the manga (in the anime there are occasional transition shots), they do take a while to activate, with the cursed character usually standing dumbstruck for a second or so after being splashed. In the world of "Ranma ½", Jusenkyo seems to sometimes serve as a "training ground" for martial artists through vaulting and dueling atop the bamboo poles that jut out of the many springs.

In "Ranma ½", people have, among other things, accidentally fallen into the springs of the drowned girl, panda, duck, piglet, and cat, and at least one character chose to voluntarily bathe in one of the springs. However, most characters featured who have the curse find it to be obstructive and would rather be rid of it. The information about possible cures seems conflicted. It has been shown that instant nannichuan/"spring of drowned man" powder, which renders the subject immune to its effects after one application, temporarily cured Genma and Ranma, and the true spring has been stated as a working cure by the author, which was also heavily implied in the end chapter. However, it has also been found that bathing in two springs can also mix the curses rather than switch them. This was demonstrated in the manga when Pantyhose Taro bathed in the Spring of Drowned Octopus, and found that his cursed form (a minotaur with wings and an eel for a tail) had sprouted tentacles and gained the ability to squirt ink from its fingers. Another permanent cure was to use water from the Dragon Statue, a source of water for Jusenkyo that was located atop Mount Phoenix. The statue was destroyed toward the end of the manga. In the process, the waters of the cursed springs were jumbled up, temporarily combining the curses into an unpredictable and possibly dangerous mixture. By the final chapter of the manga, however, the flooding had receded and the springs were back to normal.

List of known Cursed Springs

*Spring of Drowned Panda (熊猫溺泉 "Shonmaonīchuan"; Mandarin "Xióngmāonìquán") - Cursed Genma Saotome
*Spring of Drowned Girl (娘溺泉 "Nyannīchuan"; Mandarin "Niángnìquán") - Cursed Ranma Saotome, Herb, and a monkey (manga only)
*Spring of Drowned Duck (鴨子溺泉 "Yazunīchuan"; Mandarin "Yāzǐnìquán") - Cursed Mousse , tiger, and fishes
*Spring of Drowned Black Piglet (黒豚溺泉 "Heitowennīchuan"; Mandarin "Hēitúnnìquán") - Cursed Ryoga Hibiki
*Spring of Drowned Cat (猫溺泉 "Maonīchuan"; Mandarin "Māonìquán") - Cursed Shampoo and Arisa Nanjo (games only)
*Spring of Drowned Yeti-riding-Bull-carrying-Crane-and-Eel (牛鶴鰻毛人溺泉 "Niuhōmanmaorennīchuan"; Mandarin "Níuhèmánmáorénnìquán") - Cursed Pantyhose Taro
*Spring of Drowned Octopus (章魚溺泉 "Shanyuinīchuan"; Mandarin "Zhāngyúnìquán") - Cursed Pantyhose Taro (manga only)
*Spring of Drowned Buddhist Priest ("Fūshannīchuan") - Cursed Kin'nee (anime only)
*Spring of Drowned Twins (双生児溺泉 "Shuanshontsūnīchuan"; Mandarin "Shuāngshēngérnìquán") - No one cursed (cloned a crow and cloned a bump on Happosai's head)
*Spring of Drowned Warrior Goddess (Asura) (阿修羅溺泉 "Ashiuruonīchuan"; Mandarin "Āxiūluónìquán") - Cursed Rouge (manga only)
*Spring of Drowned Frog (赤蛙溺泉 "Chiwanīchuan"; Mandarin "Chìwānìquán") - Cursed Frog Hermit (anime only), a couple crows (manga only)
*Spring of Drowned Child (童子溺泉 "Tontsūnīchuan"; Mandarin "Tóngzǐnìquán") - Cursed Lukkosai (manga only)
*Spring of Drowned Akane (茜溺泉 "Akanenīchuan"; Mandarin "Qiànnìquán") - Cursed Kiima (manga only). Akane was only immersed in the pool.
*Spring of Drowned Man (男溺泉 "Nannīchuan"; Mandarin "Nánnìquán") - No one cursed (Shampoo used an instant version on a dog)
*Spring of Drowned Good Samaritan (善男溺泉 "Shannannīchuan"; Mandarin "Shànnánnìquán") - No one cursed (Pantyhouse Taro tried to use what he thought was this on Happosai to change his name)

Nature of the Jusenkyo curses

A few conclusions can be reached about how the magic seems to work.

*The springs are imprinted with whatever living creature that was first immersed in them. (All)
*New curses can still be created. (Spring of Drowned Akane)
*Unless specified, the curses dont seem to affect your age (Taro's monster form grew alongside himself. Lukkosai's and Ryoga's curses have been shown as age specific, as the former turned to a boy, and the latter looked the same in cursed form despite being under the influence of an age-reducing mushroom. It's possible that "girl" also implies youth rather than simply gender, but given that Ranma's boy and girl forms were symmetrically affected by said mushroom, this seems unlikely. Perhaps this is another misunderstanding due to translation.)
*The general springs imprint you with a version of your own form. (Ranma and Herb bathed in the same spring, but came out as separate female versions of themselves)
*If several beings are immersed in a spring on conception the curse becomes imprinted with a merged template. (Taros original form was a combination of a yeti, a bull, a crane and an eel)
*Bathing in several cursed springs can combine their effects, even when applied years apart. (Taros curse mixed with the Spring of Drowned Octopus. Though if this was because he already possessed a unique, mixed curse is unknown)
*A spring containing a persons original template category will cure him/her. (Instant Nannichuan effects on Ranma & Genma. Comment from Takahashi. Treated as a true cure by the Jusenkyo guide in the final chapter. Attempt to connect the Nanniichuan to the Tendo koi pond in the anime. Attempt to purchase "Powdered Nanniichuan" in the anime.)
*People with negative curses didnt immediately use this cure option after becoming afflicted, but have been enthusiastic to use it several months after the incident. (Ranma, Genma, Ryoga, Mousse) In combination with the above information, this indicates that even a curing spring must be applied quite some time after the fact to work and not create merged results, or perhaps they simply weren't aware of this option at the time.
*If a vast amount of curse waters are combined the effects are dangerous or unpredictable. (Jusenkyo flooding)
*If an extremely tiny amount is sprayed on only one area of the body only this part will be affected. (Spring of Drowned Twins applied on Happosais bump)
*A person can be split to several beings. (Same) It is unclear how/if this would/could be reversed.
*If stated, a spring can affect the personality of a subject. (Spring of Drowned Virtuous Man)
*If there exist previous springs which cover the general template form (In this case Spring of Drowned Girl) and possibly the mentality (Spring of Drowned Shy, Awkward Tomboy?), a spring can bestow the exact likeness of whoever was immersed. (Spring of Drowned Akane)
*If a mythological figure is immersed in a pool, it, within limit, confers the abilities, appearance, and likely mentality (judging by Rouge's change in demeanor), similar to what is traditionally associated with it. (Spring of Drowned Asura)
*Jusendo Mountain is the source of the unimprinted magic water that empowers the springs.
*The curses can be locked/made permanent through the use of the Pot of Preservation and unlocked by its companion Kettle of Liberation. Both are artifacts of the Musk Dynasty, but the former seems to either have been incinerated by one of Herbs blasts, or buried with the second under Mt. Horaisan when the mountain crumbled from his constant bombardments.


nihongo|Ryugenzawa|流幻沢|Ryūgenzawa is a mysterious forest which is known for the "monsters" which inhabit it. These are actually giant-sized versions of zoo animals (pets in the OVA) that escaped into the forest from a small petting zoo that was established by Shinnosuke's grandfather years ago. When the animals drank the "Water of Life" found within the forest, they grew to many times their original size. Shinnosuke and his grandfather both live in a house in the middle of the forest. They have taken on the task of keeping the huge animals away from civilization and vice versa, while at the same time looking after them. The animals are not normally aggressive and largely accept or ignore people, but still have the potential to be dangerous. As part of his work, Shinnosuke has set numerous traps throughout Ryugenzawa, but because of his chronically bad memory, often triggers them himself.

Ryugenzawa also houses the legendary eight-headed serpent Orochi, which is normally dormant at the bottom of a lake that feeds the numerous springs throughout Ryugenzawa. The Orochi possesses a magical moss that grows on its eighth and largest head that when infused with the lake water which comes to the surface in numerous springs, creates the "Water of Life". Besides making the animals that drink it grow many times their original size, the Water of Life can also heal all injuries and makes Akane's normally terrible cooking taste delicious. When the Orochi is asleep, the moss that grows on it can mix with the lake water. When it awakens however, it blocks up the source of the springs with its largest head and they subsequently dry up. All effects that the Water of Life has when this happens are reversed: the animals that normally drink it revert to their original sizes, and Akane's cooking returns to its normally terrible taste. The implications for Shinnosuke, who is dependent on the Water of Life to keep him alive, are eventually fatal in the short run, as his body begins to succumb to his old injuries when he stops drinking it.

When the Tendo family visited Ryugenzawa on an outing years ago, a young Akane got lost in the forest. She was attacked by a giant platypus, and was saved by a young Shinnosuke who gave her the Horn Whistle. Years later, Akane recalls the incident when hearing about Ryugenzawa on the news, and goes there on her own to see if her memories are true. Ranma is sent after her by Soun, and later on Ryoga stumbles into Ryugenzawa on his own.

Watermelon Island

nihongo|Watermelon Island|スイカ島|Suika Jima is a small, deserted island off the coast of a beach resort the Saotomes and Tendos visit. Its name comes from its shape and because watermelons on it. The island also has a reputation for being a legendary kendo training ground. For reasons unknown, the trainees who go there end up losing their memories. Tatewaki Kuno visits the island to improve his watermelon slicing skills which he wanted to show off to female Ranma. The training area is a waterfall and its base. At the top of the falls is a sturdy net barrier that traps melons that fall into the river and prevents them from going over the falls. When a rope is pulled raising this barrier, the accumulated melons cascade down the falls to its base below. While training and slicing the melons coming at him, Kuno reflexively hit one that landed on his head, giving him temporary amnesia. After ending up on the mainland, he chases female Ranma back to Watermelon Island in an obsessive attempt to date her. After figuring out that Kuno was slicing the melons reflexively, female Ranma put one on his head, causing him to knock himself out again, but regain his memory in the process.

In the anime, Watermelon Island is off the coast of a hot springs resort the Saotomes and Tendos visit in the wintertime. Watermelons grow there year round.

=Manga only=

Heron Island

Heron Island used to be a hot springs resort and is the home of Yohyo Tsuruyasennen. The island is in the shape of a heron hence its name, and on the "heron's head" of the island there is a giant castle which houses the hot springs on the island. Due to a large boulder that was blocking the water that filled the hot springs, the island lost its main attraction and Yohyo suffered tremendous financial problems since tourists stopped coming. However after female Ranma destroyed the boulder the island regained its former glory.

Kokowa Hot Springs

A hot springs and ski resort where Genma and Nodoka Saotome honeymooned years ago that labels itself as theVillage of Encounters”. Genma carved his and Nodokas names onto a large tree that is still there when he and Ranma fall into one of its hot springs after triggering an avalanche on a nearby mountain they are camped on. Nodoka also happens to be visiting Kokowa at the same time, where she runs into Ranko and Mr. Panda, who for some reason have her son and husbands dotera. This marks the first time that the Saotome family is all together exclusive of Nodokas visits to Furinkan.

Monkey-Mountain Temple

A remote temple located in the mountains that Soun, Genma, and Ranma visit because Soun has heard that it houses a legendary suit of armor that will make its wearer stronger. The monk at the temple is very eager to give it to them, and throws in a swivel chair and Seven Lucky Gods wallet as incentives. Soun takes the armor home, but it turns out that only Akane can wear it. Despite its location, the temple has a landline that Soun calls to ask about the armors secret and later to return it.

Mt. Phoenix/Ho'o Peak

This large mountain is located outside of Jusenkyo and it is the home of the Phoenix people. There are stairs that lead into the mountain, but given that the Phoenix people can fly and the stairs are only shown being used as a means to trap Ranma and Co. by Saffron, their actual use as stairs to lead to the top of the mountain is doubtful. Saffron is the ruler of the mountain and like his predecessors, uses nearby Jusendo to go through his rebirthing process. He lives in a palace high in the mountain.

exy Kunoichi Tea Shop

This sexy entertainment tea shop deep in the mountains was run by Konatsu's mean and ugly stepfamily. Happosai took Genma and Ranma here for "training", but after seeing the hideous faces of the owners he quickly destroyed it with his "Happo Fire Burst" and fled. Afterwards, they ordered Konatsu to get revenge on Ranma, Genma, and Happosai.

=Anime only=

now Mountain

Snow Mountain is a ski resort that the Tendos and Saotomes visit after Ranma defeats Mousse when he first appears in the anime. The Cat Café has a branch here, which sponsors a martial arts carry the snowman race in which a ski tour with Shampoo is the prize, to which Cologne adds the Phoenix Pill to get Ranma to enter. Ranma eventually defeats Cologne with the Cat Fist to claim the Phoenix Pill. There is also a hot springs at the resort that Ranma uses to return to his male form for the first time after being stuck in his girl form due to the Full Body Cat Tongue. However, since he jumps into the women's side in his girl form and did not think about the consequences, he subsequently gets thrashed after he changes back. Snow Mountain replaces the beach as the site for Ranma and Colognes showdown over the Phoenix Pill in the manga, in which the Tendos and Saotomes do not go skiing.

=Movie only=


Nekonron is a remote, mountainous region in China that is the home of the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists and their followers. An odd characteristic about the people from Nekonron is that their metabolisms can only handle rice and pickled vegetables. It takes a few daystravel by flying ship for them to return to Nekonron from Furinkan after abducting Akane. A prominent feature of the area is Seven Luck Mountain, which has massive statues carved into it. Another characteristic of the mountain is several geysers on top of it powerful enough to throw hot water in columns high into the air. Kirin lives in a tall pagoda located on the summit, while his six warriors occupy five castle gates that guard the path to this pagoda. The first gate is destroyed by one of Happosais Happo Daikarin bombs, while the second one was demolished by Ranma himself when he split Daikokuse and Daihakuses go board, making the castle gate collapse in on itself.

During his fight with Kirin in the pagoda, Ranma succeeds in punching through its floors all the way down to a water vein, creating a new geyser that flows up through the pagoda to its top floor. When he unleashes his Hiryū Shōten Ha, the attack overcomes Kirins Hundred Chopstick Sting, but also exponentially magnifies the flow of water passing through the pagoda, creating an immense and powerful whirlpool that destroys it. The area afterwards becomes a large lake. For reasons unknown, Happosai was in the area and stole half of the Scroll of Luck many years ago. Cologne also knows about Nekonron, but not about the Scroll of Luck.


Togenkyo is a floating island where Prince Toma and his half animal warriors reside. In the center of the island lies a giant peach tree, the sap from which creates a magical spring that will turn anything that touches it into a man. Due to the island's water, every child born on it is male and thus the island lacks any women except the ones Toma and his minions abduct for marriage from neighboring islands.

Ranma and Co. first encounter Togenkyo when it drifts near the deserted South Seas island they are marooned on, and all the females in the group (the Tendo sisters, Shampoo and Ukyo) are kidnapped. Using a lifeboat from Kuno's wrecked sailboat, they cross over to Togenkyo to attempt a rescue. After Ranma defeats Toma, they stay on Togenkyo for another week, as it floats on the ocean currents towards Japan.

Unnamed South Seas island

A deserted tropical island (most likely in the East China Sea) where the cast of Nihao, My Concubine is marooned after Kunos new sailboat the "Lady Binsense" is wrecked in a storm. The island has enough resources to sustain them comfortably, providing sufficient food and building materials for a Cat Café to be opened up, enable the construction of a rest house, and allow Ukyo to prepare a modified tropical form of okonomiyaki. When Togenkyo Island drifts close to this island, Toma and his warriors Sarutoru, Torristan, and Wonton cross over to it using their shadow concealment techniques and abduct all the females. In their subsequent rescue attempt, the remaining cast members abandon the island and cross over to Togenkyo using a motorboat salvaged from the "Lady Binsense".

= References=

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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