- Lissajous curve
mathematics , a Lissajous curve (Lissajous figure or Bowditch curve) is the graph of the system ofparametric equation s:x=Asin(at+delta),quad y=Bsin(bt),
which describes
complex harmonic motion . This family ofcurve s was investigated byNathaniel Bowditch in1815 , and later in more detail byJules Antoine Lissajous in 1857.The appearance of the figure is highly sensitive to the ratio "a"/"b". For a ratio of 1, the figure is an
ellipse , with special cases includingcircles ("A" = "B", "δ" = π/2radian s) and lines ("δ" = 0). Another simple Lissajous figure is theparabola ("a"/"b" = 2, "δ" = π/2). Other ratios produce more complicated curves, which are closed only if "a"/"b" is rational. The visual form of these curves is often suggestive of a three-dimensional knot, and indeed many kinds of knots, including those known as Lissajous knots, project to the plane as Lissajous figures.Lissajous figures where "a"=1, "b"="N" (
natural number ) and delta=frac{N-1}{N}frac{pi}{2} areChebyshev polynomials of the first kind of degree "N".Lissajous figures are sometimes used in
graphic design as logos. Examples include the logos of theAustralian Broadcasting Corporation ("a" = 1, "b" = 3, "δ" = π/2) and theLincoln Laboratory atMIT ("a" = 4, "b" = 3, "δ" = 0). [cite web|url=http://www.ll.mit.edu/about/History/logo.html|title=Lincoln Laboratory Logo|publisher=MIT Lincoln Laboratory|date=2008|accessdate=2008-04-12]Prior to modern computer graphics, Lissajous curves were typically generated using an
oscilloscope (as illustrated). Two phase-shifted sinusoid inputs are applied to the oscilloscope in X-Y mode and the phase relationship between the signals is presented as a Lissajous figure. Lissajous curves can also be traced mechanically by means of aharmonograph .In oscilloscope we suppose x is CH1 and y is CH2, A is amplitude of CH1 and B is amplitude of CH2, a is frequency of CH1 and b is frequency of CH2, so a/b is a ratio of frequency of two channels, finally, "δ" is the phase shift of CH1.
Below are some examples of Lissajous figures with "δ" = π/2, "a" odd, "b" even, |"a" − "b"| = 1.
Even though they look similar,
Spirograph s are different as they are generally enclosed by a circular boundary where a Lissajous curve is bounded by a rectangle (±A, ±B).References
ee also
Rose curve External links
* [http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/java/lissajous/index.html Interactive Java Tutorial: Lissajous Figures on Oscilloscope] National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LissajousCurve.html Lissajous Curve at Mathworld]
* [http://www.tedpavlic.com/teaching/osu/ece209/lab1_intro/lab1_intro_lissajous.pdf ECE 209: Lissajous Figures] — a shortwikified document that mathematically and graphically explains Lissajous curves for LTI systems and gives anoscilloscope procedure that uses them to find system phase shift.
* [http://ibiblio.org/e-notes/Lis/Lissa.htm Animated Lissajous figures in Java]
* [http://www.abc.net.au/corp/history/hist1.htm About the Australian Broadcasting Corporation logo]
* [http://qliss3d.sf.net Free tool QLiss3D that displays Lissajous figures in three dimensions]
* [http://www.carloslabs.com/node/15 A free Javascript tool for generating Lissajous curves]
* [http://geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/3864/sketchlissajous.htm Lissajous Curves] : an interactive applet showing how to trace Lissajous curves in 2D. Requires Java.
* [http://phy.hk/wiki/englishhtm/Lissajous.htm A 3D Java applet showing how a Lissajous figure can be traced.]
* [http://robertinventor.com/software/Lissajous_3D/index.htm Lissajous 3D] : animated textured 3D Lissajous patterns, also Lissajous screen saver - for Windows
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