

name = Eared-nightjars

image_caption = Head of "Eurostopodus macrotis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Caprimulgiformes
familia = Eurostopodidae
genus = "Eurostopodus"
genus_authority = Gould, 1838
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
*"see text"
The Eared-nightjars are a small family of birds related to nightjars. There are seven species, mainly found in forest and scrub from China to Australia. There is but one genus, "Eurostopodus". Previously, they were considered a subfamily Eurostopodinae of the nightjar and nighthawk family Caprimulgidae.

Although similar to the nightjars, an important difference is the lack of bristles around the beak.

They are mainly solitary, and eat insects on the wing in the twilight, whistling constantly.

The nest, in which only one egg is laid, is a simple affair of dry leaves, often at the foot of a tree, where it is protected by the adult's excellent camouflage.

*Mountain Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus archboldi"
*Spotted Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus argus"
*Satanic Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus diabolicus"
*Great Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus macrotis"
*White-throated Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus mystacalis"
**New Caledonian White-throated Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus (mystacalis) exsul" - possibly extinct (mid-20th century)
*Papuan Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus papuensis"
*Malaysian Eared-nightjar, "Eurostopodus temminckii"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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