- 228 BC
By place
* The Carthaginian general
Hamilcar Barca is killed in a battle inHispania , ending his lengthy campaign to conquer theIberian Peninsula for Carthage. In eight years, by force of arms and diplomacy, he had secured an extensive territory in theIberian Peninsula , but his death in battle prevents him from completing the conquest. Command of his army in the Iberian Peninsula passes to his son-in-law Hasdrubal.
* Hasdrubal makes immediate policy changes, emphasizing the use of diplomatic rather than military methods for expanding Carthaginian Hispania and dealing with Rome. He foundsCarthago Nova or New Carthage (modern Cartagena) as his capital city.Asia Minor
* King
Attalus I Soter ofPergamum defeatsAntiochus Hierax (brother of the Seleucid king Seleucus II) in three battles and thereby gains control over all the Seleucid domains inAnatolia exceptCilicia in the southeast.Greece
* The
Illyria nQueen Teuta 's governor,Demetrius of Pharos has little alternative but to surrender to the overwhelming Roman force. In return, the Romans award him a considerable part of Teuta's holdings to counter-balance the power of Teuta. Meanwhile, the Roman army lands farther north at Apollonia. The combined Roman army and fleet proceed northward together, subduing one town after another and besieging Shkodra, the Illyrian capital.
*Archidamus V , brother of the murderedSparta n KingAgis IV , is called back to Sparta by theAgiad KingCleomenes III , who has no counterpart on the throne by then. However, Archidamus V is assassinated shortly after returning.Births
* Prusias I Chlorus, king of
Bithynia (d.182 BC )
*Titus Quinctius Flamininus , a Roman politician and general who will be instrumental in the Roman conquest of Greece (d.174 BC )Deaths
Hamilcar Barca , Carthaginian general who has assumed command of the Carthaginian forces in Sicily during the last years of theFirst Punic War with Rome, helped Carthage win theMercenary War and brought extensive territory in theIberian Peninsula under Carthaginian control (b. c.270 BC )
*Archidamus V , king of [Sparta] of theEurypontid line
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