
By Place

Roman Empire

* The Praetorian guard kill Ulpian, Praetorian prefect, who had wanted to reduce their privileges.


* Shah Artashir I, four years after establishing the Sassanid Persian Empire, completes his conquest of Parthia.
* The battle of Jieting and the battle of Shiting are fought in China.




* Domitius Ulpian, Roman jurist (murdered in riot)
* Cao Xiu, general of the Kingdom of Wei (b. 174)
* Lu Fan, general of the Kingdom of Wu
* Luo Tong, general under Sun Quan of the Kingdom of Wu (b. 193)
* Ma Su (sentenced to be executed by Zhuge Liang for the loss of Jie Ting, but died in prison) (b. 190)
* Wang Lang (approximate date)
* Wang Shuang, general of the Kingdom of Wei
* Xu Sheng, general of the Kingdom of Wu (b. 177)
* Zhao Yun, general of the Kingdom of Shu (died in 228 according to some historians)
* Zhu Ling

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