List of diseases (W)

List of diseases (W)

A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.



* W syndrome



* Waaler Aarskog syndrome
* Waardenburg syndrome type 1
* Waardenburg syndrome type 2
* Waardenburg syndrome type 2A
* Waardenburg syndrome type 2B
* Waardenburg syndrome type 3
* Waardenburg syndrome, type 4
* Waardenburg syndrome
* Waardenburg type Pierpont
* Wagner's disease
* Wagner-Stickler syndrome
* WAGR syndrome
* Walbaum Titran Durieux Crepin syndrome
* Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
* Waldmann disease
* Walker Dyson syndrome
* Wallerian degeneration
* Wallis Zieff Goldblatt syndrome
* Wandering spleen


* Warburg Sjo Fledelius syndrome see Micro syndrome
* Warburg Thomsen syndrome
* Warburton Anyane Yeboa syndrome
* Warfarin antenatal infection
* Warkany syndrome
* Warman Mulliken Hayward syndrome
* Warm-reacting-antibody hemolytic anemia
* Warts
* Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
* Watermelon stomach
* Watson syndrome



* Weaver Johnson syndrome
* Weaver like syndrome
* Weaver syndrome
* Weaver Williams syndrome
* Weber Parkes syndrome
* Weber Sturge Dimitri syndrome
* Weber-Christian disease
* Webster Deming syndrome
* Wegener's granulomatosis
* Wegmann Jones Smith syndrome
* Weil syndrome
* Weinstein Kliman Scully syndrome
* Weismann Netter Stuhl syndrome
* Weissenbacher Zweymuller syndrome
* Welander distal myopathy, Swedish type
* Weleber Hecht Bigley syndrome
* Wellesley Carmen French syndrome
* Wells Jankovic syndrome
* Wells syndrome
* Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
* Werner's syndrome
* Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome


* West Nile virus
* West syndrome
* Westerhof Beemer Cormane syndrome
* Western equine encephalitis
* Westphall disease


* Wheat Hypersensitivity
* Whipple disease
* Whitaker syndrome
* White matter hypoplasia corpus callosum agenesia mental retardation
* White sponge nevus
* Whooping cough (Pertussis)
* Whyte Murphy syndrome



* Wieacker syndrome
* Wiedemann Grosse Dibbern syndrome
* Wiedemann Oldigs Oppermann syndrome
* Wiedemann Opitz syndrome
* Wiedemann Rautenstrauch syndrome
* Wildervanck syndrome
* Wilkes Stevenson syndrome
* Wilkie Taylor Scambler syndrome
* Willebrand disease, acquired
* Willebrand disease
* Willems De vries syndrome
* Williams syndrome
* Wilms tumor and pseudohermaphroditism
* Wilms tumor radial bilateral aplasia
* Wilms' tumor
* Wilms tumor-aniridia syndrome
* Wilson's disease
* Wilson Turner syndrome
* Winchester syndrome
* Winkelman Bethge Pfeiffer syndrome
* Winship Viljoen Leary syndrome
* Winter Harding Hyde syndrome
* Winter Shortland Temple syndrome


* Wisconsin syndrome
* Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
* Witkop syndrome


* Wohlwill-Andrade syndrome
* Wolcott-Rallison syndrome
* Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
* Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
* Wolfram syndrome
* Wolman disease
* Woodhouse Sakati syndrome
* Woods Black Norbury syndrome
* Woods Leversha Rogers syndrome
* Woolly hair - autosomal recessive
* Woolly hair autosomal recessive
* Woolly hair hypotrichosis everted lower lip outstanding ears
* Woolly hair palmoplantar keratoderma cardiac anomalies
* Woolly hair, congenital
* Wooly hair autosomal recessive
* Wooly hair syndrome
* Worster-Drought syndrome
* Worth syndrome
* Wright Dick syndrome
* Wrinkly skin syndrome
* Writer's cramp
* Wt limb blood syndrome
* Wyburn-Mason's syndrome

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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