- 1997 Les Éboulements bus accident
The 1997 Les Éboulements bus accident, also known as the St. Joseph Bus Accident, occurred on
Thanksgiving Day,October 13 ,1997 , in Les Éboulements (St-Joseph-de-la-Rive),Quebec ,Canada . 44 died as a result of the accident, making it the deadliestroad accident in Canadian history. [ [http://www.history.ca/ontv/titledetails.aspx?titleid=70278 History Television: Disasters of the Century V] ]Accident
bus , carrying members of a Golden Age Club on an overnightleaf peeping trip, had traveled on Quebec Highways 138 and 362 from Saint-Bernard-de-Beauce headed for theÎle aux Coudres . It was traveling down Côte des Éboulements, which had a steep hill with a sharp right turn at the base. The time was 1:45 pm, and the roads were dry and clear. The driver, André Desruisseaux, was unable to slow the bus to negotiate the curve, and the bus collided with theguardrail , smashed through it and plunged over 10 meters into aravine . It landed, slid on its right side and came to rest beside an elevatedrailway line . The crash and fall slammed the occupants violently around the interior of the vehicle, injuring most of them fatally. No skid marks were found on the road at the site of the crash, leading authorities to immediately suspect brake failure. Witnesses also reported the smell of burning brake fluid coming from the bus. [ [http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/1998/03/09/inquest980309c.html CBC:Witness tells bus inquiry of burning brakes] ]There were 48 people aboard the bus, including the driver. Five survived the crash initially [ [http://www.cjonline.com/stories/101497/busplunge.html Bus carrying senior citizens plunges into ravine, CJ Online] ] , however one of them succumbed to their injuries a month later. [ [http://charlevoix.qc.ca/hebdo/millenaire/a_archive_millenaire_2000_01.html Millénaire ] ] All the victims were
senior citizen s from the smallvillage of Saint-Bernard-de-Beauce, except for the 29-year-old bus driver, who was from Sherbrooke. [ [http://www.northernblue.ca/canchan/canmiles/10oct/canmilesoct13.php milestonesoct13 ] ]A similar accident had occurred in 1974 at the very same spot and had resulted in 15 deaths (see
1974 Les Éboulements bus accident ). Given the context, many were angry that nothing had been done to make the road safer since that time.Inquiry
inquiry into the accident was ordered by theGovernment of Quebec and was headed bycoroner Luc Malouin [ [http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/1998/03/09/inquest980309a.html CBC: Inquiry takes a hard look at bus tragedy] ] , but the provincial government immediately announced plans to rebuild the road to improve safety by relocating it and eliminating the sharp curve. The cause of the accident was determined to bebrake failure [ [http://www.radio-canada.ca/actualite/zoneLibre/02-10/eboulements.html Radio-Canada.ca / R D I / ZONE LIBRE ] ] - the coroner determined that brakes only had 30 percent of their braking capacity, and that André Mercier, owner of the bus company Autobus Mercier, was not competent in managing his busfleet [ [http://www.toile-sherbrooke.com/nouvelles/hier/20021015.html Sherbrooke: Nouvelles locales régionales nationales du 15 octobre 2002 - La Toile de Sherbrooke ] ] . Also contributing to the accident was the driver's exhaustion: he had less than 5 hours of sleep the night before the crash, and had been putting in over 50 hour work-weeks [ [http://www.utubc.com/meeting/meeting15.htm Sleep Deprivation Epidemic Hurts Economy] ] . On March 23, 1999, the coroner released his final report on the accident, maintaining his initial conclusions. He made several recommendations [ [http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/1999/03/23/bus990323.html CBC:Quebec coroner wants changes to bus safety] ] , but rebuilding the road was not among them [ [http://www.tomifobia.com/ramrod.html Log Cabin Chronicles:Ramrodding Public Works Projects] ] .Controversy
Litigation byenvironmental group s who contested the government decision not to hold consultations and studies regarding the environmental impact of the work resulted in a one-year delay before road work could begin. [http://www.ise.uqam.ca/enviro/archives/envoctnov99/v11n1a6.html] Work began on June 7, 1999. Because the coroner had made no recommendations regarding the road, the government was criticized for spending public money in a wasteful manner. [ [http://www.apigq.qc.ca/Publications/CommuniquesDePresse/1999-03-31/ A New Côte Des Éboulements is Not the Answer, in French] ]Road improvements
The road is now separated with a
Jersey barrier and the slope has been reduced on the hill. All vehicles are required to stop before proceeding down the hill, and commercial vehicles are required to verify the correct operation of their brakes. [http://www.radio-canada.ca/regions/Quebec/nouvelles/200210/13/001-Eboulements.shtml and
http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/06/6630.htm]There are plans to build a lookout which would include an official memorial site near the location of the accident providing a safe location for motorists who wish to visit the site. As of 2005, this remains unbuilt, [ [http://www.radio-canada.ca/regions/Quebec/nouvelles/200507/25/001-belvedere-eboulements.shtml Nouveau pas franchi pour le belvédère de la côte des Éboulements ] ] and motorists continue to park in dangerous locations on the road's shoulder.
All links retrieved on November 3, 2006.
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