TI-58 C

TI-58 C

The TI-58 C was a programmable pocket calculator made by Texas Instruments (TI). Created in 1977 and introduced in 1979, the TI-58 C sold on average for about $90. The calculator was removed from TI's product line in 1983.

Although the TI-58C used a different chip than the TI-58, the technical data remained identical. The calculator had a memory allowing retention of programs and data when turned off. The calculator included a socket for a Master module chip that added additional programs to the function set of the calculator. It was compatible with the TI-59, with half the memory and no magnetic card reader.

External links

* [http://www.datamath.org/Sci/WEDGE/TI-58C.htm Short description]
* [http://pagesperso-orange.fr/gtello/ti58_f.htm Utilisateur TI, programmes en ligne]
* [http://pagesperso-orange.fr/gtello/ti58_e.htm TI User, programs on line.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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