Françoise Yip

Françoise Yip

Infobox actor

imagesize = 250px
birthdate = September 4, 1972 age 36
birthplace = North Vancouver, B.C.CAN

Françoise Fong-Wa Yip (葉芳華) (born September 4, 1972) is a Canadian actress.

Yip was born in North Vancouver, B.C. Her father is Chinese and mother French-Canadian [ "Cast profile on the Beachcombers website"] ] .At an early age Francoise began studying both piano and dance but it was piano that she would excel at. Winning many awards, competitions and kudos, Francoise passed on an opportunity to study music full time to pursue a degree in political science. It was during these years at university that, at the persistence of a friend, Francoise began modeling. Despite finding early success, her career as a model didn't last long.

Her most well known roles were in Jackie Chan's "Rumble in the Bronx" and Jet Li's "Black Mask".The critical and financial success of "Rumble in the Bronx" (and its subsequent number one box office bow in the United States) made Francoise an instant success and garnered her two Hong Kong Film Award nominations. She continued to do movies and star in TV, but her roles were less known or temporary. The characters she plays often gets killed or serve as a background character. Not a great deal is known about this actress since she has no official website.

Yip returned to "Andromeda" as two different characters. Her first character was arrested while her final character was murdered. It is lesser known that she actually did two movies with Jet Li. The first one was a lead romantic interest in "Black Mask" with Jet Li and the second was Romeo Must Die, but this time she played as a Chinese gangster motorcycle assassin killed by Jet Li and Aaliyah. An unfortunate aspect of her career is that none of the shows she starred in lasted beyond a full season and if she did have a starring role in a movie it's a straight-to-video/DVD film. Her most recent appearance was in the new movie and guest starred in a Canadian show "Blood Ties."


* "" (2007) - Ms. Yutani
* "Edison Force" (2005) - Crow
* "The Deal" (2005) - Janice Long
* "Alone in the Dark" (2005) - Agent Cheung
* "" (2004) - Virago
* "A Beachcombers Christmas" (2004) (TV) - Constable Kelly Mah
* "Smallville (2003) (TV Series) - Dr. Teng
* "The New Beachcombers" (2002) (TV) - Constable Kelly Mah
* "Flatland" (2002) TV Series - Amy Lee
* "Mindstorm" (2001) - Newscaster
* "The Pledge" (2001) - Bartender at airport
* "Cabin Pressure" (2001) (TV) - Tammy
* "Witness to a Kill" (2001) - Kirsten Lee
* "Wolf Lake" (2001) (TV) - Reporter
* "Lunch with Charles" (2001) - Cora
* "Special Delivery" (2000) (TV) (uncredited) - Flight attendant
* "Freedom" (2000) TV Series - Jin
* "" (2000) (mini TV series) - Lexx Icon
* "Romeo Must Die" (2000) (as François Yip) - Motorcycle fighter
* "A Good Burn" (2000) - Koa
* "Futuresport" (1998) (TV) - Kashi
* "" (1997) (TV) "Heroes & Heartbreak" - Beverly Wu
* "Web of Deception" (1997) - Fion Wong
* "Enjoy Yourself Tonight" (1997) - Susan
* "Black Mask" (1996) - Cailyn/Mei Lin
* "Mr. Mumble" (1996) - Saeko Nogami/Yachi
* "How to Meet the Lucky Stars" (1996) - Françoise
* "Invitation to Die" (1996) - Wai
* "On Fire" (1996) - Francoise Yip
* "Rumble in the Bronx" (1995) - Nancy
* "Fighting for My Daughter" (1995) (TV) - Girlfriend
* "Infatuation" (1995) - Maggie
* "Two Impossible Films" (1995) - Johann Woo


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