List of Ecumenical Patriarchs of Constantinople

List of Ecumenical Patriarchs of Constantinople

"See talk page for different periodization of the bishopric, archbishopric and patriarchate."

Bishops of Byzantium (until 330)

*1. St. Andrew the Apostle (founder)
*2. St. Stachys the Apostle (38-54)
*3. St. Onesimus (54-68)
*4. Polycarpus I (69-89)
*5. Plutarch (89-105)
*6. Sedecion (105-114)
*7. Diogenes (114-129)
*8. Eleutherius (129-136)
*9. Felix (136-141)
*10. Polycarpus II (141-144)
*11. Athenodorus (144-148)
*12. Euzois (148-154)
*13. Laurence (154-166)
*14. Alypius (166-169)
*15. Pertinax (169-187)
*16. Olympianus (187-198)
*17. Mark I or Marcus I (198-211)
*18. Philadelphus (211-217)
*19. Cyriacus I (217-230)
*20. Castinus (230-237)
*21. Eugenius I (237-242)
*22. Titus (242-272)
*23. Dometius (272-284)
*24. Rufinus I (284-293)
*25. Probus (293-306)
*26. St. Metrophanes (306-314)
*27. St. Alexander (314-337)

Archbishops of Constantinople (330-451 inclusive)

*28. St. Paul I ("the Confessor") (337-339)
*29. Eusebius of Nicomedia (339-341)
** Paul I (341-342), restored 1st time
*30. Macedonius I (342-346)
** Paul I (346-350), restored 2nd time
** Macedonius I (351-360), restored
*31. Eudoxius of Antioch (360-370)
*32. Demophilus (370-379)
*33. Evagrius (370 or 379)
*34. Maximus (380)
*35. Gregory I Nazianzus the Theologian (379-381)
*36. Nectarius (381-397)
*37. St. John Chrysostom (398-404)
*38. Arsacius of Tarsus (404-405)
*39. Atticus (406-425)
*40. Sisinnius I (426-427)
*41. Nestorius (428-431)
*42. Maximianus (431-434)
*43. St. Proclus (434-446)
*44. Flavian (446-449)
*45. Anatolius (449-458) "(Patriarch from 451)"

Patriarchs of Constantinople (since 451)

*46. Gennadius I (458-471)
*47. Acacius (471-488)
*48. Fravitas (488-489)
*49. Euphemius (489-495)
*50. Macedonius II (495-511)
*51. Timothy I (511-518)
*52. John II the Cappadocian (518-520)
*53. Epiphanius (520-535)
*54. Anthimus I (535-536)
*55. Menas (536-552)
*56. Eutychius (552-565)
*57. John III Scholasticus (565-577)
** Eutychios (577-582), restored
*58. John IV Nesteutes (582-595)
*59. Cyriacus (596-606)
*60. St. Thomas I (607-610)
*61. Sergius I (610-638)
*62. Pyrrhus I (638-641)
*63. Paul II (641-653)
*64. Peter (654-666)
*65. Thomas II (667-669)
*66. John V (669-675)
*67. Constantine I (675-677)
*68. Theodore I (677-679)
*69. George I (679-686)
*70. Paul III (687-693)
*71. Callinicus I (693-705)
*72. Cyrus (705-711)
*73. John VI (712-715)
*74. Germanus I (715-730)
*75. Anastasius (730-754)
*76. Constantine II (754-766)
*77. Nicetas I (766-780)
*78. Paul IV (780-784)
*79. Saint Tarasius (784-806)
*80. Nicephorus I (806-815)
*81. Theodotus I Kassiteras (815-821)
*82. Antony I (821-836)
*83. John VII Grammaticus (836-843)
*84. Methodius I (843-847)
*85. Ignatius I (847-858)
*86. Photius I the Great (858-867)
** Ignatius I (867-877), restored
** Photius I the Great (877-886), restored
*87. Stephen I (886-893)
*88. Antony II Kauleas (893-901)
*89. Nicholas I Mystikos (901-907)
*90. Euthymius I Synkellos (907-912)
** Nicholas I Mystikos (912-925), restored
*91. Stephen II of Amasea (925-928)
*92. Tryphon (928-931)
*93. Theophylactus (933-956)
*94. Polyeuctus (956-970)
*95. Basil I Scamandrenus (970-974)
*96. Antony III the Studite (974-980)
*97. Nicholas II Chrysoberges (984-996)
*98. Sisinnius II (996-998)
*99. Sergius II (999-1019)
*100. Eustathius (1019-1025)
*101. Alexius I the Studite (1025-1043)
*102. Michael I Ceroularius (1043-1058)
*103. Constantine III Lichoudas (1059-1063)
*104. John VIII Xiphilinos (1064-1075)
*105. Kosmas I (1075-1081)
*106. Eustathius Garidas (1081-1084)
*107. Nicholas III Grammaticus (1084-1111)
*108. John IX Agapetus (1111-1134)
*109. Leo Styppeiotes (1134-1143)
*110. Michael II Kourkouas (1143-1146)
*111. Cosmas II Atticus (1146-1147)
*112. Nicholas IV Muzalon (1147-1151)
*113. Theodotus II (1151-1153)
*114. Neophytos I (1153)
*115. Constantine IV Chliarenus (1154-1156)
*116. Luke Chrysoberges (1156-1169)
*117. Michael III of Anchialus (1170-1177)
*118. Chariton (1177-1178)
*119. Theodosius I Boradiotes (1179-1183)
*120. Basil II Kamateros (1183-1186)
*121. Niketas II Mountanes (1186-1189)
*122. Leo Theotokites (1189-1190)
*123. Dositheus (1190-1191)
*124. George II Xiphilinos (1191-1198)
*125. John X Kamateros (1198-1206)
*126. Michael IV Autoreianos (1207-1213)
*127. Theodore II Eirenikos (1213-1215)
*128. Maximos II (1215)
*129. Manuel I Charitopoulos (1216-1222)
*130. Germanus II (1223-1240)
*131. Methodius II (1240)
** "vacant" (1240-1244)
*132. Manuel II (1244-1255)
*133. Arsenius Autoreianus (1255-1259)
*134. Nikephorus II (1260-1261)
** Arsenius Autoreianus (1261-1267), restored
*135. Germanus III (1267)
*136. Joseph I Galesiotes (1267-1275)
*137. John XI Bekkos (1275-1282)
*138. Gregory II Cyprius (1283-1289)
*139. Athanasius I (1289-1293)
*140. John XII (1294-1303)
** Athanasius I (1303-1310), restored
*141. Nephon I (1310-1314)
*142. John XIII Glykys (1315-1320)
*143. Gerasimos I (1320-1321)
*144. Isaias I (1323-1334)
*145. John XIV Kalekas (1334-1347)
*146. Isidore I (1347-1350)
*147. Callistus I (1350-1354)
*148. Philotheus Kokkinos (1354-1355)
** Callistus I (1355-1363), restored
** Philotheus Kokkinos (1364-1376), restored
*149. Macarius (1376-1379)
*150. Nilus Kerameus (1379-1388)
*151. Antony IV (1389-1390)
** Macarius (1390-1391), restored
** Antony IV (1391-1397), restored
*152. Callistus II Xanothopoulos (1397)
*153. Matthew I (1397-1410)
*154. Euthymius II (1410-1416)
*155. Joseph II (1416-1439)
*156. Metrophanes II (1440-1443)
*157. Gregory III Mammas (1443-1450)
*158. Athanasius II (1450-1453)
*159. Gennadius II Scholarios (1453-1456)
*160. Isidore II Xanthopoulos (1456-1457)
** Gennadiis II Scholarios (1458), restored 1st time
** "vacant" (1458-1462)
** Gennadius II Scholarios (1462-1463), restored 2nd time
*161. Sophronius I Syropoulos (1463-1464)
*162. Joasaph I (1464)
** Gennadius II Scholarios (1464), restored 3rd time
** Joasaph I (1464-1466), restored
*163. Mark II Xylokaraves (1466)
*164. Symeon I of Trebizond (1466)
*165. Dionysius I (1466-1471)
** Symeon I of Trebizond (1471-1474), restored 1st time
*167. Raphael I (1475-1476)
*168. Maximus III Manasses (1476-1481)
** Symeon I of Trebizond (1481-1486), restored 2nd time
*169. St. Nephon II (1486-1488)
** Dionysius I (1489-1491)
*170. Maximus IV (1491-1497)
** Nephon II (1497-1498), restored 1st time
*171. Joachim I (1498-1502)
** Nephon II (1502), restored 2nd time
*173. Pachomius I (1503-1504)
** Joachim I (1504), restored
** Pachomius I (1504-1513), restored
*174. Theoleptus I (1513-1522)
*175. Jeremias I (1522-1545)
*176. Joannicus I (1546)
*177. Dionysius II (1546-1555)
*178. Joasaph II (1555-1565)
*179. Metrophanes III (1565-1572)
*180. Jeremias II Tranos (1572-1579)
** Metrophanes III (1579-1580), restored
** Jeremias II Tranos (1580-1584), restored 1st time
*181. Pachomius II (1584-1585)
*182. Theoleptus II (1585-1586)
** Jeremias II Tranos (1587-1595), restored 2nd time
*183. Matthew II (1596)
*184. Gabriel I (1596)
*185. Theophanes I Karykes (1597)
*186. Meletius I Pegas (1597-1598)
** Matthew II (1598-1602), restored 1st time
*187. Neophytus II (1602-1603)
** Matthew II (1603), restored 2nd time
*188. Raphael II (1603-1607)
** Neophytus II (1607-1612), restored
*189. Cyril I Lucaris (1612)
*190. Timothy or Timotheus (II) (1612-1620)
** Cyril I Lucaris (1620-1623), restored 1st time
*191. Gregory IV of Amasea (1623)
*192. Anthimus II (1623)
** Cyril I Lucaris (1623-1633), restored 2nd time
*193. Cyril II Kontares (1633)
** Cyril I Lucaris (1633-1634), restored 3rd time
*194. Athanasius III Patelaros (1634)
** Cyril I Lucaris (1634-1635), restored 4th time
** Cyril II Kontares (1635-1636), restored 1st time
*195. Neophytus III of Nicea (1636-1637)
** Cyril I Lucaris (1637-1638) restored 5th time
** Cyril II Kontares (1638-1639), restored 2nd time
*196. Parthenius I (1639-1644)
*197. Parthenius II (1644-1646)
*198. Joannicus II (1646-1648)
** Parthenius II (1648-1651), restored
** Joannicus II (1651-1652), restored 1st time
*199. Cyril III (1652-1654)
*200. Paisius I (1654-1655
** Joannicus II (1655-1656)), restored 2nd time
*201. Parthenius III (1656-1657)
*202. Gabriel II (1657)
*203. Parthenius IV (1657-1659)
*204. Theophanes II (1659)
** "vacant" (1659-1662)
*205. Dionysius III (1662-1665)
** Parthenius IV (1665-1667), restored 1st time
*206. Clement (1667)
*207. Methodius III (1668-1671)
** Parthenius IV (1671), restored 2nd time
*208. Dionysius IV Muselimes (the Muslim) (1671-1673)
*209. Gerasimus II (1673-1674)
** Parthenius IV (1675-1676) restored 3rd time
** Dionysius IV Muselimes (the Muslim) (1676-1679), restored 1st time
*210. Athanasius IV (1679)
*211. James (1679-1682)
** Dionysius IV Muselimes (the Muslim) (1682-1684), restored 2nd time
** Parthenius IV (1684-1685) restored 4th time
** James (1685-1686), restored 1st time
** Dionysius IV Muselimes (the Muslim) (1686-1687), restored 3rd time
** James (1687-1688), restored 2nd time
*212. Callinicus II (1688)
*213. Neophytus IV (1688)
** Callinicus II (1689-1693), restored 1st time
** Dionysius IV Muselimes (the Muslim) (1693-1694), restored 4th time
** Callinicus II (1694-1702), restored 2nd time
*214. Gabriel III (1702-1707)
*215. Neophytus V (1707)
*216. Cyprianus I (1707-1709)
*217. Athanasius V (1709-1711)
*218. Cyril IV (1711-1713)
** Cyprianus I (1713-1714), restored
*219. Cosmas III (1714-1716)
*220. Jeremias III (1716-1726)
*221. Paisius II (1726-1732)
** Jeremias III (1732-1733), restored
*222. Serapheim I (1733-1734)
*223. Neophytus VI (1734-1740)
** Paisius II (1740-1743), restored 1st time
** Neophytus VI (1743-1744), restored
** Paisius II (1744-1748), restored 2nd time
*224. Cyril V (1748-1757)
*225. Callinicus III (1757)
*226. Serapheim II (1757-1761)
*227. Joannicus III (1761-1763)
*228. Samuel I Chatzeres (1763-1768)
*229. Meletius II (1769-1769)
*230. Theodosius II (1769-1773)
** Samuel I Chatzeres (1773-1774), restored
*231. Sophronius II (1774-1780)
*232. Gabriel IV (1780-1785)
*233. Procopius I (1785-1789)
*234. Neophytus VII (1789-1794)
*235. Gerasimus III (1794-1797)
*236. Gregory V (1797-1798)
** Neophytus VII (1798-1801), restored
*237. Callinicus IV (1801-1806)
** Gregory V (1806-1808), restored 1st time
** Callinicus IV (1808-1809), restored
*238. Jeremias IV (1809-1813)
*239. Cyril VI (1813-1818)
** Gregory V (1818-1821), restored 2nd time
*240. Eugenius II (1821-1822)
*241. Anthimus III (1822-1824)
*242. Chrysanthus I (1824-1826)
*243. Agathangelus I (1826-1830)
*244. Constantius I (1830-1834)
*245. Constantius II (1834-1835)
*246. Gregory VI (1835-1840)
*247. Anthimus IV (1840-1841)
*248. Anthimus V (1841-1842)
*249. Germanus IV (1842-1845)
*250. Meletius III (1845)
*251. Anthimus VI (1845-1848)
** Anthimus IV (1848-1852), restored
** Germanus IV (1852-1853), restored
** Anthimus VI (1853-1855), restored 1st time
*252. Cyril VII (1855-1860)
*253. Joachim II (1860-1863)
*254. Sophronius III (1863-1866)
** Gregory VI (1867-1871), restored
** Anthimus VI (1871-1873), restored 2nd time
** Joachim II (1873-1878), restored
*255. Joachim III (1878-1884, 1901-1912)
*256. Joachim IV (1884-1887)
*257. Dionysius V (1887-1891)
*258. Neophytus VIII (1891-1894)
*259. Anthimus VII (1895-1896)
*260. Constantine V (1897-1901)
** Joachim III (1901-1912), restored
*261. Germanus V (1913-1918)
** "vacant" (1918-1921)
*262. Meletius IV Metaxakis (1921-1923)
*263. Gregory VII (1923-1924)
*264. Constantine VI (1924-1925)
*265. Basil III (1925-1929)
*266. Photius II (1929-1935)
*267. Benjamin I (1936-1946)
*268. Maximus V (1946-1948)
*269. Athenagoras I (1948-1972)
*270. Demetrius I (1972-1991)
*271. Bartholomew I (1991-Present)


* different spelling on same names:left column: names as seen on []

* Timotheus = Timothy
* Germanus = Germanius
* Stephanus = Stephen

ee also

*Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
*Eastern Orthodoxy
*Latin Patriarch of Constantinople
*Apostolic succession
*Athanasius of Alexandria
*Basil of Caesarea
*Cyril of Jerusalem
*Eusebius of Caesarea
*Pope Gregory I
*Gregory Nazianzus
*Gregory of Nyssa
*Hilary of Poitiers
*John of Damascus
*Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos
*Socrates Scholasticus
*Vincent of Lerins

External links

* [ Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople]
* [ List of Ecumenical Patriarchs] from the official website of the [ Ecumenical Patriarchate]
* [ Orthodox Research Institute]
* [ List of most patriarchates]
* [ The Orthodox Tradition]
* [ Orthodox Tradition and the Liturgy]
* [ Eastern Orthodox Christianity]
* [ Directory of Orthodox Internet Resources]
* [ Orthodox Library: History, Doctrine, Practices, Saints]
* [ Background information on the Orthodox Church]
* [ Orthodox Life Info Portal: catalog of resources]

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