- Padre Island National Seashore
Infobox_protected_area | name = Padre Island National Seashore
iucn_category = V
caption =
locator_x = 135
locator_y = 167
location =Padre Island ,Texas ,USA
nearest_city =Corpus Christi, Texas
lat_degrees = 26
lat_minutes = 59
lat_seconds = 04
lat_direction = N
long_degrees = 97
long_minutes = 22
long_seconds = 07
long_direction = W
area = 130,434 acres (527.85 km²)
established =September 28 ,1962
visitation_num = 666,580
visitation_year = 2005
governing_body =National Park Service
[Padre Island National Seashore on Padre Island (center), south of
Mustang Island .]Padre Island National Seashore (PAIS) is a
National Seashore located onPadre Island off the coast ofSouth Texas . In contrast to South Padre Island (well known for its beaches and vacationing college students), PAIS is located on North Padre Island and consists of a long beach where nature is preserved. Primitive camping is available there and most of the beach is only accessible to four wheel drive vehicles.North Padre Island is the longest undeveloped barrier island in the world. The National Seashore is convert|70|mi|km long with convert|65.5|mi|km of Gulf beach. The Park hosts a variety of pristine beach, dune, and tidal flat environments,cite web | url=http://www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/geologic_wonders/13_18list.cfm | title=Geological Wonders | work=National Park Service website | accessdate=2006-06-25] including the
Laguna Madre on its west coast, a famous spot forwindsurfing . It is located in parts of Kleberg, Kenedy, and Willacy counties, with Kenedy County having the majority of its land area.__TOC__The acronym PAIS is the standard National Park Service acronym using either the first four letters of the park's name, or the first two letters of the first and second word in the name. The most commonly used acronym outside of the National Park Service usage is to use the first letter of each word, as in PINS.
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles
A program to re-establish a nesting beach for
Kemp's Ridley sea turtle s on Padre Island was begun in 1978. In 1992, the first two turtles from the program returned to Padre Island beach to lay their eggs. The number of Kemp's Ridley sea turtle nests on Padre Island has increased ever since with 28 being found in 2005. Park rangers at PINS are involved in an effort to help thisendangered species . In the summer, visitors can witness the release of newborn turtles.On September, 2007,
Corpus Christi ,Texas wildlife officials found a record of 128 Kemp's ridley sea turtlenests on Texasbeaches , including 81 on NorthPadre Island (Padre Island National Seashore) and 4 onMustang Island . Wildlife officials released 10,594 Kemp's ridleys hatchlings along the Texascoast this year. The turtles are endangered due to shrimpers' nets and they are popular inMexico asboot material andfood . [ [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070904/ap_on_sc/sea_turtles;_ylt=Ak.pVxCLmzdjQ40F4rfkowes0NUE Yahoo.com, Endangered turtle nests found in Texas] ]Birdwatching
Due to the location of Padre Island National Seashore on the
Central Flyway , a major migratory route for birds, about 380 species of birds have been documented within the park, which represents approximately 45% of all bird species documented within North America. The park was designated as a "Globally Important Bird Area" by theAmerican Bird Conservancy in 1998 for providing an "important habitat for globally significant numbers of Brown Pelicans, Redheads (5% of the world's population), Least Terns (8% of the North American population), Piping Plovers (10% of the world's population), Reddish Egrets (7% of the biogeographic population) and Peregrine Falcons (7% of the North American population)." [http://www.nps.gov/pais/planyourvisit/birdwatching.htm]The best time to see the multitude of the park's bird migrants is during either early spring or fall and winter when thousands spend the winter there or migrate through. During the summer the most common birds are shore and marshbirds as well as some raptors and
songbirds . The most common birds on the Gulf beach of the park during the year arewillet ,sanderling ,black skimmer ,great blue heron ,cormorant , (mainly the double crested cormorant,cattle egret , black-bellied plover,laughing gull ,brown pelican ,reddish egret , and five species ofterns , including theleast tern ,caspian tern ,black tern ,sandwich tern , and theroyal tern ). The two periodically appearing birds nesting on the park's shores are theleast tern and thepiping plover . [http://www.nps.gov/pais/planyourvisit/birdwatching.htm]Another good area for birds is Bird Island Basin, on the
Laguna Madre side of the park. This area may be periodically dry during the summer or during periods of extended drought, but when wet a variety of marsh birds may be seen here including black-necked stilts,roseate spoonbill s,great egret s, ibis, and many others. [http://www.nps.gov/pais/planyourvisit/birdwatching.htm]horeline trash
During periods throughout the summer months there may be a large amount of
Sargassum , a brown seaweed, that washes up on the shore which aids in shore development by acting to hold sand in place, which can eventually build up the shoreline. Currents within theGulf of Mexico are responsible for the transport of this seaweed mainly from the Sargasso Sea, but have also been responsible for the transport of trash to the shores of the park. This trash can be anything that is tossed overboard into theGulf of Mexico as well as items that are either washed into the Gulf from land, or from the interior of the country by means of sewers that empty into the Gulf. These items can range from tiny pieces of plastic, hypodermic needles, and lumber, to nets or bleach bottles tossed overboard by shrimpers and even objects as large as buoys and steel containers. An international treaty known asMARPOL is designed to limit the dumping of wastes into the Gulf [http://www.imo.org/Conventions/contents.asp?doc_id=678&topic_id=258] but there can be violators and the enforcement of the treaty is difficult, as well as the fact that some trash can originate from sewage transport or even come from theEquator . [ [http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/GG/rrg7.html Handbook of Texas Online - GULF OF MEXICO ] ] Oil and tar can commonly wash up onto the beaches as well, 94% of which originates from oil spills, engine lubrication oil, and tanker washings. The park relies on a "grass roots" policy that encourages park visitors to take more trash out than they bring in.A study by the park, started in 1994, to analyze the origin of debris, titled the
PINS Marine Debris Point Source Investigation . The park began collecting data in 1998 to catalogue and remove debris from convert|16|mi|km of beach. Currently the park has collected over 1,000 days of data for the project, covering a collective area of over convert|16800|mi|km of shoreline surveyed. This study is one of the first long-term and comprehensive marine debris research projects started within the United States. From its result the vast majority of the debris is traced to the commercial shrimping industry while approximately 14% comes from the offshore oil and gas industry. [ [http://www.nps.gov/pais/naturescience/shoreline-trash.htm Padre Island National Seashore - Shoreline Trash (U.S. National Park Service) ] ]Oil and Natural Gas Drilling
Oil and natural gas drilling is allowed within the park due to the inability of Congress to approve the purchase of the mineral rights within the park's boundaries after surveying the land in 1957. [http://www.nps.gov/pais/parkmgmt/og-story.htm] This has caused some controversy because the land is a protected seascape under IUCAN and the necessity to use heavy equipment within the park as well as its transportation across beaches that are nesting areas for not only sea turtles but many birds, including the
piping plover ,least tern , and other animals that may nest within the park.References
External links
* [http://www.nps.gov/pais/ National Park Service: Padre Island National Seashore]
* [http://gorp.com/gorp/resource/us_ns/tx_padre.htm "GORP" review of PINS]
* [http://www.seaturtleinc.com/ Sea Turtle, Inc. - Kemp's ridley sea turtle nesting protection at PINS]
* [http://www.nps.gov/pais/website/sea_turtle_science_and_recovery.htm National Park Service: Sea Turtle Science and Recovery at PAIS]
* [http://www.nps.gov/pais/planyourvisit/birdwatching.htm National Park Service: Padre Island National Seashore, Birdwatching]
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