Nishioka Tsuneo

Nishioka Tsuneo
Nishioka Tsuneo

Nishioka Tsuneo (西岡常夫) (born 1924) - is a Japanese martial artist and the founder of the Shinto Muso-ryu Jōdō group Sei Ryu Kai (清隆会). As of 2002, Nishioka has been teaching at the Bunbukan in Tokyo, Japan.

Nishioka Tsuneo started his training in Shinto Muso Ryu (神道夢想流) under Shimizu Takaji (清水隆次) in 1938 at the age of 14. Nishioka studied constantly with Shimizu Takaji until Shimizu’s death in 1978. Nishioka received his first scroll of transmission (Oku-iri) in 1941, the second (Shomokuroku) in 1943 and (Gomokuroku) in 1966. In 1975 Nishioka received his Menkyo Kaiden or "license of full transmission" from Shimizu Takaji.[1] During the above timeline Nishioka started teaching and training with the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (ZenKenRen) but has ceased to be involved with them and has only returned to teach occasionally [2]

Nishioka created the Sei Ryu Kai in honor of Shimizu Takaji after his death by using the kanji found in his name to form Sei (or Shi) 清;Ryu 隆 –and Kai 会, which could be interpreted as “Shimizu Takaji’s” group [3] Nishioka actively teaches people in Japan and hosts several students from around the world. He heads several international groups and through them has traveled the globe several times through the years to teach Shinto Muso Ryu Jo and spread the art.


  1. ^ Nishioka Shishou – SMRJ Personal History. (n.d.) Retrieved December 3, 2006 from:
  2. ^ Tsuneo, N. (2006, December 3). Personal interview. Conducted by the Ai-jo-kai in Nagoya, Japan.
  3. ^ Tsuneo, N. (2006, December 3). Personal interview. Conducted by the Ai-jo-kai in Nagoya, Japan.

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