List of woods

List of woods

This is a list of woods, in particular those commonly used in the timber and lumber trade.

See also: woods (golf clubs), forest, and the .

Softwoods (conifers)

* Araucaria
** Hoop Pine (Aus.) "Araucaria cunninghamii"
** Parana Pine (Brazil) "Araucaria angustifolia"
** Pehuén or Chile Pine "Araucaria araucana"
* Cedar ("Cedrus"); also applied to a number of woods from trees in the Cypress family mainly in North America, see Redcedar, Whitecedar and Yellow-Cedar in Softwoods, and to woods from some relatives of the mahogany, see Spanish-cedar and Redcedar in Hardwoods
* Cypress ("Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, Taxodium")
** Arizona Cypress ("Cupressus arizonica")
** Bald Cypress or Southern cypress ("Taxodium distichum")
** Hinoki Cypress ("Chamaecyparis obtusa")
** Lawson's Cypress ("Chamaecyparis lawsoniana")
** Mediterranean Cypress ("Cupressus sempervirens")
* Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir ("Pseudotsuga menziesii" var. "glauca")
* European Yew ("Taxus baccata")
* Fir ("Abies")
** Balsam Fir ("Abies balsamea")
** Silver Fir ("Abies alba")
** Noble Fir ("Abies procera")
** Pacific Silver Fir ("Abies amabilis")
* Hemlock ("Tsuga")
** Eastern Hemlock ("Tsuga canadensis")
** Mountain Hemlock ("Tsuga mertensiana")
** Western Hemlock ("Tsuga heterophylla")
* Kauri (New Zealand) ("Agathis australis")
* Kaya ("Torreya nucifera")
* Larch ("Larix")
** European Larch ("Larix decidua")
** Japanese Larch ("Larix kaempferi")
** Tamarack Larch or Tamarack ("Larix laricina")
** Western Larch ("Larix occidentalis")
* Pine ("Pinus"; Many woods are incorrectly called "Pine". See Araucaria and Douglas-fir above)
** Corsican pine ("Pinus nigra")
** Jack Pine ("Pinus banksiana")
** Lodgepole Pine ("Pinus contorta" subsp "latifolia")
** Monterey Pine ("Pinus radiata")
** Ponderosa Pine ("Pinus ponderosa")
** Red Pine (N.Am.) ("Pinus resinosa")
** Scots Pine, Red pine (UK), Red deal (UK), Redwood (UK, obsolete) ("Pinus sylvestris")
**White Pine in (N.Am.), Yellow or Weymouth pine (UK, obsolete)
*** Eastern White Pine ("Pinus strobus")
*** Western White Pine ("Pinus monticola")
*** Sugar Pine ("Pinus lambertiana")
**Southern Yellow pine (US)
*** Loblolly Pine ("Pinus taeda")
*** Longleaf Pine ("Pinus palustris")
*** Pitch Pine ("Pinus rigida")
*** Shortleaf Pine ("Pinus echinata")
* "Redcedar"
** Eastern Redcedar, ("Juniperus virginiana")
** Western redcedar ("Thuja plicata")
* Redwood ("Sequoia sempervirens")
* Rimu (New Zealand) ("Dacrydium cupressinum")
* Spruce ("Picea")
** Norway Spruce ("Picea abies")
** Black Spruce ("Picea mariana")
** Red Spruce ("Picea rubens")
** Sitka Spruce ("Picea sitchensis")
** White Spruce ("Picea glauca")
* Sugi ("Cryptomeria japonica")
* "Whitecedar"
** Northern Whitecedar ("Thuja occidentalis")
** Southern Whitecedar ("Chamaecyparis thyoides")
* "Yellow-cedar" (Nootka Cypress "Callitropsis nootkatensis", formerly "Chamaecyparis nootkatensis")

Hardwoods (angiosperms)

* Afzelia ("Afzelia")
* Agba yun ("Synsepalum duloificum")
* Albizia ("Albizia")
* Alder ("Alnus")
** Black alder ("Alnus glutinosa")
** Red alder ("Alnus rubra")
* Applewood or wild apple ("Malus")
* Ash ("Fraxinus")
** Black ash ("Fraxinus nigra")
** Blue ash ("Fraxinus quadrangulata")
** Common ash ("Fraxinus excelsior")
** Green ash ("Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata")
** White ash ("Fraxinus americana")
* Aspen ("Populus")
** Bigtooth aspen ("Populus grandidentata")
** European aspen ("Populus tremula")
** Quaking aspen ("Populus tremuloides")
* Ayan ("Distemonanthus benthamianus")
* Balsa ("Ochroma pyramidale")
* Basswood ("Tilia americana")
* Beech ("Fagus")
**European Beech ("Fagus sylvatica")
**American Beech ("Fagus grandifolia")
* Birch ("Betula")
**American birches
*** Gray birch ("Betula populifolia")
*** Paper birch ("Betula papyrifera")
*** Sweet birch ("Betula lenta")
*** Yellow birch ("B. alleghaniensis" syn "Betula lutea") - most common birch wood sold in N.Am.
**European birches, also Baltic birch (N.Am.)
*** Silver birch ("Betula pendula")
*** White Birch ("Betula pubescens")
* Blackbean ("Castanospermum australe")
* Blackwood
** Australian Blackwood also Tasmanian Blackwood ("Acacia melanoxylon")
** African Blackwood or Mpingo ("Dalbergia melanoxylon")
* Bocote ("Cordia alliodora")
* Boxwood or Box ("Buxus sempervirens")
* Brazilwood ("Caesalpinia echinata")
* Bubinga ("Guibourtia")
* Buckeye ("Aesculus")
** Common Horse-chestnut ("Aesculus hippocastanum")
** Yellow Buckeye ("Aesculus flava")
* Butternut ("Juglans cinerea")
* Carapa (or Andiroba, Carap, Crappo, Crabwood and Santa Maria) ("Carapa guianensis") .
* Catalpa ("Catalpa")
* Cherry ("Prunus")
**Black cherry ("Prunus serotina")
**Red cherry ("Prunus pennsylvanica")
**Wild cherry ("Prunus avium")
** "Brazilian Cherry" Not a Cherry See Jatoba below
* Chestnut ("Castanea dentata")
**Cape Chestnut ("Calodendrum capense")
* Coachwood ("Ceratopetalum apetalum")
* Cocobolo ("Dalbergia retusa")
* Corkwood ("Leitneria floridana")
* Cottonwood, eastern ("Populus deltoides")
* Dogwood ("Cornus" spp.)
* Ebony ("Diospyros")
** Andaman marble-wood (India) ("Diospyros kurzii")
** Ebène marbre (Mauritius, E. Africa) ("Diospyros melanida")
** Gabon ebony, Black ebony, African ebony ("Diospyros crassiflora")
* Elm
** American elm ("Ulmus americana")
** English elm ("Ulmus procera")
** Rock elm ("Ulmus thomasii")
** Slippery elm ("Ulmus rubra")
** Wych elm ("Ulmus glabra")
* Eucalyptus ("Eucalyptus")
** Lyptus
** Karri (W. Australia) ("Eucalyptus diversicolor")
** Mahogany eucalyptus, (New South Wales) ("Eucalyptus")
** Ironbark "Eucalyptus sideroxylon"
** Jarrah or West Australian eucalyptus ("Eucalyptus marginata")
** Tasmanian oak or Mountain ash, ("Eucalyptus regnans" "Eucalyptus obliqua" "Eucalyptus delegatensis")
** "River Red Gum"
** Blue Gum "Eucalyptus saligna"
* Greenheart (Guyana) ("Chlorocardium rodiei")
* Grenadilla (Mpingo) ("Dalbergia melanoxylon")
* Gum
** Blackgum ("Nyssa sylvatica")
** Blue gum ("Eucalyptus globulus")
** Redgum or Sweetgum ("Liquidambar styraciflua")
** Tupelo gum ("Nyssa aquatica")
* Hickory ("Carya")
** Mockernut hickory ("Carya alba")
** Pignut hickory ("Carya glabra")
** Shagbark hickory ("Carya ovata")
** Shellbark hickory ("Carya laciniosa")
* Hornbeam ("Carpinus" species)
* Hophornbeam, Eastern ("Ostrya virginiana")
* Ipê or Poui ("Tabebuia")
* Iroko ("Milicia excelsa" syn "Chlorophora excelsa")
* Ironwood refers to the wood of many tree species noted for the hardness of their wood. Trees commonly known as ironwoods include:
** "Carpinus caroliniana" — also known as American hornbeam
** "Casuarina equisetifolia" — Common Ironwood from Australia
** "Choricbangarpia subargentea"
** "Copaifera" spp.
** "Eusideroxylon zwageri"
** "Guajacum officinale" and "Guajacum sanctum" — Lignum vitae
** "Hopea odorata"
** "Ipe High in silica this wood makes a great decking material. Other common name " Brazilian Walnut"
** "Krugiodendron ferreum" — Black Ironwood
** "Lyonothamnus lyonii (L. floribundus)" — Catalina Ironwood
** "Mesua ferrea" — also known as Rose Chestnut or Ceylon Ironwood, from Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia
** "Olea spp." — various olive trees
** "Olneya tesota" — Desert Ironwood
** "Ostrya virginiana" — Hop hornbeam
** "Parrotia persica" — Persian Ironwood
** "Tabebuia serratifolia" — Yellow Lapacho
* Jacarandá, Brazilian rosewood ("Dalbergia nigra")
* Jatobá ("Hymenaea courbaril")
* Lacewood from the Sycamore(N.Am.) or Plane(UK) trees ("Platanus" species)

* Laurel, California ("Umbellularia californica")
* Limba ("Terminalia superba")
* Lignum vitae ("Guaiacum officinale" and "Guaiacum sanctum")
* Locust
** Black locust or Yellow locust ("Robinia pseudacacia")
** Honey locust ("Gleditsia triacanthos")
* Mahogany

* Maple ("Acer")
** Hard Maple (N.Am.)
*** Sugar maple ("Acer saccharum")
*** Black maple ("Acer nigrum")
** Soft Maple (N.Am.)
*** Manitoba maple ("Acer negundo")
*** Red maple ("Acer rubrum")
*** Silver maple ("Acer saccharinum")
**European Maples
*** Sycamore maple ("Acer pseudoplatanus")

* Meranti ("Shorea spp.")
* Mpingo (Grenadilla) ("Dalbergia melanoxylon")
* Oak ("Quercus")
** American White Oak includes wood from any of the following species of trees:
*** Bur oak ("Quercus macrocarpa")
*** White oak ("Quercus alba")
*** Post oak ("Quercus stellata")
*** Swamp white oak ("Quercus bicolor")
*** Southern live oak ("Quercus virginiana")
*** Swamp chestnut oak ("Quercus michauxii")
*** Chestnut oak ("Quercus prinus" or "Q. Montana")
*** Chinkapin oak ("Quercus muhlenbergii")
*** Canyon live oak ("Quercus chrysolepis")
*** Overcup oak ("Quercus lyrata")
** English oak, also "French" and "Slovenian oak" barrels ("Quercus robur" and sometimes "Quercus petraea")
** Red oak includes wood from any of the following species of trees:
*** Red oak ("Quercus rubra")
*** Black oak ("Quercus velutina")
*** Laurel oak ("Quercus laurifolia)")
*** Southern red oak ("Quercus falcata")
*** Water oak ("Quercus nigra")
*** Willow oak {"Quercus phellos")
*** Nuttall's oak ("Quercus texana" or "Q. nuttallii")
*** Willow oak ("Quercus phellos")
** "Tasmanian oak"; Not an oak see Eucalyptus above
** Australian "Silky oak"; Not an oak see Silky Oak below
* Obeche or Samba, Ayous, Arere, Wana, Abache (West Africa) ("Triplochiton scleroxylon")
* Okoumé or "Gaboon" ("Aucoumea klaineana")
* Oregon Myrtle or California Bay Laurel ("Umbellularia californica")
* Pear ("Pyrus communis")
* Pernambuco is another name for Brazilwood ("Caesalpinia echinata")

* Poplar ("Populus"; in N.Am., wood sold as poplar is usually Yellow-poplar — see below)
** Balsam poplar ("Populus balsamifera")
** Black poplar ("Populus nigra")
** Hybrid poplar ("Populus × canadensis")
* Ramin
* Redcedar ("Toona ciliata")
* Rosewood ("Dalbergia" spp.)
* Sal ("Shorea robusta")
* Sandalwood ("Santalum")
* Sassafras ("Sassafras albidum")
* Sassafras (Australia) ("Atherosperma moschatum")
* Satinwood (Ceylon) ("Chloroxylon swietenia")
* Silky Oak ("Grevillea robusta") - Sold as Lacewood in North America
* Silver Wattle "Acacia dealbata"
* Snakewood
* Sourwood ("Oxydendrum arboreum")
* Spanish-cedar ("Cedrela odorata")
* American sycamore ("Platanus occidentalis")
* Teak ("Tectona grandis")
* Walnut ("Juglans")
** Black Walnut ("Juglans nigra")
** Persian Walnut ("Juglans regia")
** Brazilian walnut; Not a walnut see Ipe above.
* Willow ("Salix")
** Black willow ("Salix nigra")
** Cricket-bat willow ("Salix alba" 'Coerulea')
** White willow ("Salix alba")
* Yellow-poplar ("Liriodendron tulipifera")

Hardwoods (monocotyledons)

* Bamboo (a number of species in Tribe: Bambuseae)
* Palmwood ("Cocos nucifera") is 'new' wood source that is increasingly being used as an ecologically-sound alternative to endangered hardwoods.

ee also

*List of Indian timber trees

External links

* [ Wood Identification Website]
* [ Database of Wood Species]
* [ Australian timbers]
* [ Reproduction of "The American Woods: exhibited by actual specimens and with copious explanatory text" by Romeyn B. Hough]
* [ US Forest Products Laboratory, "Characteristics and Availability of Commercially Important Wood" from the "Wood Handbook"] PDF 916K
* [ International Wood Collectors Society]
* [ Xiloteca Manuel Soler] (One of the largest private collection of wood samples)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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