- Lehmer mean
The Lehmer mean of a
tuple x of positivereal number s is defined as::L_p(x) = frac{sum_{k=1}^{n} x_k^p}{sum_{k=1}^{n} x_k^{p-1.The Weighted Lehmer mean with respect to a tuple w of positive weights is defined as::L_{p,w}(x) = frac{sum_{k=1}^{n} w_kcdot x_k^p}{sum_{k=1}^{n} w_kcdot x_k^{p-1.
The Lehmer mean is an alternative to
power mean sfor interpolating betweenminimum andmaximum viaarithmetic mean andharmonic mean .Properties
The derivative of p mapsto L_p(x) is non-negative:frac{partial}{partial p} L_p(x) =frac {sum_{j=1}^{n}sum_{k=j+1}^{n} (x_j-x_k)cdot(ln x_j - ln x_k)cdot(x_jcdot x_k)^{p-1 {left(sum_{k=1}^{n} x_k^{p-1} ight)^2},thus this function is monotonic and the inequality:ple q Rightarrow L_p(x) le L_q(x)holds.
pecial cases
*lim_{p o-infty} L_p(x) is the
minimum of the elements of x.
*L_0(x) is theharmonic mean .
*L_frac{1}{2}left((x_0,x_1) ight) is thegeometric mean of the two values x_0 and x_1.
*L_1(x) is thearithmetic mean .
*L_2(x) is thecontraharmonic mean .
*lim_{p oinfty} L_p(x) is themaximum of the elements of x.:Sketch of a proof:Without loss of generality let x_1,dots,x_k be the values which equal the maximum. Then L_p(x)=x_1cdotfrac{k+left(frac{x_{k+1{x_1} ight)^p+dots+left(frac{x_{n{x_1} ight)^p}{k+left(frac{x_{k+1{x_1} ight)^{p-1}+dots+left(frac{x_{n{x_1} ight)^{p-1Applications
Signal processing
Like a
power mean ,a Lehmer mean serves a non-linearmoving average which is shifted towards small signal values for small pand emphasizes big signal values for big p.Given an efficient implementation of a moving arithmetic meancalled smooth you can implement a moving Lehmer meanaccording to the following Haskell code. lehmerSmooth :: Floating a => ( [a] -> [a] ) -> a -> [a] -> [a] lehmerSmooth smooth p xs = zipWith (/) (smooth (map (**p) xs)) (smooth (map (**(p-1)) xs))* For big p it can serve an
envelope detector on a rectified signal.
* For small p it can serve an baseline detector on amass spectrum .ee also
mean External links
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LehmerMean.html Lehmer Mean at MathWorld]
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