European Parliament election, 2004 (Poland)

European Parliament election, 2004 (Poland)

Elections to the European Parliament were held in Poland on June 13, 2004. 20.87% of eligible citizens voted; of these, 97.33% of the votes cast were valid. The elections resulted in a heavy defeat for the governing Alliance of the Democratic Left and Labor Union parties, although the very low turnout makes a direct comparison with national election results difficult. As expected the most successful party was the Citizens Platform. Second place was taken by the strongly anti-EU League of Polish Families.

The radical populist Self-Defense of the Polish Republic, which some opinion polls had predicted would come second, came fourth after the Law and Justice party. The election results were a success for Social Democracy of Poland, which managed to cross the required 5% threshold, and the Freedom Union, which got over twice the expected percentage of votes.


Registered voters: 29,986,109
Votes cast: 6,265,062 (20.9%)
Invalid votes: 173,531 (2.8%)
Valid votes: 6,091,531 (97.2%)

* 9. Union of Real Politics (Unia Polityki Realnej) - 1,87 proc.,
* 10. National Electoral Committee of Electors (Narodowy Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców) - 1,56 proc.,
* 11. Initiative for Poland (Inicjatywa dla Polski) - 1,45 proc.,
* 12. Country Pensioners Party - People's Democratic Party (Krajowa Partia Emerytów i Rencistów) - 0,8 proc.,
* 13. Confederation Movement for Unemployed Protection (Konfederacja Ruch Obrony Bezrobotnych) - 0,61 proc.,
* 14. All-Poland Citizen Committee "EYE" (Ogólnopolski Komitet Obywatelski "OKO") - 0,58 proc.,
* 15. Polish Labour Party (Polska Partia Pracy) - 0,54 proc.,
* 16. Anti-Clerical Party of Progress "Reason" (Antyklerykalna Partia Postępu "Racja") - 0,3 proc.,
* 17. Democratic Party of the Left (Demokratyczna Partia Lewicy) - 0,09 proc.
* 18. "Together for Future" ("Razem dla Przyszłości") - 0,05 proc.,
* 19. National Renaissance of Poland (Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski) - 0,04 proc.,
* 20. Polish National Party (Polska Partia Narodowa) - 0,04 proc.,
* 21. Greens 2004 (Zieloni 2004) - 0,27 proc.,

= Polish MEPs Members of European Parliament =

= Platforma Obywatelska =

* Jerzy Buzek, ex-prime minister, professor of technical sciences
* Zdzisław Chmielewski, historian, rector of Szczecin University
* Małgorzata Handzlik, publisher and journalist
* Stanisław Jałowiecki, sociologist and politician
* Filip Kaczmarek, historian and journalist
* Bogdan Klich, expert on international politics
* Barbara Kudrycka, professor of law
* Janusz Lewandowski, economist, ex-minister of privatisation
* Jan Olbrycht, politician, ex-mayor of Cieszyn
* Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, economist, former Poland-EU negotiator
* Jacek Protasiewicz, philologist and politician
* Bogusław Sonik, lawyer and politician
* Zbigniew Zaleski, professor of psychology
* Tadeusz Zwiefka, journalist

= Liga Polskich Rodzin =

* Filip Adwent, physician and author
* Sylwester Chruszcz, architect and politician
* Maciej Giertych, politician and publicist
* Dariusz Grabowski, economist, politician and businessman
* Urszula Krupa, doctor of medicine, journalist
* Mirosław Piotrowski, professor of history
* Bogdan Pek, zootechnologist and politician
* Bogusław Rogalski, historian, farmer and political activist
* Witold Tomczak, physician and politician
* Wojciech Wierzejski, politician and sociologist

= Prawo i Sprawiedliwość =

* Adam Bielan, politician
* Anna Fotyga, international trade expert, vice-mayor of Gdańsk (2002-2004)
* Mieczysław Janowski, doctor of technical sciences, local activist
* Michał Kamiński, journalist and politician
* Marcin Libicki, arts historian and politician
* Wojciech Roszkowski, historian, professor of politics
* Konrad Szymanski, lawyer, journalist and politician

= Samoobrona =

* Marek Czarnecki, lawyer, journalist and politician
* Ryszard Czarnecki, historian, journalist and politician
* Bogdan Golik, aminals doctor and business advisor
* Wiesław Kuc, economist and agriculture expert
* Jan Masiel, psychiatrist and business advisor
* Leopold Rutowicz, economist and businessman

= Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy =

* Adam Gierek, politician, son of Edward Gierek, communist leader of Poland in the 1970s
* Lidia Geringer d'Oedenberg, economist and journalist
* Bogusław Liberadzki, economist, ex-minister of transport
* Marek Siwiec, journalist, politician, president's advisor
* Andrzej Szejna, economist, politician

= Unia Wolności =

* Bronisław Geremek, historian and politician, ex-minister of foreign affairs
* Jan Kulakowski, journalist, ex Poland-EU negotiator
* Janusz Onyszkiewicz, mathematician and politician, ex-minister of defence
* Grazyna Staniszewska, politician, senator

Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe

* Zbigniew Kuzmiuk, politician, chairman of PSL parliamentary caucus
* Zdzisław Podkański, historian and politician, vicechairman of PSL, ex-viceminister of culture
* Czesław Siekierski, agriculture aconomist, ex-viceminister of agriculture
* Janusz Wojciechowski, lawyer and politician, chairman of PSL since March 2004

Socjaldemokracja Polska

* Genowefa Grabowska, professor of international law, senator
* Józef Pinior, lawyer, economist and politician
* Dariusz Rosati, professor of economics, ex-minister of foreign affairs


* Paweł Piskorski, politician, ex-mayor of Warsaw

ee also

* Politics of Poland
* Poland (European Parliament constituency)


* "Obwieszczenie PKW z dnia 15 VI 2004 r.", Dz.U. Nr 137, poz. 1460.

External links

* [ European Election News by European Election Law Association (Eurela)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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