15 Eunomia

15 Eunomia

Infobox Planet | discovery=yes | physical_characteristics = yes | bgcolour=#FFFFC0
name=15 Eunomia

discoverer=Annibale de Gasparis
discovered=July 29, 1851
mp_category=Main belt, (Eunomia family)
epoch=June 14, 2006 (JD 2453900.5)
semimajor=395.429 Gm (2.643 AU)
perihelion=321.429 Gm (2.149 AU)
aphelion=469.429 Gm (3.138 AU)
period=1569.687 d (4.30 a)
avg_speed=18.16 km/s
dimensions=330×245×205 [http://www.psi.edu/pds/asteroid/IRAS_A_FPA_3_RDR_IMPS_V6_0/data/diamalb.tab Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey] ] Nathues, A.; et al.; (2005); [http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/~mjk/Eunomia.pdf "Spectral study of the Eunomia asteroid family - I. Eunomia"] , Icarus, Vol. 175, p. 452] Tanga, P.; et al.; (2003); [http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aa/pdf/2003/14/aa3023.pdf?access=ok "Asteroid observations with the Hubble Space Telescope"] ; Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 401, p. 733]
mass=3.26±0.12e|19 kgStoss, R. M.; Vitagliano, A.; (2006); [http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aa/pdf/forthpdf/aa5760-06_forth.pdf "New mass determination of (15) Eunomia based on a very close encounter with mp|(50278) 2000 CZ|12"] ; Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. aa5760-06]
density=3.8±0.7 g/cm³
surface_grav=0.08 m/s²
escape_velocity=0.16 km/s
rotation=0.2535 d (6.083 h) [ [http://www.psi.edu/pds/archive/lc.html Planetary Data System (PDS) lightcurve data] ]
spectral_type=S-type asteroid
magnitude = 7.9cite book | author=Donald H. Menzel and Jay M. Pasachoff | year=1983 | title=A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets | edition=2nd edition | publisher=Houghton Mifflin | pages=p. 391 | location=Boston, MA | id=ISBN 0395348358 ] to 11.24
albedo=0.209 (geometric)
angular_size = 0.29" to 0.085"
single_temperature=~166 K "max:" 260 K (-13 °C)

15 Eunomia (pronEng|jʊˈnoʊmiə respell|ew|NOH|mee-ə, _gr. "Ευνομία)" is a very large asteroid in the inner main asteroid belt. It is the largest of the stony (S-type) asteroids, and somewhere between the 8th to 12th largest Main Belt asteroid overall (uncertainty in diameters causes uncertainty in its ranking). It is also the largest member of the Eunomia family of asteroids.

Eunomia was discovered by Annibale de Gasparis on July 29, 1851 and named after Eunomia, one of the Horae (Hours), a personification of order and law in Greek mythology.


As the largest S-type asteroid (with 3 Juno being a very close second), Eunomia has attracted a moderate amount of scientific attention. It contains slightly over one percent of the mass of the entire main belt.

Eunomia appears to be an elongated but fairly regularly shaped body, with what appear to be four sides of differing curvature and noticeably different average compositions. Its elongation led to the suggestion that Eunomia may be a binary object. However, this has been refuted. It is a retrograde rotator with its pole pointing towards ecliptic coordinates (β, λ) = (-65°, 2°) with a 10° uncertainty. This gives an axial tilt of about 165°.

Like other true members of the family, its surface is composed of silicates and some nickel-iron, and is quite bright. Calcium-rich pyroxenes and olivine, along with nickel-iron metal have been detected on Eunomia's surface. Spectroscopic studies suggest that Eunomia has regions with differing composition. A larger region dominated by olivine, which is pyroxene poor and metal rich, and another somewhat smaller region on one hemisphere (the less pointed end) that is noticeably richer in pyroxene, and has a generally basaltic composition.Reed, K. L.; Gaffey, M. J.; and Lebofsky, L. A.; (1997); "Shape and Albedo Variations of Asteroid 15 Eunomia", Icarus, Vol. 125, p. 446]

This composition indicates that the parent body was likely subject to magmatic processes, and became at least partially differentiated under the influence of internal heating in the early period of the Solar System. The range of compositions of the remaining Eunomia family members, formed by a collision of the common parent body, is large enough to encompass all the surface variations on Eunomia itself. Interestingly, the majority of smaller family members are more pyroxene rich than Eunomia's surface, and contain very few metallic (M-type) bodies.

Altogether these lines of evidence suggest that Eunomia is the central remnant of the parent body of the Eunomia family that was stripped of most of its crustal material by the family-forming impact, but perhaps not disrupted. However, there is uncertainty over Eunomia's internal structure and relationship to the family parent body. Computer simulations of the collisionMichel, P.; Benz, W.; and Richardson, D. C.; (2001); "Catastrophic disruption of pre-shattered parent bodies", Icarus, Vol. 168, p. 420] are more consistent with Eunomia being a re-accumulation of most of the fragments of a completely shattered parent body. Coversely again, Eunomia's quite high density would indicate that it is not a rubble pile after all. Whetever the case in this respect, it appears that any metallic core region, if present, has not been exposed.

An older explanation of the compositional differences, that Eunomia is a mantle fragment of a far larger parent body (with a bit of crust on one end, and a bit of core on the other) appears to be ruled out by studies of the mass distribution of the entire Eunomia family of asteroids. These indicate that the largest remaining fragment (that is, Eunomia) should have about 70% of the mass of the parent body,Tanga, P.; et al.; (1999); "On the Size Distribution of Asteroid Families: The Role of Geometry", Icarus, Vol. 141, p. 65] which is consistent with Eunomia being a "central" remnant, with the crust and a part of the mantle stripped off.

These indications are also in accord with fresh mass determinations which indicate that Eunomia has a typical density for mostly intact stony asteroids, and not the anomalously low "rubble pile" density of ~1 g/cm³ that had been obtained earlier.

Eunomia has been observed occulting stars three times. It has a mean opposition magnitude of +8.5, [ [http://jas.org.jo/ast.html The Brightest Asteroids] ] about equal to the mean brightness of Titan and can reach +7.9 at a near perihelion opposition.

Eunomia in fiction

:"See Asteroids in fiction."


External links

* [http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/~mjk/Eunomia.pdf shape model deduced from lightcurve, including composition variations across the surface]
* [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=15;orb=1 Orbital simulation] from JPL (Java) / [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=sb&sstr=15 Ephemeris]

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