Neural therapy

Neural therapy

Neural Therapy is a system to diagnose and treat medical problems of patients which are otherwise difficult to treat or resistant to treatment. Neural therapy (in German: "Neuraltherapie") can be traced back to the German physicians Ferdinand and Walter Huneke, who at first called it "Heilanästhesie" (curative anaesthesia), then "Segmenttherapie" (segmental therapy) and finally, at K.R. von Roques's suggestion, "neural therapy after Huneke".

Neural Therapy is based on the theory that trauma can produce long-standing disturbances in the electrochemical function of tissues. Among the types of tissues affected by trauma include scars, nerves or a cluster of nerves called ganglion. There is no scientific evidence that neural therapy is effective in treating cancer or any other disease.[1]. It has been used to treat pain disorders, though there is not strong evidence to support its efficacy.[2] It is practiced mostly in South America and Europe.[1][3]



In 1925 Ferdinand Huneke, a German surgeon, used a newly launched pain drug, that contained Procaine (a local anaesthetic) on his sister who suffered from severe intractable migraine. Instead of using it as recommended intramuscular he injected it intra-venously - and the migraine attack stopped immediately. Impressed he and his brother Walter used Procaine/Novocaine and at times a mixture with caffeine called "Impletol" (still used in migraine medicines) which proved to be useful in many painful conditions either via local injection or i.v.

1940 Ferdinand Huneke injected the painful shoulder of a lady who also had an osteomyelitis in her leg which at that time (before antibiotics) threatened her with amputation. The shoulder pain improved somewhat but the leg wound became itchy. This time he injected the leg wound - and the shoulder pain vanished immediately - a reaction called "Flash Phaenomenon" (Sekundenphaenomen).


  • Neural Therapy: Applied Neurophysiology and Other Topics: Robert F. Kidd. Custom. Banner Can J Anesth.2006; 53: 1066
  • Atlas of Neural Therapy with Local Anaesthitics, 2nd Edition. Mathias P. Dosch. Thiemen Verlagsgruppe, 2002
  • Dosch, P.: Lehrbuch der Neuraltherapie nach Huneke, 14. Aufl., Karl F. Haug, Heidelberg 1995.
  • Fischer, L.: Neuraltherapie nach Huneke – Grundlagen, Technik, praktische Anwendungen. Hippokrates, 2. Aufl., Stuttgart 2001.
  • Hahn-Godeffroy, J.D.: Neuraltherapie nach Huneke – Störfeldtherapie – ein regulationsmedizinisches Verfahren unter Verwendung von Procain, 2. Aufl., Uelzen 2004.
  • Mudra, I., Badtke, G.: Neuraltherapie. Lehrbuch und Atlas, 2. Aufl., München 1998.

Chapters in Books

  • Spiegel W, Ortner W. Neural Therapy: Diagnosis and Treatment of Regulatory Disorders. In: Bisconcin M, Maso G, Mathers N (eds). European Textbook of Family Medicine, Milano:Passoni, 2006, pp 240–244.


  1. ^ a b American Cancer Society
  2. ^ Barbagli P, Bollettin R, Ceccherelli F. Acupuncture (dry needle) versus neural therapy (local anesthesia) in the treatment of benign back pain. Immediate and long-term results. Minerva Med. 2003 Aug;94 (4 Suppl 1):17-25. Italian. PMID 15108608
  3. ^ Neuraltherapie in Österreich
  • Mattig W, Buchholz W, Schulz HJ, Severe iatrogenic lesions caused by Huneke's neural therapy, Z Gesamte Inn Med. 1979 Mar 1;34(5):143-7
  • Heyll U, Ziegenhagen DJ., Subarachnoid hemorrhage as life-threatening complication of neural therapy. Case report. Versicherungsmedizin. 2000 Mar 1;52(1):33-6
  • Stöhr M, Mayer K., Nerve-root damage from local injections, Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1976 Aug 13;101(33):1218-20
  • G. Badtke, I. Mudra: Neuraltherapie. Lehrbuch und Atlas, 2. Aufl., München 1998, ISBN 3861261049.
  • P. Barbagli, R. Bollettin: Therapy of articular and periarticular pain with local anesthetics (neural therapy of Huneke). Long and short term results. Minerva Anestesiol 1998; 64 (1-2): 35-43.
  • P. Barbagli, F. Ceccherelli: Possible etiopathogenic role of scars in chronic non malignant pain. Cases and case records, Minerva Medica 2005; 96 (suppl. 2 n. 3): 15-24.
  • H. Barop:Lehrbuch und Atlas Neuraltherapie nach Huneke, Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart 1996.
  • P. Dosch: Lehrbuch der Neuraltherapie nach Huneke, 14. Aufl., Karl F. Haug, Heidelberg 1995, ISBN 3-8304-0632-0.
  • L. Fischer: Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. Neurophysiologie, Injektionstechnik und Therapievorschläge. Hippokrates, 3. Aufl., Stuttgart 2007. ISBN 383045368X
  • J.D. Hahn-Godeffroy: Neuraltherapie nach Huneke – Störfeldtherapie – ein regulationsmedizinisches Verfahren unter Verwendung von Procain, 2. Aufl., Uelzen 2004. ISBN 3-8813-6223-1
  • J.D. Hahn-Godeffroy: Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Procain: was ist gesichert?, In: Komplementäre und integrative Medizin. 02/2007, S. 32-34. ISSN 1863-8678.
  • ↑ a b c d
  • ↑ a b Irmgard Oepen: Neuraltherapie- „Zauberspritze“ oder diagnostisch-therapeutische Lokalanästhesie? in: Außenseitermethoden in der Medizin. Ursprünge, Gefahren, Konsequenzen. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1986, ISBN 3-534-01736-6
  • ↑ Stöhr M, Mayer K., Nerve-root damage from local injections, Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1976 Aug 13;101(33):1218-20
  • ↑ Mattig W, Buchholz W, Schulz H, Severe iatrogenic lesions caused by Huneke's neural therapy , Z Gesamte Inn Med. 1979 Mar 1;34(5):143-7
  • ↑ Heyll U, Ziegenhagen DJ., Subarachnoid hemorrhage as life-threatening complication of neural therapy. Case report. Versicherungsmedizin. 2000 Mar 1;52(1):33-6
   ↑ Larsen: Anästhesie, 7. Auflage

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