

Albuminuria is a pathological condition where albumin is present in the urine. It is a type of proteinuria.


The amount of protein being lost in the urine can be quantified by collecting the urine for 24 hours, measuring a sample of the pooled urine, and extrapolating to the volume collected.


The kidneys normally filter out large molecules from the urine, so albuminuria can be an indicator of damage to the kidneys. It can also occur in patients with long-standing diabetes especially type 1 diabetes.

Causes of albuminuria can be discriminated between by the amount of protein excreted.

* The nephrotic syndrome usually results in the excretion of about 3.0 to 3.5 grams per 24 hours.

* Nephritic syndrome results in far less albuminuria.

* Microalbuminuria (less than 300mg) can be a forerunner of diabetic nephropathy.

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