Uca pugilator

Uca pugilator

name = "Uca pugilator"

image_width = 220px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Crustacea
classis = Malacostraca
ordo = Decapoda
infraordo = Brachyura
familia = Ocypodidae
genus = "Uca"
species ="U. pugilator"
binomial = "Uca pugilator"
binomial_authority = (Bosc, 1802)

"Uca pugilator", the sand fiddler crab is a small fiddler crab found in sandy, mangrove-covered ground, where it digs its holes in the root-filled ground. It uses these holes for shelter from the elements and predators. The carapace is a square shape, tapering slightly to the rear. The space between the eyes is much shorter than the eyestalk. The males have one extremely enlarged claw, which they use to claim their territory and fight with other males. It is common for males to lose claws in the "battles". When this happens, the claw regenerates on the same side that it was lost. Fiddler crabs are right or left clawed. The inside of these claws are also very smooth, unlike its other close relatives "Uca pugnax" and "Uca minax".


*Kenneth L Gosner, "Petersons Field Guides: Atlantic Seashore"


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