- Sophon Supapong
Sophon Supapong (Thai: โสภณ สุภาพงศ) is a former Senator for
Bangkok in the National Assembly ofThailand and the former President ofBangchak Petroleum . [The Nation, [http://www.burmalibrary.org/reg.burma/archives/199801/msg00368.html Pipeline Panel Makes Little Headway] , 28 January 1998]In 2005, Sophon accused the
United States of being the mastermind behind bombings in theSouth Thailand insurgency . [th icon Matichon, [http://www.matichon.co.th/matichon/matichon_detail.php?s_tag=01p0103070448&day=2005%2F04%2F07 ส.ส.ปชป.เชื่อ”ต่างชาติ”มีส่วนแทรกแซง] , 7 April 2005] As a Senator, Sophon accused Prime MinisterThaksin Shinawatra of taking part in theFinland Plan and using gains from the privatization of state energy company PTT in a plan to overthrow theChakri dynasty and establish acommunist dictatorship . [The Bangkok Post, "TRT goes on offensive over 'Finland Plan'", 22 May 2006] It was revealed in April 2007 that Sophon was paid by the military junta to criticize deposed PremierThaksin Shinawatra following the2006 Thailand coup . However, Sophon continued to deny that he received any payment. [The Nation, [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/04/11/politics/politics_30031650.php Saprang's cousin given PR work 'because of experience'] , 11 April 2007]References
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