- Finland Plot
The Finland Plot, Finland Plan, Finland Strategy or Finland Declaration ( _th. แผนฟินแลนด์, ยุทธศาสตร์ฟินแลนด์, ปฏิญญาฟินแลนด์) are names of a controversial agenda espoused by
Sondhi Limthongkul and supporters affiliated with thePeople's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in May 2006 describing a plot allegedly developed by Thai Prime MinisterThaksin Shinawatra and formerThai communist Party members to make a regime change; the royal power severe restrained, one- party system, authoritarian rule by one party. The 'plot' allegedly was planned inFinland in 1999 during Thaksin's visit.However Thaksin admitted that he and his team were on vacation trip in Finland in 1997.The allegations had a negative impact on the popularity of Thaksin and his government, despite the fact that no evidence was ever produced to verify the existence of a plot. Thaksin and his
Thai Rak Thai party vehemently denied the accusations and sued the accusers. Thaksin's supporters blasted it as a propaganda to topple the premier's rule.Background
Protests against Thai Prime Minister
Thaksin Shinawatra increased throughout 2005 and 2006 due to a various causes. Some NGOs and intellectuals started criticizing him as an authoritarian leader, ignoring the abuse of human right. [http://www.thaingo.org/cgi-bin/content/content1/show.pl?0292] In 2005, Sondhi Limthongkul, a media tycoon, owner ofThe Manager newspaper, became a harsh critic of Thaksin and opened new charges against the premier, including his April 2005 appearance at a merit-making ceremony at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the September 2005 cancellation of Sondhi Limthongkul'sMuangthai Raisabdah television show, Thaksin's November 2005 plan to give local communities control of public schools, Thaksin's sale ofShin Corporation in January 2006, and Thaksin's alleged role in the March 2006 destruction of the Phra Phrom Erawan shrine. ["The Nation", [http://nationmultimedia.com/2005/11/11/headlines/index.php?news=headlines_19127252.html PM’s Office dismisses report in 'Phujadkarn'] ,11 November 2006 ] [Freedom House, [http://www.freedomhouse.org/inc/content/pubs/pfs/inc_country_detail.cfm?country=7072&year=2006&pf Freedom Of The Press - Thailand (2006)] ] [Danielle Sabai and Jean Sanuk, "International Viewpoint", [http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/article.php3?id_article=1009 Crisis in the ‘Land of the Smile’] , March 2006] ["The Star", [http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2006/4/2/focus/13836842&sec=focus Dreaded day dawns – despite lies and dark forces] ,2 April 2006 ] ["The Nation", [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/03/23/politics/politics_20003410.php Vandal's dad distraught] ,23 March 2006 ]The Finland Plot
In May 2006, on the eve of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 60th anniversary celebrations, the
Sondhi Limthongkul -ownedManager Daily newspaper published the details of what it called the "Finland Plan", "Finland Declaration", or "Finland Strategy". The articles claimed that Thaksin and former student leaders of Thailand's 1970s democratic movement met inFinland in 1999 to develop a plan to institute rule by a single party, overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic, and hold elections for provincial governors. The 5-part article were titled "Finland Strategy: Thailand's Revolution Plan?", was written by Pramote Nakhonthap, and appeared in 17, 19, 22, 23 and 24 May 2006. Thaksin's alleged co-conspirators apparently included Thai Rak Thai party membersPrommin Lertsuridej (Secretary-General to the Premier),Chaturon Chaisaeng (Deputy Prime Minister),Surapong Suebwonglee (Minister of Information and Communications Technology),Adisorn Piangket (Former Deputy Science Minister),Sutham Saengprathum (Deputy Interior Minister), andPhumtham Wechayachai (Deputy Transport Minister), all of whom had been affiliated with theCommunist Party of Thailand following the massacre of 6 October 1976. ["The Nation", "Burning Issue: Finland, monarchy: a dangerous mix", May 25, 2006] ["The Bangkok Post", [http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-southeastasia.asp?parentid=46976 "Manager sued for articles on 'Finland plot'"] ,31 May 2006 ]The allegations were taken up by several prominent critics, including leaders of the
People's Alliance for Democracy , constitution drafterChai-anan Samudavanija , SenatorSophon Supapong , writerPramote Nakornthab , and Democrat leaderThaworn Senniam . ["The Bangkok Post", "TRT goes on offensive over 'Finland Plan'",22 May 2006 ] ["The Nation", [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/05/25/politics/politics_30004843.php Thaksin clearly wanted republic, critics charge] ,25 May 2006 ]None of the accusers provided any evidence to back up their allegations. Sondhi noted that his source was a Thai Rak Thai worker who had recently "defected." ["The Nation", [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/05/25/politics/politics_30004842.php "'Finland plot' on dangerous ground"] ,
25 May 2006 ]Variations and denials
Variations of the original theory were also proposed, including the claim that the plot involved overseas groups intent on overthrowing the
Chakri dynasty , the claim thatmedia consolidation was a core component of the conspiracy, the claim that the Plan was aimed at maintaining aconstitutional monarchy while reducing the powers of the monarch to a mere figurehead, and the claim that a law designed to further decentralize central administrative power to the Thai provinces, and the claim that Thaksin wanted to establish a republic in replace of current kingdom. democracies. ["The Nation", "Thaksin clearly wanted republic, critics charge",25 May 2006 ] ["The Bangkok Post", "Sondhi expands on 'Finland Plan'",21 May 2006 ]Another variation claimed that Thaksin's co-conspirators were former members of the
Communist Party of Thailand including Deputy Transport MinisterPhumtham Wechayachai and had applied a theory of orthodoxMarxism to map out the TRT strategy to promote capitalism. This variation claimed that Thailand during the 1970s was still a semi-feudal society and needed to become a capitalist society as part of the transition to socialism. The communists then worked with Thaksin to fully develop Thailand's capitalist economic system, destroy all remnants of feudalism, and privatize state-owned assets, while at the same time establishing a single-party dictatorship, all in order to create a socialist dictatorship. ["The Nation", [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/05/25/politics/politics_30004842.php 'Finland plot' on dangerous ground] ,25 May 2006 ]The allegations were roundly denied by Thaksin Shinawatra and the leadership of his
Thai Rak Thai party, including Surapong Suebwonglee andPrommin Lertsuridej . ["The Bangkok Post", "TRT goes on offensive over 'Finland Plan'",22 May 2006 ] ["The Nation", [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/05/22/politics/politics_30004578.php "TRT: No such thing as 'Finland declaration'"] ,22 May 2006 ]On
30 May , Thaksin Shinawatra and Thana Benjathikul, a lawyer from the Thai Rak Thai party, sued Sondhi, editor Khunthong Lorserivanich, columnist Pramote Nakhonthap, executive Saowalak Thiranujanyong, and webmaster Panjapat Angkhasuwan for libel. The lawsuit alleged that the articles were intended to ruin Thai Rak Thai and Thaksin's political future by making the public believe the party was planning to overturn the constitutional monarchy. Thaksin's lawsuit attracted criticism and claims that Thaksin was trying to censor the media. ["The Bangkok Post", [http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-southeastasia.asp?parentid=46976 "Manager sued for articles on 'Finland plot'"] ,31 May 2006 ]Impact of the allegations
The allegations had a negative impact on the popularity of Thaksin and his government. Thaksin was forced to explain his position, swearing his loyalty to the monarchy. [Kavi Chongkittavorn, [http://www.anu.edu.au/thaionline/Kavi.pdf Thailand's Current Political Crisis seminar presentation] ,
7 June 2006 ]In an editorial, the influential anti-Thaksin newspaper "The Nation" noted:
"The Nation" noted that the actual existence of the Plot was not important - the mere invocation of the royalty would be enough to damage the
Thai Rak Thai party. ["The Nation", "Burning Issue: Finland, monarchy: a dangerous mix",May 25 ,2006 ] Many commentators noted the similarity between the Finland Plot allegations and the allegations used justify the massacre of students on6 October 1976 , which in the context of the Thailand political crisis, might justify amilitary coup . [Demosthenes, [http://demosthenes.blogspot.com/2006/09/yep-it-was-coup_20.html Yep, it was a coup] ,20 September 2006 ] [Etat de droit, [http://etatdedroit.blogspot.com/2006/05/blog-post_21.html ความเหมือนที่แตกต่าง] ,21 May 2006 ] [Bookish, [http://ekumen.wordpress.com/2006/05/23/the-finland-declaration/ The Finland Declaration] ,23 May 2006 ] The Thai military eventually successfully executed a coup against the Thaksin government on19 September 2006 . One of the junta's stated rationalle for the coup was that Thaksin had insulted the King.References
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