- If It Had Happened Otherwise
"If It Had Happened Otherwise" (ISBN 028397821X) is a 1931 collection of essays edited by
J. C. Squire and published by Longmans, Green. Each essay in the collection could be considered an alternate history orcounterfactual history , a few written by leading historians of the period and one byWinston Churchill . The original edition included the following essays: [ [http://www.uchronia.net/bib.cgi/label.html?id=squiifitha Ucrhonia Entry] ]* "If Drouet's Cart had Stuck" by
Hilaire Belloc : In thisalternate history ,Louis XVI regains the French throne as a puppet ofGreat Britain , leading to disastrous results during the laterWorld War I , which ends with the victory ofKaiser Wilhelm II .* "If
Don John of Austria had MarriedMary Queen of Scots " byG. K. Chesterton [ [http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mward/gkc/books/Common_Man.txt "If Don John of Austria had Married Mary Queen of Scots" by G. K. Chesterton] (scroll to bottom of page)]* "If Lee had Lost the
Battle of Gettysburg " byWinston Churchill : Although theConfederate States of America achieves independence, theBritish Empire becomes a broker between the USA and CSA, resulting in an eventual unification of all three as the "English Speaking Association", which preventsWorld War I . This essay is written from the viewpoint of a historian in a world where the Confederacy won the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War. [ [http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=674 First section of text of "If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg" by Winston Churchill] ]* "If Napoleon had Escaped to America" by
H. A. L. Fisher :Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from his exile inElba and liberates most ofCentral America andSouth America from Spanish and Portuguese rule.* "If the
Moors in Spain had Won" byPhilip Guedalla : IslamicGranada survives as a separate political entity, weakening Spain from the late fifteenth century onward, but resulting in a liberal humanist brand of Islam, the adoption of constitutional monarchy, and Spanish participation on theCentral Powers side duringWorld War I against Granada and the Allies.* "If the
General Strike had Succeeded" byRonald Knox : In this 1931, a facsimile "Times" discloses the outcome as Great Britain undercommunist rule.* "If the Emperor Frederick had not had Cancer" by
Emil Ludwig : German Emperor Frederick III survives, and with his wife, Princess Victoria, rules a liberal humanist Germany where their son never succumbs to militarism, due to the long-term benign effects of this scenario. Therefore,World War I never happens in this world.* "If Louis XVI had an Atom of Firmness" by
André Maurois : As withHillaire Belloc 's essay above, this positsLouis XVI as retaining the French throne and averting theFrench Revolution . However, in this version of French history, he makes necessary financial and constitutional reforms beforehand that prevent the circumstances that led to the revolution, and result in the survival of France as a constitutional monarchy into the twentieth century.* "If
Byron had Become King of Greece" byHarold Nicolson * "If It Had Been Discovered in 1930 that Bacon Really Did Write Shakespeare" by
J. C. Squire * "If Booth had Missed Lincoln" by Milton Waldman: In this world, Lincoln is charged with mismanaging the recently concluded Civil War, and there is repeated friction between Lincoln and a hostile US federal Congress. Before Congress can impeach him in 1867, however, Lincoln dies, discredited and castigated as a spendthrift warmonger.
A revised edition with the alternate title "If: or, History Rewritten" was also released by the American publisher Viking in 1931, deleting Ronald Knox's essay and adding one new essay along with reprints of two older ones:
* "If the Dutch had Kept
Nieuw Amsterdam " byHendrik Willem Van Loon * "If: A
Jacobite Fantasy" byCharles Petrie (1926): In this universe,Charles Edward Stuart ("Bonnie Prince Charlie") won the battle ofCulloden in 1745, resulting in Hanoverian flight back to their home German province.James Francis Edward Stuart (son ofJames II of England , or the "Old Pretender") is restored to the British throne as "James III", but proves conciliatory in terms of religion and government. When "Bonnie Prince Charlie" succeeds his father as Charles III in 1766, his adroit diplomatic skills prevent theAmerican Revolution through sharing his own dislike for the House of Commons with his American counterparts.Henry Benedict Stuart succeeds his childless brother in 1788, as "Henry IX". In this world, he never entered the clergy and was able to father surviving children, so the Stuart dynasty effectively displaces that of the Hanoverians from that point on. [ [http://www.jacobite.ca/essays/if.htm "If: A Jacobite Fantasy" by Charles Petrie] ]* "If Napoleon had Won the
Battle of Waterloo " byG. M. Trevelyan (1907): In this world,Great Britain becomes a reactionary dictatorship wracked with political instability in the early nineteenth century, dealing with the trauma of defeat and reparations, resulting in the censorship of much of EnglishRomanticism . France governs much of Europe, and Napoleon eventually dies of old age. [ [http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/7227/ifnapwon.htm "If Napoleon had Won the Battle of Waterloo" by G. M. Trevalyan] ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.