- Eastern Wolf
name = Eastern Wolf
status = EN
image_width = 230px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Carnivora
familia =Canidae
genus = "Canis "
species = "C. lupus"
subspecies = "C. l. lycaon"
* "canadensis" (de Blainville, 1843)
* "ungavensis" (Comeau, 1940) [MSW3 Wozencraft | pages = | id =14000738]
trinomial = "Canis lupus lycaon"
trinomial_authority = Schreber, 1775
range_map_width = 230px
range_map_caption = Eastern Timber wolf rangeThe Eastern Wolf ("Canis [lupus] lycaon") also know as "Eastern Canadian Wolf" or "Eastern Canadian Red Wolf" is traditionally considered to be a subspecies of the
Gray Wolf . Sometimes it is also viewed as a result of historical hybridization between grey wolves and red wolves orcoyote s. However, recent molecular studies suggest that the eastern wolf is not a gray wolf subspecies, nor the result of gray wolf/coyote hybridization, but a distinct species ("Canis lycaon") [Sonya K. Grewal, Paul. J. Wilson, Tabitha K. Kung, Karmi Shami, Mary T. Theberge, John B. Theberge, and Bradley N. White: "A GENETIC ASSESSMENT OF THE EASTERN WOLF (CANIS LYCAON) IN ALGONQUIN PROVINCIAL PARK." Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 85, Issue 4 (August 2004). [http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-pdf&doi=10.1644%2F1545-1542%282004%29085%3C0625%3AAGAOTE%3E2.0.CO%3B2 Abstract] ] [C.J. Kyle, A.R. Johnson, B.R. Patterson, P.J. Wilson, K. Shami, S.K. Grewal and B.N. White: "Genetic nature of eastern wolves: Past, present and future". Conservation Genetics, Volume 7, Number 2 / April 2006. Pages 273-287 [http://www.springerlink.com/content/wv3432846309q403/ Abstract] ] . Many names were proposed, including the Eastern Wolf, Eastern Gray Wolf, Eastern Timber Wolf and Algonquin Wolf, although Eastern Wolf has appeared to gain the most recognition.Taxonomy
The Eastern Canadian wolf is just thought to be the remnant northern range of a once continuous range of a native canid - the Eastern wolf (E.C. w & Red Wolf). The pre-Columbian range is thought to include US states east of the Mississippi and South of the Canadian Shield-St. Lawrence corridor (Aria Johnson & Brad N. White, 2003 ). The Red Wolf is slowly being re-introduced into the wild in areas like Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in
North Carolina . Eastern Wolves (and therefore Red Wolves) are very small in size compared to the Gray Wolf ("Canis lupus") living in the boreal forest north of Lake Superior in Ontario. Unlike the Gray Wolf, the Eastern Wolf in Algonquin Park has never been recorded with an all-black or all-white coat (wolf research in Al. P. cited 2008). Eastern wolf mainly exist in Algonquin Park in Canada-USA border. Type Algonquin is pure genetic population of Eastern wolf, type-Ontario is hybrid with grey wolf (possible with C. l. nubilus or "C. l. griseoalbus" ad etc. ) (Wilson et al. 2000). Mech and Frenzel (1971) suggest, when they stated that the northeastern Minnesota timber wolves are assigned to "C. l. lycaon", but they are from an area within 150 km of the range of "C. l nubilus" as described by Goldman (1944) Type live in South of Algonquin Park is mix Eastern Canadian Wolf with Coyotes.Physical attributes
The Eastern Wolf is smaller than the
Gray Wolf . It has a palegrey ish-brown pelt . The back and the sides are covered with long,black hair s. Behind theear s, there is a slightred dish colour. These differences in attributes are thought to be a result of theirRed Wolf ancestry . The Algonquin wolf is also skinnier than theGrey Wolf and displays a coyote-like appearance. This is because wolves and coyotes often mate and breed hybrid wolf/coyote pups in the park. The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society states: "Hybridization with coyotes has historically been a precursor to the decline of Eastern wolf populations. The Committee on the Status of Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) has identified hybridization with coyotes as one of the major threats facing the Eastern wolf, and hybridization continues to pose a serious challenge to red wolf recovery efforts in North Carolina." Because the two animals looks so much alike, a ban on the hunting of Algonquin wolves and coyotes has been in place to make sure no accidental deaths occur.Grey wolves will attack, kill or drive out coyotes if they find them, but recent studies by John and Mary Theberge suggest that Algonquin red wolf males mate and accept coyote females. John Theberge states that, because coyotes are smaller than wolves, that female wolves would be less likely to accept a smaller mate.
The Eastern Wolf mainly occupies the area in and around
Algonquin Provincial Park inOntario , and also ventures into adjacent parts ofQuebec ,Canada . It also may be present inMinnesota andManitoba . In the past, this species might have ranged south intothe United States , but after the arrival of Europeans, these wolves were heavily persecuted and became extirpated from theUnited States . In Canada, exact numbers of Eastern Canadian Wolves are unknown.In Algonquin wolves often travel outside the park boundaries, and enter farm country where some are killed. "Of all the wolf deaths recorded from 1988 to 1999, a minimum of 66% was caused by humans. Shooting and snaring outside park boundaries were the leading causes of death for wolves radio-collared in Algonquin Park" (Theberge 1998, CBSG 2000). One wolf that was radio-collared in July 1992 was located in October in Gatineau Park (north of Ottawa), which is 170 km from Algonquin Park. By mid-December it had made its way back to Algonquin ,and then, in March 1993, this wolf's severed head was found nailed to a telephone poll in Round Lake by a man who hated wolves.
The Eastern Wolf preys on
White-tailed Deer ,Moose ,lagomorphs , androdents includingbeaver ,muskrat , and mice. Preying onAmerican Black Bear was also reported. Studies inAlgonquin Provincial Park showed that three species accounted for 99% of the wolves's diet: Moose (some of which is scavenged),White-tailed Deer , andBeaver (ca. 33% each). The wolves tend to prey more frequently onAmerican Beaver in the summer, and onWhite-tailed Deer in the winter.Fact|date=October 2007Gallery
See also
Red Wolf External links
* [http://www.cbsg.org/reports/reports/exec_sum/WolvesAlgonquinProvincialParkPHVA_HighRes.pdf The Wolves of Algonquin Park PHVA Final Report] , PDF includes the final recommendation on how to proceed with the Eastern Canadian Wolf.
* [http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/wolf_report_opt.pdf The Wolves of Algonquin Provincial Park ? A Report by the Algonquin Wolf Advisory Group] PDF
* [http://www.nrdpfc.ca/files/Report_to_COSEWIC2001.pdf Status of the Eastern Wolf] A PDF document outlining genetic research concerning the Eastern Canadian Wolf.
* [http://ctd.mdibl.org/voc.go?voc=taxon&termUI=228401 The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database] which lists some of the Eastern Canadian Wolf's Genetic Information.
* [http://www.northernskynews.com/backissue%20pages/Wolves%20at%20the%20door.html Wolves at the Door] Documenting the resurgence of wolves in North America.References
*Banfield, A.W.F. 1974. The Mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press.
*Reid, F.A. 2006. Field Guide to the Mammals of North America north of Mexico. Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin. New York.
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