- Cardiac glands
Infobox Anatomy
Latin =
GraySubject = 247
GrayPage = 1166
Caption = Section ofmucous membrane of humanstomach , near thecardiac orifice . X 45.
c. Cardiac glands.
d. Theirducts .
cr. Gland similar to theintestinal glands , with goblet cells.
mm.Mucous membrane .
m.Muscularis mucosae .
m’. Muscular tissue within the mucous membrane.
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DorlandsPre = g_06
DorlandsSuf = 12391263
The cardiac glands of thestomach secrete primarilymucus . They are few in number and occur close to thecardiac orifice where theesophagus joins the stomach.In general, they are more shallow than those in the other parts of the stomach.
They are of two kinds:
* (1)simple tubular glands resembling those of thepyloric end of thestomach , but with shortducts .
* (2)compound racemose glands resembling theduodenal glands .The cardiac gland is both innervated by the parasympathetic and symapthetic nerve fibres of the autonomic nervous system.
External links
* - "Esophageal-stomach junction"
* - "Digestive System: Alimentary Canal: esophageal/stomach junction"
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